Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 366: The Book of Carmen (6000+)

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"It's incredible!"

Li Xiaolang and Xiaoke, one person and one beast, stared at the lighting spell in Li Meiling's hands at the same time, and kept repeating these two sentences in their mouths.

Although Li Meiling just released a lighting spell, a spell that can be said to be the simplest and the least mana-consuming.

But that is also magic. It also means that the method that Jerry taught Li Meiling really broke the inherent cognition of all magicians over the years, allowing a person without magic aptitude to learn and use magic.

Just like a physicist who has always regarded the formula of universal gravitation as the truth, but one day he discovered that a person can ignore universal gravitation and fly directly in the sky, or even fly directly out of the earth to travel in the universe.

"Magic is to make the impossible possible, and nothing is certain in this world. You think it is impossible, just because you don't know enough!"

With his hands behind his back and his head half-turned, Jerry uttered a sentence that made Li Xiaolang and others feel empowered.

The fact is that, after so many years of magic learning and so many worlds, Jerry really found that all the fixed formulas, laws, theorems, etc., are not absolute.

Just like when he first learned Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall emphasized that Transfiguration must follow Gamp's Law of Transfiguration, otherwise the transformation will fail.

But when Jerry got the Reality Gem and began to study the power of the Reality Gem, he also found that the so-called Gamp deformation law is not so accurate.

If you understand the laws contained in the reality gem, you will find that as long as you want, everything can be changed, ordinary items, magic items, and it can be changed out of thin air, and you can even create something like the creator.

There are many things you can't do, just because you don't understand it yet, and you haven't reached that level yet.

All formulas, laws, etc., are also the conclusions drawn by previous magicians based on their own observations and knowledge.

When you go beyond them, you will find that these conclusions they draw are not necessarily correct, and they are only relatively one-sided conclusions.

When you first started learning mathematics, you knew that you could only use large numbers to reduce decimals, otherwise you would not be able to subtract them, but after a few more years of study, you will know that decimals can also be reduced to large numbers, because there is also such a thing as negative numbers .

So now, Jerry studies magic, never completely following any inherent laws, never letting his thinking form a set, only in this way, his magic ability will not stagnate.

He wants to make all the impossible possible!

At this time, Li Xiaolang looked up at Jerry's eyes. Apart from admiration, he had no other thoughts.

No wonder the other party's magic ability is so powerful. It turns out that the other party has surpassed him countless times in thinking, and is not at the same level at all.

That's right, you can see it when you think about hearing the other party's words to surpass Crowrido.

Sure enough, he chose to follow each other to learn magic, and it was a very wise choice to combine Chinese and Western.

"Berry Bell, Merlin, it's quite similar, learn magic well, maybe you will become a great magician in the future!"

Looking at his first magic cutter, Jerry suddenly had a wonderful idea in his mind.

Since, since Li Meiling's magic power comes from him, if Li Meiling uses magic to do some good deeds, can he also get some little red stars?

However, whether this is the case or not, we will have to wait for Li Meiling to learn more magic, and then carefully observe it to confirm.

If it is really the same as what he guessed, then the problem of his little red star doesn't seem to be a problem.


half a month later.

"Brother Jerry, this is the newly captured card yesterday!"

Sakura handed a Clow card with "Mirror" written on it to Jerry, then looked at the dozen or so identical books with large golden heads stacked next to him and said curiously:

"What kind of magic book is this, why haven't you read it before?"

Jerry took the "mirror" card and returned the previous "small" card to Sakura with a smile:

"Because they are all magic books I just made these days, you can call them the Book of Carmen."

"The Book of Carmen?"

Sakura was stunned when she heard the words.

And Li Xiaolang, who was not far away from her, seemed to have heard the conversation here, and came over curiously and picked up a Book of Carmen:

"May I take a look at it?"


Jerry nodded.

Li Xiaolang opened the cover of "The Book of Carmen", and when he saw the first page, Tong Kong shrunk immediately, because the first page was the magic circle that his sister Li Meiling obtained the magic power that day, and the following is the magic circle. corresponding spell.

Continuing to turn back, it is a series of introductions to the principles of magic basics, as well as how to obtain magic power according to the magic circle, and the corresponding content of the contract.

At the same time, there are special explanations and learning methods for several magic spells at the back, but, if you look closely, all the magic spells are auxiliary, defensive and healing magic spells.

Like lighting spells, floating spells, repairing spells, healing spells, bone-bone spells, hair-growing spells, and more.

It just doesn't have an offensive spell.

Turning to the last side, there is a groove, and in the groove is a ring of Carmen that is the same as Li Meiling's wrist.

"This is?"

Seeing the contents of Carmen's book, Li Xiaolang seemed to understand something, while Xiao Ying next to him was still a little dazed.

Seeing this, Jerry didn't give in, nodded and explained:

"Yes, as you think, this book of Carmen was made by me to give to those who, like Berry Bell, do not have the aptitude for magic, but really want to learn magic."

"But why is there no attack magic in it?"

Li Xiaolang wondered.

"Because, I don't want people who get my magic book in the future to use magic to do evil after learning the magic in the book, so I think the magic in the book is enough now."

Jerry smiled slightly, looking very kind.

After Sakura heard Jerry's answer, she immediately put her hands together:

"Brother Jerry is indeed a gentle and kind person!"

Want to spread magic, but worry that after spreading magic, bad people will learn magic, and then use magic to do bad things, just don't leave attack magic in the magic book, this is how gentle and kind people can think of a way .

And in fact, is it really so?

of course not!

The words Jerry just said were just to coax Li Xiaolang and Xiao Ying's children.

In fact, he made these books of Carmen, not to spread magic, he is not so busy, just to let more people make an appointment with him, and then borrow magic power from him to help him practice.

As for why he didn't leave attack magic in the book, it wasn't because he was afraid that bad people would learn magic to do bad things, but he had to talk about what happened when he followed Li Meiling a few days ago.

After checking that Li Meiling finally learned the floating spell, he began to follow Li Meiling and verified the previous conjecture.

While Li Meiling was walking on the street alone, he deliberately cast a soft-footed spell on a worker who was painting the wall above Li Meiling's head, causing him to fall from the fourth floor.

And Li Meiling didn't live up to his expectations, and rescued the worker with a floating spell at the first time.

At that time, Jerry clearly saw that the number of little red stars on his panel had risen a little.

Therefore, he can already be sure that as long as the borrower uses his magic power to do good deeds, he can receive the corresponding little red star.

However, it can also be seen that for the same good deeds, the number of little red stars of the borrower is obviously much less than that of me.

If the worker just fell and Jerry rescued him, he would probably get about ten little red stars. After all, if he fell on the fourth floor, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

However, after being rescued by Li Meiling's magic, he could only get one.

In fact, it is understandable that Li Meiling saved the workers, but the magic power came from Jerry, but she learned the magic by herself, and Jerry naturally couldn't get all the little red stars.

But just like this, Jerry was ecstatic. Although it was only one tenth, the quantitative change caused qualitative changes. As long as his total magic power increased and he hired more borrowers in the future, Little Red Star's income would definitely be considerable.

But after thinking about it, if his covenant uses his magic power to do bad things every day, then he won't have Little Red Star in his account.

So at the beginning, Jerry wanted to add a setting to the magic circle that could only use his magic power to do good deeds, to ensure that every output of his magic power could bring him the harvest of Little Red Star.

The result, of course, was a failure.

Because there is no way to specifically define the idea of ​​doing good deeds.

For example, some people think that saving people is a good deed, while some people think that killing people is a good deed. Just like Thanos, he thinks that he destroys half of the life in the universe is a good deed.

In fact, the panel is relatively rigid, and he doesn't recognize this kind of good thing, and he can't get Little Red Star.

After that, he thought about it, when it's not time to pick people, try to be more careful and find some kind-hearted people as lenders.

However, when you think about it, it's not a good idea.

Knowing the person knows the face but not the heart, and the character of the person is not constant, it is really unreliable to judge based on this.

And there will be more and more borrowers in the future. Maybe when he has enough magic power, in the future, in order to save trouble, he will directly throw out a large number of "Carmen Magic Books" and recruit a large number of borrowers.

In the end, he felt that it was better to solve the problem from the root cause, and leave only healing, defense and auxiliary magic in the magic book, so as to ensure that his borrower would definitely bring him a little red star.

Because no matter how bad a person is, as long as he uses these magics to save people and help people, even if he saves bad people, he will still have a little red star in his account.

And when the magic book is spread in the future, everyone will have a good impression of him. Everyone will think that "The Book of Carmen" is a magic book that attracts people to be kind, and Jerry Carmen is also a kind-hearted dimension demon.

This is also very helpful to him in the future. After all, no matter what world he is in, good people are always more acceptable and likeable than evil people.

"Brother Jerry, tomorrow we made an appointment to go to Yuefeng Shrine after school, so we won't be coming!"

Seeing that it was almost time to leave, Sakura ran over and said hello to Jerry, who was analyzing the "Mirror" card.

When he heard the words "Yuefeng Shrine", Jerry also moved in his heart:

"Sakura, did your school have a new substitute teacher recently?"

"Brother Jerry, how do you know?"

Sakura looked surprised.

"Oh, just a little divination magic."

Jerry smiled and said nothing.

Of course he didn't know it through divination magic, but he just felt that at this time, the witch named Guanyue Gefan should appear.

Guanyue Gefan, the shrine maiden of Yuefeng Shrine, possesses more powerful magic power than Judge Yue, and is very proficient in prophecy magic.

She used to be a substitute teacher at Taoshi Middle School. She had a teacher-student relationship with Taoshi, and finally split up because she was going to study in the UK.

This time, I came back because I was entrusted by the reincarnation of Crolledo, the great magician Elio Hirazawa, and according to Crolledo's last wish, he sent the magic item "Moon Bell" to Sakura.

Jerry also wants to have a meeting with this Moon-watching teacher.

So far, he has not encountered a real magic master in this world.

Sakura was completely incapable of magic before, and the output depended entirely on Clow cards. Li Xiaolang was better, but in terms of strength, he was only stronger among his peers.

Momoshi also has the same magic power and very keen perception ability as Sakura, but she doesn't know anything about magic.

And this Moon-watching Gefan should be regarded as representing the level of the top group of magicians in this world.

"No, you go to the shrine, I won't go, I will continue to study magic."

At this time, Li Xiaolang replied.

As a Taoist priest, it is not a shame to go to a shrine to ask for an amulet. If you have time, you might as well come here to learn more magic and try to improve your strength.

"No, we have to go. In order to consolidate our relationship, we must go to the shrine to ask for an amulet!"

At this time, Li Meiling grabbed Li Xiaolang's arm and ordered fiercely.

Today, she heard Naoko from her classmate say that the amulet of Yuefeng Shrine is the most spiritual for love. All those who went to Yuefeng Shrine to ask for the amulet have gained beautiful love.

Seeing this, Li Xiaolang sighed helplessly.

How can he make his sister understand that the kind of relationship between them is not love, but a family that has been together for a long time.

"Go ahead, I heard that the cherry blossom tree in Yuefeng Shrine has powerful magic, I just want to go and see it!"

Jerry looked at Li Xiaolang and smiled.

There are some things that you didn't understand when you were young, but you will understand when you grow up.

When I was young, I thought that my parents and siblings were my favorite people. When I grew up and met true love, I would naturally understand that there is still a difference between family affection and love.

"Brother Jerry and we go to the shrine!"

Hearing that Jerry was also going to visit the Moon Peak Shrine, Sakura, Tomoyo, Little Wolf, and Merry Bell all looked surprised.

In their eyes, Jerry is not only a knowledgeable and powerful magic teacher, but also a gentle and understanding brother. Of course, it is very happy to be able to go to the shrine together.

And not only happy, but also a little surprised, because Jerry is addicted to the study of magic every day, and almost never goes out.


The next day, three thirty in the afternoon.

According to the agreed time, Jerry drew a portal to the bottom of Yuefeng Shrine in the magic hut.

Beyond the teleportation, he saw at a glance the four Sakura who were already waiting at the foot of the mountain.

"What kind of magic is this? It seems a little different from the Apparition Charm in the previous book!"

Li Xiaolang's eyes lit up when he saw Jerry coming out of the ring of fire.

Jerry waved his hand to lift the portal and replied:

"This is a new space magic, and it has its own characteristics compared to the Apparition Spell. I have already recorded it in a book called "Karma Taj Magic", you can read it when you have time!"

"Forget it, I haven't even learned the Apparition Spell yet."

Li Xiaolang sighed.

With the same dream of surpassing Clow Riddle, Jerry's magic power is getting stronger and stronger. He can not only parse Clow cards, but also constantly create new magics.

And although his progress is also fast, but compared to it, it is much inferior.

It can only be said that there are differences between people.

Jerry smiled and patted Li Xiaolang on the shoulder:

"You are still young, there will be time in the future, take your time, don't rush!"

With Li Xiaolang's aptitude, longevity can be expected in the future. As long as he works hard to study the magic book he left behind, combined with his own strong Taoism, his strength is definitely not low.

"Let's go, let's go up and see!"

After comforting Li Xiaolang, Jerry led the four of them along the stairs of the hill to the Yuefeng Shrine above.

However, just after halfway through the distance, Xiao Sakura and Xiao Lang suddenly stopped at the same time:

"It smells like Clow!"

As soon as the voices of the two fell, the scene they were in immediately changed dramatically.

Originally, the five of them were on the stairs on the hillside, but now they suddenly entered a maze entirely composed of green walls.

"This is the 'fan' card. The characteristic of the 'fan' card is that unless you find an exit, you will be trapped here!"

Li Xiaolang observed the surrounding situation, and according to his family's records about the Clow card, he immediately judged that they had encountered the "mystery" card in the Clow card.

"I'll fly up to see where the exit is?"

Sakura immediately took out the "Fly" card, and then rode the bird head wand into the air, wanting to fly directly to the sky to check the location of the exit.

However, as Sakura flew up, all the green walls around it also rose synchronously, not giving Sakura a chance to check, so Sakura had to fall again.

"Brother Jerry, can the portal magic you just used take us out?"

At this moment, Zhishi rolled his eyes, turned his head and asked Jerry, who had a calm expression.

"Of course, but I think Sakura should be able to break it by herself!"

Jerry looked up into the distance, as if seeing something through the green wall.

There is space blockade in the "Mystery" card. In theory, even if he can move the magic in space, he can't leave the maze. However, his understanding of space magic has long exceeded the limit of the "Mystery" card, so he can naturally find the loopholes in it. , leave calmly.

However, he also wanted to see how much Sakura's strength has improved during this period of time learning magic with him.

At the same time, standing at the gate of the shrine at the top of the hill, Guanyue Gefan, holding the bell of the moon, looked at Jerry who looked up in the maze and seemed to have found himself, and couldn't help muttering to himself:

"Who is this person? Such a powerful magic, why haven't I seen him in my previous prophecy!"

This time, according to the instructions of the great magician Elio Hirasawa, to secretly help the new master of Clow cards master the Clow cards, which she had predicted when she left for England a few years ago.

It's just that in the prophecy at that time, there was no guy whose magic power made him feel unfathomable now.

"let me!"

Hearing Jerry's words, Sakura took out a sword card, turned her bird head wand into a sharp sword, and cut the green wall in half with one sword.

However, after the green wall was cut off, it was actually put back together again.

"Sakura, the Clow card has magical magical power, but if you want to become a truly powerful magician, you always rely on the Clow card, which is definitely not possible. You have powerful magic in your body, you must learn to use it flexibly. they."

Seeing this, Jerry slowly opened his mouth and reminded.

The Clow card is powerful, but because it uses a lot of principles of mutual generation and mutual restraint in its production, sometimes it is difficult to break the ability of another card without a mutual restraint card.

Just like the current "sword" card, the blockade of the "mystery" card cannot be broken.

However, Sakura has not mastered the "land" card that can break the "mystery" card.

"However, even sword cards can't break through these walls. What magic can I learn to break through?"

Sakura scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

She has been studying magic in Jerina for a while, but because she has no foundation, she has not learned much magic. UU reading www.uukanshu. com is far inferior to Li Xiaolang, who has a solid foundation, and Zhishi, who is almost unforgettable.

Therefore, in addition to using kitchen magic at home, she basically fights with Clow cards.

"The sword card can't be broken, just because its destructive power is not enough, Sakura, your advantage lies in the magic power in your body that is far stronger than others, and I remember that you seem to have mastered the magic of 'Particle Cannon'."

Jerry spoke again to give a hint.

Tomoyo next to him obviously knew what Jerry meant, and immediately explained to Sakura:

"You forgot, the introduction of 'Particle Cannon' said that as long as there is enough magic power, the longer the power is stored, the greater the destructive power of the particle cannon."

Sakura finally reacted.

I saw him raise his hands, close his eyes, quickly extract the magic power in his body, and slowly start to condense particle **** in the palms of his hands.

With the continuous injection of magic power, the particle ball went from the size of a grain of rice at the beginning to the size of a table tennis ball, then to the size of a basketball, and finally until it reached a diameter of nearly one meter before it stopped.

"Particle Cannon, attack!"

Sakura shouted loudly, opened her eyes and threw the super-large particle ball above her head.

The particle ball lived up to its expectations, easily breaking through the obstacles of the maze walls, and finally, with a huge explosion, the entire maze was shattered, and finally turned into a Clow card, which fell on Sakura's. hand.

At this time, watching the moon watching Gefan standing on the top of the mountain to witness all this, the whole eyes are sluggish:

"This, the new Clow card master, really need my help!"

As for the super-powerful magic that Sakura sent out just now, she asked herself that she might not be able to pick it up.


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