Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3440: : No wonder you are so polite

The current temperature has not yet entered the sweltering season, and the early summer is not too hot, but it is still a bit stuffy.

Ye Chen drove to the most northeast direction of Chongming Island, which was full of tidal flats. He even remembered fighting killers in the water back then.

Unexpectedly, so many years passed in an instant.

It is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River and the Yellow Sea is outside, so the water is very yellow at first glance. Ye Chen picked up the fishing rod and the bait he bought, and threw the fishing rod out.

Compared to the Great Lakes region, fishing here is really different.

In the distance, Ye Chen also saw other people fishing there.

After Ye Chen placed the fishing rod, he went with Huang Xiaowei and saw two elderly people in their 50s and 60s fishing there. They should be retired.

"Did the old man catch any fish?"

"Well, I caught some bass." An old gentleman said.

In fact, the most expensive saury is a few thousand dollars and one or two, but depending on the situation of the two, it has not been caught.

Ye Chen looked at the net bag, it was a perch weighing one or two catties.

Ye Chen and Huang Xiaowei went back over there, brought the rocks, and sat directly in the tent after putting the tents away, not very dry.

Huang Xiaowei likes to be alone with Ye Chen, and she does it now.

For more than ten minutes, Ye Chen felt the bell of the fishing rod rang. Knowing that a fish had caught the bait, he began to take up the line. When the line was taken back, Ye Chen knew that it was not a big fish, it should be the same. Two catty fish.

After slowly taking it back, it was found that it was a barracuda weighing one or two catties. However, it looked good, and the scales were all reflective. Ye Chen put it away and put it in a bucket on the side, then put the bait into the water.

Another fishing rod also sounded, and Ye Chen knew that another fish had taken the bait.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to pull up the fishing rod again. It was a bass weighing three or four catties. The color was still very good.

When putting the fishing rod back, Ye Chen knew that fishing also requires skill. First of all, it is best to choose a good fishing place so that it is possible to catch fish.

It took almost half an hour, and he had lost more than a dozen fish, all of which were perch and barracuda weighing from one or two catties to three or four catties.

When the two old gentlemen saw a lot of fish here, Ye Chen didn't say anything when they put their fishing rods here.

After taking out the barbecue tools and the red wine, Ye Chen started to kill the fish briefly, then looked at Huang Xiaowei and said, "What kind of grilled fish do you want to eat?"

"You did it." Huang Xiaowei smiled.

Those two old gentlemen would really enjoy seeing Ye Chen as a kid, driving Land Rover, carrying these fishing tools, and barbecue tools.

"Young man, your young couple will enjoy it? Is the house demolished?"

Generally speaking, only these rich second generations have the time and leisure to come here to play.

Of course, the reason why I think Ye Chen is the second generation of the rich, you can tell by looking at the Land Rover that the other party is driving, and the beauty in front of me, if you don't have money, you don't need to think about it.

"Old gentleman, my house is not demolished, but it has a small amount of money." Ye Chen didn't expect that the two of them didn't recognize him.

"That's not bad too!"

When Ye Chen invited the two over for a drink, he soon learned that the two were from Chongming Island and from a farm on Chongming Island.

They have their own house on the farm, and there is a pension after retirement, but there is no development on Chongming Island, sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren all go to work and school in the city.

Now these two people have time and don't know what to do, so they come here to fish.

In fact, they want to fish and then sell fish to make money.

They don’t make much money like perch and pike, but if they catch big saury, their income may be much more than their pension.

"This saury you said is really so delicious?"

Ye Chen seems to have eaten at Boss Zhu's high-end restaurant, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He has already tasted what is delicious in his class.

"In the old society, this fish was not eaten by many people, like the hairy crabs, but now these people are rushing to eat it because it is about to become extinct."

Said an old gentleman.

No wonder, the scarcity is the most expensive thing, and it is the less expensive.

Ye Chen had eaten the most delicious fish, but it was actually like that.

Ye Chen took the grilled fish, golden brown and sprayed with chili powder, and it was really fragrant. When he handed it to the two old gentlemen, the old gentlemen were a little embarrassed to take them.

"It's okay, I just came out to play, I really want to buy and eat this stuff, I have as many as possible."

After the two old gentlemen took them, Ye Chen gave Huang Xiaowei the baked ones.

Huang Xiaowei was eating slowly there, and Ye Chen told him that these freshwater fish had more bones, so be careful.

When another fish was hooked, Ye Chen didn't bother to pull the rod. These fish were enough.

Until five or six in the afternoon, when the sun was going down, it was not bad to have a drink and barbecue here, and Ye Chen was about to go back.

"Two old gentlemen, we will go back first."

Ye Chen packed up his things, got into the car with Huang Xiaowei, and cleaned up all the garbage before driving away.

These two old gentlemen always felt that the young man just now was not easy, but they couldn't recognize it for a while.

After Ye Chen drove the Land Rover away, an old gentleman patted his thigh and said, "I seem to have seen that young man somewhere."

"Are you drunk?"

The other party drank two glasses of wine just now. The wine was a little vigorous. In fact, Ye Chen was worried that the two would fall into the water when they were fishing.

Ye Chen only drove away after seeing the two people confirmed that it was all right.

"What drunk, I feel like I have really seen him."

"I didn't see each other just now."

"No, it seems to be in the newspaper or in the news."

While the old man was still thinking about it, all the fish that Ye Chen hadn't finished grilling just now were given to these two people.

It wasn't until the Land Rover that Ye Chen drove disappeared without a trace that the old gentleman patted his thigh and said, "No wonder, the other party is so polite, it turns out that it is really him."


"It's the doctor Ye Ye Chen."

The old man said directly.

Now Ye Chen opened the sunroof directly, opened the window, and drove the car on the highway. There were no cars or people on this highway. It was still very comfortable to drive here at sunset.

After turning around, they returned to the entrance of the villa on Chongming Island. After the two got off the car, they returned to the villa to eat the grilled fish in the afternoon. They are not hungry now. Now they throw away the trash. Morning prepares to take Huang Xiaowei out for supper tonight.

After returning to the villa, the two took a bath separately, returned to the master room, and lay down directly.

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