Andrew is a well-known comic critic, and his daily job is to read a lot of comics, find some valuable comics from them, and recommend them to his fans.

Because he has read too many superhero-themed comics, this has also developed his current extremely tricky appetite, and he can't read ordinary comics at all, only those particularly brilliant comics can attract his attention.

Today, as usual, he wandered around the bookstore downstairs to see if there were any new comics that would appeal to him, but it was clear that he was disappointed once again.

"What are these paintings?,The characters are simple.,The plot is chaotic.,There's no rationality at all.,If that's the case,Then I might as well go to see Captain America.,Although I'm a little tired of watching.,At least the story is still very good.。

Andrew complained as he put down the comic in his hand, which he just said casually, the comic "Captain America" has proven to be a classic if it lasts for decades, and it doesn't need anyone's comment at all, even if he is willing to write it, fans won't buy it.

"Another day of no gain."

Shaking his head, Andrew was about to leave the bookstore.

Suddenly, he spotted a beautiful poster on the wall, and his gaze was instantly attracted and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Hey, Andrew, are you looking for new material today?"

The manager of the bookstore looked up and saw his regular customer standing motionless in front of him, so he greeted him.

"Old man, what is this?" Andrew asked, pointing to the poster.

"Isn't this the cover of a comic magazine, what's so strange about that?"

"I know it's the cover, but what I'm asking is, which magazine is it?" There was a hint of urgency in Andrew's tone, as if he wanted to know the answer immediately.

The store manager felt a little strange about Andrew's abnormality and explained: "Oh, you're talking about this, this is the cover of the latest issue of "Comic Club", I think it's well drawn, so I'm sticking it here, is there any problem?" "

"It's okay, help me get a copy of the latest "Comic Club."

"I've got it here, take it."

Strange to say, the store manager felt that there were more customers today than before, and most of them came to buy the latest issue of "Manga Club", so he kept this one for himself.

Andrew handed over the money, took the magazine, and flipped through it until he found the exact same painting on the poster.

"It's a good job."

When he turned the first page, he was instantly struck by the exquisite style of painting.

Just this picture made him interested in what was going on, and above the character, there were three red words written, One Punch Man!

Next, Andrew gradually became attracted to the story of "One Punch Man", and before he knew it, he had finished reading the last page, and only then did he finally come to his senses.

"It's no wonder that a new book qualifies for a magazine cover character, and it does have that potential."

If nothing else, this "One Punch Man" should be the best quality comic he has seen this year, and most importantly, the subversion of the traditional superhero theme is completely to his taste.

Of course, the amazing comics at the beginning do not mean that the later plots can persist without collapsing.

But no matter what the rest of the story is, these three words are enough to impress Andrew.

In his eyes, this comic is definitely of great value.

Thinking back to the plot just now, Andrew was excited, and hurriedly put away the magazine and rushed home, opened his Werther, and then crackled on the keyboard...

Soon, fans who were following Andrew suddenly received a new message.

"Hey, Andrew, this guy has a new recommendation? Didn't he say that he had long been disappointed in the comics of superheroes? "

With curiosity, the fans clicked in.

[Recommend the new serialization of this issue of "Comic Club", the name of the comic is "One Punch Man", a comic that subverts the traditional superhero theme, and will definitely not disappoint you. 】

After seeing this title, fans couldn't help but joke: "Andrew, we haven't been disappointed, only you are disappointed." "

It didn't take long for the message board to turn the pages like flowing water.

"Support Andrew, I also watched this issue of "Comic Club", this comic is definitely a classic."

"Perfect, exquisite painting style, innovative themes, so good-looking!"

"Is it that pretty? That's an exaggeration. "

"I promise God, you'll love this comic!"

"Thanks for the recommendation, I just wanted to find some special comics to read, I hope it will meet my appetite."

"I bet this comic is very collectible, especially the sixth page, and it will definitely be turned several times in the future!"

"I'm looking forward to the rest of the story, and I really want to know why the protagonist has such power."

For a moment, Witt set off a crazy discussion about One Punch Man.

Fans who saw this issue of "Comic Club" also flocked to Andrew's Werther, saying their different evaluations, and simply using his message board as a discussion area for One-Punch Man.

Many people who read their reviews wonder what kind of charm Andrew's recommended works have.

Sometimes, curiosity is like a drug, and it slowly attracts people.

So, they were crazy to know the answer, and some even went directly to the local bookstore and bought the latest issue of "Comic Club".

It didn't take long for the doors of bookstores everywhere to be filled with long queues, and these people were all coming for "One Punch Man".

Obviously, a bookstore didn't expect this result, so they didn't stock up very much.

After more than an hour, the bookstore sold out all the "Comic Club".

The clerks looked at the people who left with a confused expression, and thought, "What the hell, what did this issue of "Comic Club" draw that made these people feel like they were taking stimulants." "

Thinking of this, some clerks began to regret not keeping a copy for themselves, and I have to say that curiosity can really make people crazy.

In fact, this is not only the case with this bookstore, but also with other bookstores.

All in all, One Punch Man is already on fire!

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