Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3516: : Re-use a hanging prescription

Regarding the qi of Chinese medicine, I said it last time during Ye Chen's free clinic, but many people don’t understand the production of sputum, but they know that it is related to the lungs, and they always feel that the sputum is in the throat. It is very uncomfortable not to come out.

Now this old gentleman is too.

"I feel like I can't vomit a thick sputum from my throat, Dr. Ye, what should I do? It's so uncomfortable?

Ye Chen had already prescribed a prescription for him. It was obvious that now that the old gentleman is getting old, his physique has declined, and the function of his internal organs has also begun to decline, which has caused the accumulation of thick phlegm to remain in his throat.

"Come on, give it a try, old gentleman, I'll let you spit out that thick sputum."

After asking the old gentleman to lift his back, Ye Chen took out the silver needles from the box on the tabletop, disinfected them, and then gave the old gentlemen acupuncture.

About five minutes later, the old man felt a hot sensation rushing to his brain.

Ye Chen took out the silver needles, and then patted his back and the position of the nape of his neck lightly, and then asked Han Xiaoxiao to get a garbage bag.

When the old man was bent over, it didn't take long for him to suddenly feel a very nauseous sensation, which came straight up from his stomach, and then he vomited directly and then vomited the thick sputum.

The thick phlegm was black, still smelling like a fishy smell, and it was precisely because of this that he felt that when communicating with other old people, there would be such air that made him afraid to speak.

When Ye Chen rinsed his mouth with another glass of water, it didn't take long for the old gentleman to feel much more comfortable, and he felt that the thick phlegm in his throat was completely gone.

"Doctor Ye, you are really a god."

"Sir, you take this prescription and go back to the lungs and spleen that are slowly conditioning. They have some problems. After you wait, you won't accumulate so much thick phlegm."

The old man thanked Ye Chen and looked at the old man when he went outside.

Ye Chen didn't say anything.

When it was the second patient's turn, Ye Chen looked at it again.

Ye Chen didn't know how much he watched until lunch time, but Han Xiaoxiao counted, he saw 38 patients in the morning.

Of course, serious and minor illnesses have everything, most of which are related to intractable diseases.

When Ye Chen and Han Xiaoxiao went to eat in the private room of the hospital restaurant prepared by Lao Liu, Ye Chen washed their hands and sat down. Lao Liu said: "Doctor Ye, those patients have a very good impression of you and medical skills. It’s fine to stay in the capital to open a private clinic. Of course, our Union Hospital also welcomes you to join. I’m afraid we won’t be able to invite you, a great god.”

"Lao Liu, I appreciate your kindness. The most important thing is that my home is in Shanghai. Besides, after school starts, I will focus on teaching."

At this time, Lao Liu remembered that Ye Chen is now the honorary president of Huaxia University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Of course, that university was founded by Ye Chen. I have to say that he found that Ye Chen's path was indeed very different from his path.

Obviously, Ye Chen wants to develop Chinese medicine, and he is just a simple Chinese doctor and manager.

After lunch, he returned to the office and Ye Chen continued to see the doctor.

During this period, there were all kinds of diseases, large and small, and Ye Chen didn't feel anything special. At most, he would have to see the second and third clinics.

However, after dinner, Ye Chen continued to see a doctor. It should be one of the patients he saw today in the 90-odd quota.

When the patient came in, a middle-aged couple helped in.

When Ye Chen looked at the opponent's feet, he walked frivolously and silently. More importantly, when he was just held in, a strong smell came out.

In fact, Ye Chen knew that this was lifeless.

This kind of death energy from the inside out, because the internal organs of the body begin to become corrupted.

Looking at the old man's eyes again, his eyes were already dead, and his face looked ugly.

After he sat down, the middle-aged man hurriedly said, "Doctor Ye, please help my father."

"To be honest, you should be very clear, the old gentleman is running out of time."

"Doctor Ye, you."

"I knew he was just supported by you."

Ye Chen said.

These are two obvious characteristics. Of course, walking silently and lightly. If someone pays attention, you can still see hunger. As for the smell of death, some doctors can’t smell it. It may be because of constant contact with patients. , The noses of these doctors are used to it.

But who is Ye Chen?

He has a good understanding of Chinese medicine, and his nose is very sensitive now.

"Then, what should I do, I don't want my father to leave, is there any way you can let him stay for a while?"

The middle-aged man said.

In fact, when the opponent is in this situation, his internal organs are beginning to corrupt, and unless the gods come, there is no way for the genius doctor.

"What is his unfulfilled wish?"

"Yes, yes, some of my relatives abroad have not returned."

The middle-aged man said hurriedly.

For this, Ye Chen could do it.

"At most one week, I can extend him at most one week, and after a week, I can't do anything about it. No one can change the law of life."

If it is other diseases, Ye Chen may also be treated.

However, all the internal organs in the body now have such problems, which shows that this old gentleman is incurable a long time ago.

"One week, one week is fine."

Whether it is flying back from Europe or the United States, it will take more than twenty hours at most, which is enough.

"Then I will prescribe a prescription for hanging, and take it according to the prescription, and take it every day until a week later."

Ye Chen took the prescription paper and wrote many prescriptions directly on it.

In fact, Ye Chen used this prescription to save a lot of people in Xiaowang Village, but he didn't expect to use it again now.

Of course, its effect is very good.

At least in some special circumstances, a life can be saved.

However, in this situation, the old man is really helpless.

After Ye Chen prescribed the prescription, he looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Now you have to ask someone to get the medicine according to this prescription, and then let the old gentleman drink the decoction and wait for him to rest.

The middle-aged couple thanked Ye Chen, and when they helped the old man to go outside, Han Xiaoxiao asked, "Ye Chen, how did you know that the old man was going soon?"

"He has been walking silently, indicating that his body has reached its limit. Moreover, I can clearly smell the death breath from his body just now. Didn't you smell it?"

Han Xiaoxiao shook her head. She really didn't feel it, but she felt that the old gentleman's body was very strange.

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