Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3680: : Black Chinese Doctor

Except for fish, everything else may not be cheap here.

Ye Chen knew that Dr. He's old Chinese doctors were not used to the food cooked in the hospital canteen, so Ye Chen planned to buy some tools and go home to cook for himself.

"Miss interpreter, can I buy some tools to cook and eat myself?"

"Doctor Ye, don't you like the food in the dining hall?"

In fact, she doesn't really like it herself.

The black pearl female translator really didn't like the food that made it sticky.

When she was in Dar es Salaam, she ate all seafood.

It’s close to the beach, and seafood is not very expensive.

Moreover, she has received European and American higher education and can cook western food.

"To be honest, I don't like eating."

"Yes, I'm afraid you won't have time to cook then."

Said the female translator.

Ye Chen was going to buy some tools and go home to cook.

Like tableware, induction cooker.

These have to be sold, but the price here is a bit more expensive.

Moreover, Ye Chen didn't change dollars or shillings before coming.

"Will they charge RMB?"

Ye Chen asked.

In fact, in Africa, the US dollar is still the mainstay, and then to other countries. Although some countries also accept RMB, it is not as widespread as the US dollar.

Of course, in these ordinary small towns, the currency of the country is still received, and people in other countries don’t know it for fear of being cheated.

"Doctor Ye, I pay first, and these countries will all be reimbursed."

The problem is that this country is so poor, Ye Chen is really embarrassed to spend their money.

"Miss interpreter, you pay for me first, and when I exchange the shilling, I will pay you back."

Ye Chen bought all those things, and then took them back to the hospital accommodation with the female translator.

Here are all domestic support, the voltage is also the domestic 220 volts, and the electrical appliances are also suitable.

After these are all set.

Ye Chen felt that his purpose of coming here was to treat people.

"Miss interpreter, when will you arrange to see a doctor?"

"I'll ask."

Tanzania is very poor.

Therefore, here is the same as in the 1960s and 1970s in China. Medical care and education are all free and supported by the state.

However, not many free things are good.

Like here in Tanzania, many people do not get medicine at all when they see a doctor.

It doesn't matter whether many patients come to the hospital or not.

Now that a large number of Chinese medicinal materials have been supported from Shanghai, the medicinal materials store here is considered to have medicinal materials.

Of course, those western medicine and western medicine may also be supported by Western countries or China.

When Dr. He and the others were still resting, when the female translator came back, they said they could ask Ye Chen to go over.

As for Doctor He and the others, Ye Chen would not call them.

When I followed the female interpreter to the Chinese medicine clinic downstairs, I found that they were all black men in white coats.

There are male doctors and female doctors among these black people.

As for their long names, I really don't understand.

Like one named elephant, and another named turkey.

There are other names that seem to be local plants and animals.

And judging from their outline, if you don’t pay attention, it’s hard to tell the difference between these blacks.

Ye Chen shook hands with them one by one. After getting to know each other, these people also learned Chinese medicine, and for many years.

"Since you are also studying Chinese medicine, I will test your level."

How can learning Chinese medicine be so easy?

It is difficult for those domestic students to learn, let alone these Africans.

Ye Chen didn't underestimate them, but he knew very well that Chinese medicine is really difficult, much harder than Chinese.

Moreover, Africans are of black race, while Chinese are of yellow race. The race is different, and some aspects of their body structure are different.

When they sat down, Ye Chen stretched out his hand and asked them to see the pulse.

These people really had studied Chinese medicine, and stretched out their hands to show Ye Chen the pulse.

In the end, they said a result, Ye Chen shook his head.

Observing, hearing, and asking questions is the basis of Chinese medicine, and pulse condition is the top priority.

Ye Chen taught the classmates like that when he was freshman.

And these black doctors are afraid it is difficult to distinguish the pulse condition.

When Ye Chen explained with the black doctors, the female translator had difficulty explaining some Chinese medical terms.

This situation is really too difficult.

It seemed that Ye Chen knew that he was treating African patients, and these black doctors wanted a lot of time for students.

Now when they were standing around and watching, patients began to be sent over outside.

It's a teenage boy. The boy's family said that he was bitten by a poisonous snake when he went outside.

Bitten by a poisonous snake?

Ye Chen looked over and saw the tooth print of a poisonous snake, and black blood was still flowing.

After Ye Chen hurriedly squeezed out most of them, he looked at the female translator aside and said, "Is there an anti-venom serum in the hospital?"


The female translator shook her head.

There may be other than Dar es Salaam.

Nowhere else in Tanzania.

However, many Africans like to catch snakes, whether they are poisonous or non-venomous, they like to catch them and eat them if they are accidentally bitten.

Some may die, some may survive, but there will definitely be sequelae.

Ye Chen didn't need to think about it and knew there was no antivenom.

Even if he was sent to Dar es Salaam, I was afraid that the boy would not have a chance to beat those serums.

There was no way, Ye Chen knew that he could only be treated by Chinese medicine.

He carefully checked the boy's condition, including his pulse.

This belongs to the evil poison.

After he prescribed a prescription, he took out acupuncture, first used acupuncture to force out his blood, and then used Chinese medicine soup to force out the remaining snake venom.

While the boy's parents were still crying, Ye Chen comforted him: "It's okay, I will heal him."

Animals have feelings, let alone people.

When the two black couples heard Ye Chen say that, they slowly stopped crying.

Give the little boy acupuncture first.

At this time, seeing the silver needle he took out, the black doctors around were very happy and excited.

It is acupuncture.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture!

Cried the black Chinese doctors.

They think that one of the most powerful aspects of Chinese medicine is the treatment of diseases through acupuncture. This does not require medication or injections, and those patients are just fine.

They didn't expect that this young Doctor Ye was so powerful, he could actually do acupuncture.

After Ye Chen asked them to calm down first, he performed acupuncture at several acupuncture points on the black boy. After finding the acupuncture points, Ye Chen didn't expect that the acupuncture points on the black body were really different from the Chinese.

Now Ye Chen began to wonder why the white people in Europe could not find or believe the acupuncture points mentioned by Chinese medicine?

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