Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 178: Great horror

Not long after the establishment of the three major departments in the Black Queen, something went wrong on Zodhith's side.

At this time Zodhis was facing great horror!

A long and clear phoenix call resounded throughout the world!

Ignoring the cosmic void barrier, the chirping sound exploded in Zordheath's heart.

He felt a mysterious force full of infinite vitality.

That powerful force is frightening, carrying destruction and creation, as if it is the most fundamental conceptual incarnation of life, red glow rises into the sky, and as the fire grows, a pair of huge wings that cover the sky and the sun slowly open. .

The light of the void was released, the wings were completely stretched out, and the surging energy swept all the way to the surroundings.

Wherever he went, the space trembled fiercely, and the black was reclusive. After experiencing the destruction, he was reborn and gave birth to a new world.

Until then, it was a phoenix phantom manifested by unknown energy. It was not pure flame magic, but a kind of...


In other words, it was an extremely primitive force that he couldn't understand.

Zod recognized this force.

The power of the phoenix!

"I didn't expect you to be attracted to the power of the Phoenix..."

Gu Yi's voice sounded behind Zod.

"Gu Yi Mage, don't always be supernatural, it's easy to scare people to death."

Zod said without looking back, being stared at by the power of the phoenix, he did not dare to turn his head, for fear that the power of the phoenix would annihilate him.

After seeing the power of the phoenix with his own eyes, Zord knew why he was so terrifying.

The power of the phoenix comes from the primitive universe and was born at the beginning of all things. It is a chaotic and immortal, eternal but impermanent existence, and is a child of the universe. It is the embodiment of life and spiritual power in the primitive universe, symbolizing life and emotions.

It is the link point of all the spiritual souls of all existing or future existence in the infinite multiverse, and is the creator and source of spiritual power. It is the storage container and governor of the life and emotional energy of the entire infinite multiverse in the future generations.

It can create and manipulate the coordinates of the space dimension and any coordinates on the timeline to travel to and from any point in time and space. It can also destroy or delete any space-time coordinates in the timeline and space dimensions. One or some parallel universes in a certain dimension can be completely deleted.

The power of the phoenix is ​​one of the most intimidating existences in the multiverse, and its enthusiasm can be transformed into a phoenix’s ruling to regenerate or destroy everything in the universe, even the universe itself. The power of the phoenix is ​​the conceptual embodiment of life and emotion. Phoenix's verdict will burn out the crime of sex, because it carries all the emotions of beings.

But the power of the phoenix also has its drawbacks. Once the phoenix uses a certain amount of power, it will consume the energy that is used to extend the life of the offspring.

As the incarnation of life and emotion in the primitive universe, the phoenix possesses the highest level of cosmic perception and cosmic intuition, which allows it to perceive what has happened in the past, is happening now, and what will happen in the future.

As the link point of all life and souls in the entire multiverse, it has powerful spiritual power and can do all psychic powers. Such as multiverse telepathy and mind transmission and so on.

With it, there is no need to worry about the threat of the psychic gem, and even the psychic gem may not be the opponent of the power of the phoenix.

It is also the container and governor of the energy of the infinite multiverse in the future generations, and can use the power stored for the life of future generations to deny their existence.

It can use this ability to produce tremendous destructive power. Therefore, the power of the phoenix possesses infinite energy (the power used by the phoenix reaches a certain share, and it will consume those energy used for the continuation of life. It is with this recognition that the phoenix vowed not to use power excessively).

The manipulation of matter has reached the subatomic level or a higher level, and can easily change their own elements (for example, turning wood into gold, turning stone into crystal, etc.), reaching the level of material reorganization, mass-energy conversion, and void creation. , Can do: as small as life, as large as the universe, they can decompose, transform, reorganize, and create at will.

This is much stronger than Zodhis's ability to manipulate matter at the atomic level.

Can manipulate time and space at will, such as space transmission, space stillness, time transmission, time stillness, manipulation of spatial dimensions, manipulation of time axis, shuttle to and from any point of time and space, etc. By folding the energy of time and space, a doorway similar to a black hole can be created, which can travel through space or time arbitrarily. It can easily destroy the space dimension/time axis (one to infinite dimensions), and can travel in any dimension, dimension, and universe at will.

Have the power to control cause and effect, weave destiny, and manipulate everything. The history is arbitrarily modified regardless of the law of causality.

Possess the ability to destroy, distort, modify, and restart reality at will, and its influence on reality can reach universe level, parallel universe level and even multiverse level [see the completeness of the power of the phoenix, the full version of the power of the phoenix Even the existence of the omnipotent universe].

The power of the phoenix can manipulate any form of energy in the multiverse (absorb/transform/release all energy)

It can directly absorb energy, such as the shock wave that swallows the laser eye, the optic nerve pulse wave of the cyclops and swallow everything to recharge itself, such as swallowing the entire sun (including the galaxy) and even the Milky Way and the universe to replenish itself, and it can also be absorbed from the enemy Energy and life energy.

Similarly, the phoenix’s enthusiasm can be turned into a phoenix’s judgment, used to regenerate or destroy everything in the universe, even the universe itself.


Of course, this is what the full version of Phoenix Power can do.

The power of the phoenix attracted by Zordhis was just fragments. Among the billions of fragments, I don't know how many fragments were gathered.

Just when the power of the phoenix stared at Zordheath, the power of the dragon in Zordheath suddenly appeared, and hundreds of dragon souls wandered on Zordheath.

The souls of these dragons had been sleeping, UU reading, but after being stimulated by the power of the phoenix, they woke up.

Then Zord Histon felt his power soaring at a terrifying speed!

"Each of these dragon souls has its own strengths. When they are all gathered in one person, that person is an invincible existence..."

Gu Yi said with emotion.

Even if each of the dragon souls can only give Zordhis a kind of power, when added up, Zordhis can reach the level of invincibility.




Zodhis could feel the power that the dragon souls gave him.

power! (Allowing Zordhis's power to be improved, even if he is a Kryptonian himself, he feels that his power is much greater.)

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