Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3511: : Three schools of traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing

It can be said that the Jingcheng Imperial Medical School came into being because Yanjing was the “treasure place” of many dynasties in Chinese history. As the emperors and generals paid great attention to their own health care, they were specially designed for the treatment of diseases by the emperors and their relatives. , Health care institutions, after hundreds of years of inheritance and development, the palace medical school gradually formed.

It is characterized by the gathering of famous doctors from all over the country with real talents and teaching institutions of the nature of "workshops", so that its unique dialectical thinking, court medical records, medical techniques, court pharmaceuticals (processing) and secret recipes can be passed down.

For example, the famous Eight Immortals cake from the Qing Palace can treat the spleen deficiency of the elderly and improve the absorption function of the small intestine, and has a significant effect. Another example is Yuzhi Pingping Pill, which has been proved by clinical studies to prevent motion sickness and seasickness. It has been used in the modern aerospace field and played an important role.

In addition to the prescriptions taken orally, the palace bone setting, which focuses on manual therapy, also has important effects in the treatment of fractures, cervical spondylosis, and lumbar disc herniation that are common in modern people.

Successive dynasties attached great importance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine. During the Qing dynasty, a series of medical institutions such as Tai Hospital and Imperial Pharmacy were established, and a set of relatively complete medical officer promotion system and medical knowledge transfer and assessment methods were formulated, which contributed to the development of Yanjing education. And talent training played an important role and had a positive impact.

In the study of court medical schools, it is found that the medical archives of the Qing Dynasty are relatively complete. With the inheritance and development of the clinical experience of a group of Qing court doctors and their descendants, such as Han Yizhai, Zhao Wenkui, Qu Wenlou, and Yuan Heqi, The enrichment and development of various clinical departments has played an important role.

This nationwide phenomenon of the flow of famous doctors gathering in the capital constituted a large-scale reserve of high-level TCM clinical talents in Yanjing in the 20th century, and further consolidated Yanjing’s position as the academic development center of traditional Chinese medicine in the 20th century. The formation of the "a hundred flowers contending for beauty" situation in the medical field of Beijing and China laid the foundation.

These are almost the same as Ye Chen knew before reading the information.

The teacher-in-heritance school is a main form of ancient Chinese medicine education, and it can also be called private education. It occupied a dominant position in traditional Chinese medicine education before the Republic of China. Its main forms are: one is to change from a medical apprentice to a medical apprentice. Famous doctors, such as Zhao Xinbo, Guo Shikui, An Qianqing, etc.

The second is to turn from an artist to a doctor to become a famous doctor, such as Liu Daoxin and Du Xinling.

The third is to directly learn from teachers to become famous doctors, such as Xu Youcheng and Chen Shenwu.

The fourth is that he became a famous doctor with his teacher, such as Zhao Shuping, who was the eldest son of Zhao Yunqing, a medical officer of Qingtai Hospital, who inherited his father’s career, and later worshipped Xiao Longyou. Wei Shuhe was a physician for three generations, and later worshipped Shi Jinmo as his teacher.

Teachers and scholars have firm ambitions and strong professional interests, study hard, and accumulate a large amount of clinical practice, and generally have deep attainments in the study of Chinese medicine.

As for the academic school, in 1929, the Republic of China government actually passed a bill to gradually phase out Chinese medicine because of the domestic environment.

The "abolition case" aroused great public outrage from the people of the whole country and the people with lofty ideals in the Chinese medicine field. After the efforts of colleagues and petition representatives across the country in the field of Chinese medicine, the most sensational proposal to abolish Chinese medicine in history was overturned.

After this fierce struggle, the famous Yanjing doctors represented by Xiao Longyou, Kong Bohua, Shi Jinmo, etc., deeply felt that "non-revitalizing Chinese medicine is by no means sufficient to survive" and determined to open a Chinese medicine school, cultivate Chinese medicine talents, strengthen the Chinese medicine team, and improve Only when Chinese medicine is effective, can Chinese medicine be invincible forever.

In 1930, the prestigious old Chinese medicine practitioners in the Yanjing area, led by Xiao Longyou, Kong Bohua, and Shi Jinmo, jointly initiated the establishment of the "Chinese Medical School" with celebrities in the traditional Chinese medicine circle in Kyoto. It was originally named "Yanjing Chinese Medical School" and moved to Fengsheng several times. Hutong was renamed as "Yanjing National Medical College" and from the 11th class to "Jingcheng National Medical College".

So far, the first higher college of Chinese medicine in Yanjing area was declared successful in the Republic of China. Xiao Longyou is the dean, Kong Bohua and Shi Jinmo are the vice deans.

In 1932, because Shi Jinmo and others established the North China National Medical College, the "Yanjing National Medical College" was renamed "Jingcheng National Medical College", with Xiao Longyou as the chairman and Kong Bohua as the dean.

The college requires applicants to have a high school graduation or equivalent qualifications and then enter after passing the exam. The candidates are mainly from Yanjing, and some are from Tianjin, Shanghai, Shandong and other places.

The college runs schools at multiple levels and teaches students in accordance with the individual. Students are enrolled in three levels: research class, medical class, and preparatory class. The school system is four years, and one year after graduation.

The college hired well-known Chinese medicine practitioners at the time to teach.

In terms of education and teaching, Xiao Longyou and Kong Bohua have discussed many times, such as the setting of the college’s teaching and the construction of a traditional Chinese medicine system. Since there were no well-written textbooks to use at that time, Xiao Longyou and Kong Bohua organized various teachers to compile based on traditional Chinese medicine classics. Textbooks, Xiao Longyou has thoughtfully considered various courses and compiled detailed teaching plans. While he values ​​Chinese medicine textbooks, he believes that school education in Chinese medicine hospitals should also include physiology, pathology, pharmacology, therapeutics, etc. Theories of various medical schools.

This move played an important role in laying the foundation for the development of the teaching of "Yanjing State Medical College", and occupies an important position in the history of higher education of Chinese medicine.

The college attaches great importance to the basic theories of Chinese medicine, and more emphasis on clinical teaching. Xiao Longyou is well aware of the importance of clinical experience to medicine. He believes: equal emphasis on operation and theory, by means; harmony between man and nature, treatment from the root; syndrome differentiation and treatment, and lean medication; detailed clinical examination, and most important consultation; Legislation is flexible and knows how to change; abandon the opinion and merge the Chinese and Western.

The college attaches great importance to medical ethics education, focusing on the combination of theory and practice, and both Xiao Lao and Kong Lao take students in practice. The college lasted for 15 years and trained a large number of senior Chinese medicine talents.

Many early students of the college became the backbone of the school, hospital and research unit of the Chinese Medicine Hospital after the liberation. Such as Haritian, Gu Xiaochi, Ma Longbo, Ding Huamin, Wang Weilan, Yao Wuda, Zhang Zuozhou, etc., have also explored a scientific path for the educational model of Chinese medical schools.

In addition, there is a seminar on traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing, which is actually similar to the Chinese Medical Association run by Ye Chen.

It can be said that many of the ideas of this academic school are similar to those of Ye Chen now. When he sees the detailed information of Lao Liu, he is really surprised.

Ye Chen thought that most of them were thought of by himself. Unexpectedly, decades ago, the three major factions in the capital, especially the academies, had already had these ideas and plans, and they were also in the face of national disasters. When Chinese medicine is at its lowest point, it is this group of famous Chinese medicine experts who saved the way of Chinese medicine.

"Lao Liu, I really admire these senior Chinese medicine practitioners. What I want to do now, but unexpectedly, they already did it back then."

"That's no way. However, the Chinese medicine environment is better now, but compared with Western medicine, it is still far behind."

Even at the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xiehe Hospital, there are indeed fewer patients than those who see Western medicine. It may be those who are forced to come to see Chinese medicine when they are not good at seeing Western medicine.

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