Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3709: : Snake sore

When Ye Chen promised to attend the free clinic of Boss Cai’s medicinal material shop, Boss Cai looked very happy, and Mi Le, who was on the side, also agreed to treat the patient with mental illness.

In fact, such as mental illnesses, no matter what race they are, whether they are poor or rich, they will suffer more or less. This is also the cause of suicide for those with more serious mental illness.

Because Miller agreed to treat those patients with mental illness, it undoubtedly made the boss Cai even more happy.

He felt that this time, the medicinal material shop wouldn't be able to be famous without thinking.

Early the next morning, when Ye Chen had just gotten up, Boss Cai came to find him personally, and invited him, Miller, and Elephant to drink morning tea.

"Boss Cai, you are too polite."

"It's okay, it should be."

When they came to a teahouse in Chinatown, Ye Chen and Miller, the mercenaries, after drinking morning tea, came to the medicinal shop, the mercenaries helped to maintain order outside.

Of course, for fear of someone coming in, these mercenaries deliberately check whether the blacks have any weapons.

It is still unclear whether the gangsters in the town will come at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen sat next to him, and Miller sat on the other side.

Miller is treating patients with mental illness.

However, when I came here now, most of them were uncomfortable, but I went to see Ye Chen.

I heard that there is a very good Chinese doctor here who can see the doctor for free, but when you can buy medicinal materials in the pharmacy, many black people come to queue.

Like the first patient who came in, he actually suffered from a very serious skin disease, which is called snake sore in Chinese medicine.

Snake ulcer is an acute herpetic skin disease in which clusters of blisters appear on the skin and are distributed in bands.

Because the skin lesions resemble snakes, it is called snake sore; because it occurs every time the waist is wound, it is also called loincloth fire pill; this disease is also called herpes sore, snake pill, spider sore and so on.

Qing·"Surgery Dacheng·Lumbar Fire Pill" called this disease "commonly known as snake string sore, born on the waist, purple red like a rash, or blisters, pain like fire."

It is clinically characterized by clusters of blisters, which are distributed along one side of the peripheral nerve and accompanied by tingling pain. It is more common in adults, more likely in spring and autumn.

Equivalent to shingles in western medicine. Generally, there are prodromal symptoms such as mild fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, and burning sensation on the affected skin or neuralgia, but there are also prodromal symptoms without prodromal symptoms.

After 1 to 3 days, irregular erythema occurred in the affected area, followed by numerous and clusters of miliary to mung bean-sized papules, which quickly became blisters, clustered in one or several places, arranged in bands, and blisters often occurred in batches , The clusters are separated by normal skin. The blister fluid is transparent and becomes turbid after 5 to 7 days, or partly ulcerated, eroded and exuded, and finally dried and formed the scab. After a few days, the scab fell off and healed.

A small number of patients do not develop typical blisters, only erythema, papules, or bullae, or blood blisters, or necrosis; petromas or elderly and infirm patients may develop a varicella-like rash all over the body within a few days after the local eruption. It is often accompanied by high fever, which can cause lung and brain damage. The condition is serious and can cause death.

Usually in the part of the rash, it is often accompanied by swelling and pain.

The rash mostly occurs on one side of the body and does not exceed the midline, but sometimes a small number of rashes may appear on the opposite side of the affected part. Skin lesions often occur on the waist, ribs, chest, head, face, and neck. It can also be seen on the limbs, genitals, eyes, nose, and mouth.

Pain is one of the characteristics of this disease. The degree of pain can vary with the year of the lacewing, the location of the disease, and the severity of the damage. Generally, children have no pain or mild pain. The older the age, the more severe the pain; the head and face are more painful than other parts Severe; the rash is bleeding or necrosis, often painful. Some elderly patients still have nerve pain after the rash has completely subsided, which lasts for several months.

If the disease occurs in the eyes, corneal blisters and ulcers may occur. After the disease is cured, the eyesight may be affected by scars. In severe cases, it may cause blindness, encephalitis, and even death. If it occurs in the ears, there may be symptoms such as external auditory canal or tympanic herpes, paralysis on the affected side, tinnitus and deafness of varying severity. In addition, a small number of patients may also have motor paralysis and encephalitis.

Snake ulcers like this type are very serious skin diseases. Ye Chen has encountered many such patients in China before.

If it is not cured in time, then it is likely to be fatal.

The black man saw that the back of the other party was all covered, and the other party didn't dare to wear those close-fitting clothes at all. There was an unpleasant smell on his body, which was the smell of condensed pus.

He has always sought treatment from Western medicine, but the prescriptions given by Western medicine are simply treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

When I came here, I didn’t dare to sit down at all. When I was standing there, after checking carefully, Ye Chen asked the other party several more questions. After the turkey on the side translated, Ye Chen said, “His luck is pretty good. If you meet me, you may be dead in half a year."

For diseases like this, it is best to force out the heat toxins by taking medicinal soup orally.

Then add topical ointment.

If there is no ointment, at least some medicinal materials should be used for cleaning every day, so that his disease will get better.

As for the local method of burning the head and the tail, Ye Chen can actually do it, but he thinks it is better to use medicine.

After checking the pulse and tongue of the black man, the patient’s condition was already clear.

Ye Chen directly prescribed a prescription for the black man.

The patient's condition is that the skin lesions are bright red due to stagnation of heat in the liver meridian, the blister wall is tight, burning and stinging; with bitter mouth and dry throat, irritability, dry stool or yellow urine. Tongue appearance: red tongue, thin yellow or thick yellow coating. Pulse condition: slippery pulse string.

TCM dialectics: stagnation of liver qi, stagnation of qi to transform fire, external inflammation of the skin, so the skin lesions are bright red, and the blister wall is tight; stagnation of qi, stagnation of dampness and heat, then burning and stinging; Anger; bitter mouth, dry throat, dry stool, yellow urine, red tongue, yellow fur, and slippery pulse are all signs of heat.

Treatment method: clearing liver fire and detoxifying heat.

Ye Chen wrote the prescription in detail.

As for external use, it would be best to get ointment or medicated oil by himself, but it is more difficult. Therefore, he still prescribes Chinese medicine for external use, mainly to clean the affected areas.

According to the situation of the other party, one week is effective.

However, it takes at least half a month to get better.

Only by expelling all the heat toxins inside can his illness really get better.

Ye Chen wrote very clearly and told the family of the black man that he would come back to him in half a month.

Of course, Ye Chen would probably return to the town again.

After seeing the black man, Ye Chen continued to see the next patient.

Ye Chen found that there were surgical, internal medicine, and weird diseases. They didn't go to see it, but they had never been optimistic.

This really has a lot to do with the medical treatment here.

Even though Mwanza is the second largest city in Tanzania, the level of medical care is still the same as that of small domestic cities, and it is not even that convenient.

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