Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3713: : Patients with severe dysentery

Boss Cai knew that Ye Chen was going to treat people last night, and thought he had come back last night, but he never expected to stay there.

"Go to treat that warchief tonight. He has stayed on my side and only came back just now."

It turned out to be so.

When he learned that Ye Chen had already eaten breakfast, Mr. Cai didn’t let him go busy anymore. When Ye Chen just sat down, the first patient in line was a black woman, who also looked bloated. Kind.

According to the elephant’s translation, the middle-aged woman has repeatedly experienced high fever for half a month, and her body temperature has been around 38-40 degrees Celsius. She was sweating and thirsty, constipated, oliguria, and even closed urine for nine days.

I have taken western medicine and antibiotics, but it has no effect.

After Ye Chen checked her pulse condition and tongue condition, according to the other party's condition, the illness was caused by Shu, and Shu Wen bet on the bladder.

Ye Chen prescribed a simple prescription, brewed with Ji Su San boiling water to clear the green juice, and then used it to take Zi Xue San.

After Ye Chen and Elephant made it very clear, after the middle-aged woman's family made a note, and then went to Boss Cai to buy medicinal materials, it actually didn't cost a lot of money.

In fact, the other party’s situation does not lie in having a high fever, otherwise the fever-reducing injections such as antibiotics will still have no effect.

After the middle-aged woman left, Ye Chen continued to see the patient.

At about noon, he did not know how many patients had been seen.

It may be because of the matter with Ye Chen. Today Miller felt a little uncomfortable below, so she went back to the hotel to rest first.

When Mr. Cai asked someone to prepare lunch, when Ye Chen called Miller and asked her to come over to eat, Miller said, "You eat, don't call me."

No matter what, women seem to have a strange feeling about these things.

"Boss Cai, help me get a meal, and I'll take it to Miller in a while."

"How is Miss Mi?"

"She may be a little uncomfortable."


Boss Cai didn't think much.

When asked to prepare a meat dish and ribs soup for Miller, Ye Chen finished lunch and took it back to the hotel.

Now Miller is resting in the room.

When Ye Chen knocked on the door, Miller inside did not respond.

"I'm outside the door, you open the door!"

Miller got up and opened the door after answering the phone, thinking why Ye Chen had come back, but unexpectedly brought lunch back for her to eat.

Miller was more or less moved.

Some smiles appeared on his face.

"Then you eat first, those patients are still waiting for me."

After Ye Chen closed the door, he went back to Boss Cai's shop.

I thought that there were a lot of patients missing, but I didn't expect it, but there were a lot more.

Ye Chen could only sit there and see the doctor.

It was about ten o'clock in the evening that the last few people slept.

Two of them had common colds. Ye Chen prescribed medicine for them, and the two of them took the prescription and went to Boss Cai to buy medicinal materials and left.

However, the remaining patient was very strange and kept holding his head there.

I knew it was so serious, so I showed him first.

When Ye Chen was just about to show him, the elephant hurriedly said, "Doctor Ye, the other party's face looks very ugly?"

"You can see it?"

Generally speaking, the skin color of these blacks is hard to see if you don't pay much attention to it.

When Ye Chen checked him, he asked many more questions.

He already knows that this is not another disease, it is dysentery that is likely to kill people.

In fact, since ancient times, this disease has easily killed people.

Dysentery, the name of TCM disease. It is clinically characterized by dysentery, red and white pus, abdominal pain, and tenesmus.

The main cause is the pathogenic virus from exogenous infection, internal injury and unclean diet.

The disease is located in the intestine and is closely related to the spleen and stomach.

The pathogenesis is damp heat, epidemic toxins, cold dampness in the intestines, stagnation of qi and blood, damage to the lipid membrane and blood collaterals, turning into pus and blood, loss of conduction in the large intestine, and dysentery.

The violent dysentery is more positive, and the chronic dysentery is more deficient.

In the treatment of dysentery, first dysentery should be relieved, chronic dysentery should be astringent, hot dysentery should be cleared, cold dysentery should be warmed, and those with cold-heat deficiency and excess should be combined with astringent, warming and clearing. For infectious bacillary dysentery and amoebic dysentery, the focus should be on prevention and control of infection.

Exogenous feelings of the evil, this disease is mostly caused by the feeling of the seasonal evil, and the nature of the evil is threefold: "One is the evil of the epidemic virus, which invades the stomach and intestines, and the onset is sudden, resulting in epidemic dysentery; the other is the evil of damp heat. Steaming, gastrointestinal dysentery is blocked, and the hair is damp-heat dysentery; the third is summer heat, cold and dampness, cold and dampness, gastrointestinal discord, stagnation of qi and blood, and cold-damp dysentery."

Unclean diet, usually addicted to eating fat, sweet and thick taste, or eating rotten and unclean things by mistake, causing damp heat, or Xia Yue eating raw and cold melons and fruits, damaging the spleen and stomach, trapped in the center, damp-heat or cold dampness, and food accumulation. Yun means blockage of Qi in the intestines, stagnation of Qi and blood stasis, and coma with the rot in the intestines, turning into pus and blood, and causing the disease.

Diarrhea is located in the large intestine, is related to the spleen and stomach, and may involve the kidneys. The pathological factors are mainly damp-heat epidemic poison, and the pathological nature is divided into cold and heat deficiency and excess.

The basic pathogenesis is the accumulation of evil intestines, stagnation of qi and blood, loss of conduction, and dysentery caused by injury to the fatty network.

Pathological nature: The initial stage is mostly positive, caused by damp heat or cold dampness.

Diarrhea can last for a long time, and it can turn from actual to virtual or mixed with virtual and actual.

Pathological evolution: Invasion of damp heat and epidemic poison, the poison is in the inside, burns the intestines, consumes blood, and is epidemic dysentery. Such as dysentery incurable, prolonged for a long time, or too early to collect astringency, close the door and leave invaders, righteousness and evil love, can develop into dysentery when it starts and stops, and it is difficult to heal for a long time.

TCM diagnosis is based on symptoms such as abdominal pain, tenesmus, increased stool frequency, and discharge of red and white pus and blood in the stool. The onset of violent dysentery is sudden, with a short course, and may be accompanied by aversion to cold, fever, etc.; chronic dysentery has a slow onset, recurring, and prolonged unhealed; epidemic dysentery is severe and dangerous, most common in children, with rapid onset and abdominal pain When the diarrhea has not yet appeared, there is high fever and fatigue, cold limbs, gray complexion, superficial breathing, fainting convulsions, and dysentery and vomiting are not necessarily serious. Many have a history of unclean diet; acute onset occurs mostly at the turn of summer and autumn, and chronic dysentery can occur in all four seasons.

The difference between dysentery and diarrhea, the two mostly occur in summer and autumn, the disease is in the gastrointestinal tract, and the etiology is also similar. The symptoms are abdominal pain and the frequency of bowel movements are increased, but the number of dysentery and diarrhea is large, and the dysentery is red and pus Blood, abdominal pain with tenesmus is obvious.

With diarrhea, loose stools, thin stools, or watery, or unresolved stools, and no red and white pus or blood in the stools, abdominal pain is often accompanied by bowel sounds, and tenesmus is rare.

Diarrhea and dysentery can transform into each other under certain conditions, or diarrhea first and then diarrhea, or diarrhea first and then diarrhea. It is generally believed that the condition of diarrhea after diarrhea is aggravated, and the condition of diarrhea after diarrhea is reduced.

The principle of treatment is to clear heat dysentery, warm cold dysentery, get rid of it at first stage dysentery, make up for chronic dysentery deficiency, use the combination of clearing and warming for cold and heat, and attacking and replenishing for mixed deficiency and excess.

At the beginning of dysentery, it is more common with empirical evidence and heat syndrome, which should be used to clear heat and dissolve dampness and detoxification; chronic dysentery deficiency and cold syndrome should be supplemented with deficiency and warmth, regulate the spleen and stomach, and also cleanse the intestines to remove astringent and solid off.

For the following dysentery with both manifestations, it is advisable to combine the surface-relief agent, dredge the externally, and dredge the internally.

Liu Hejian proposed: "Adjusting the qi will eliminate the weight afterwards, and if the blood is flowing, the pus will heal itself."

The method of regulating qi and blood can be used for multiple syndromes of dysentery, multiple use of blood medicine for red, and multiple use of Qi medicine for white. In the process of mastering the dialectical treatment of strengthening the body and eliminating evil, one should always take care of the stomach qi.

As for the prognosis of dysentery, the ancients often judged the color and quantity of dysentery. Dysentery is mild in those with feces, severe in those without feces, dysentery is as serious as fish brains, such as pig liver, such as red bean juice, and diarrhea with pure blood or house leakage is severe.

At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish the severity of the disease according to its clinical manifestations, and determine the prognosis of the patient, paying special attention to observe the virulent toxins, whether the stomach qi is declining, whether the yin and jin are exhausted, and whether the yang is collapsed.

Generally speaking, those who can eat are light, and those who cannot eat are heavier.

Diarrhea is accompanied by fever, thirst, irritability, shortness of breath, or even delirium, although the frequency of diarrhea is reduced, but the abdominal distension is seen as a drum, which is common in epidemic dysentery and damp-heat dysentery. If it is not treated in time, it can develop into internal closure and external exclusion.

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