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The metropolis under the night gives people a colorful beauty.

Xia Zhiye stood on the top of the building, watching the lights under the night, inexplicably feeling that they seemed to be fighting the darkness of this World.

The effort to support the light, even if it cannot drive the entire world, can bring light and warmth to a room, an area.

After finishing the communication with Natasha in the afternoon, his mood became a little more subtle.

After knowing the existence of ghosts, I can’t say how abnormal his mental state has been, but I suddenly felt that this World seems to be different from what I thought.

Everything that I was familiar with seems to be changing. Although Thanos will still come, there is something more that I don’t know.

Such as ghosts… Before this, Xia Zhiye never felt that he might run into this person. In fact, if Natasha had not said this thing today, he would not even remember the ghost.

“And it turned out to be a woman…”

Sitting on the edge of the roof, Xia Zhiye swayed one leg lightly.

“I don’t know why, this World suddenly gave me some real feeling, some unexplorable taste…”

The world should be wonderful, broad and full of incredible!

In this world, there should be countless things he didn’t know, waiting to be explored…

Before this, however, everything seemed to be in his concept. Even occasional minor changes were within the scope of correction.

Until now… I have a different feeling.

It’s hard to say whether this feeling beyond control is good or bad. In short, this makes Xia Zhiye suddenly have an inexplicable recognition of this World.

“So, is this thing in the hearts of the people really weird? Holding a familiar script and looking for loopholes to gain benefits from it, I am reluctant. Instead, there is no script performance, but are you excited?”


Xia Zhiye sighed lightly in his heart, and at the same time, he burst out another thought: “I don’t know, the original world, what is the impact on this World? If the Marvel movie universe, it does not mean that as the movie continues to be After shooting, will this World continue to change? Well…or, whenever a movie appears, this World will have some things that I don’t understand, I don’t know if these things can bring this World What kind of influence? speaking of which, at the end of the fourth part of the Women’s Federation, should the Marvel film universe be considered a unitary end? But…after?”

This idea seems dangerous, because it means that Thanos may not be the last big boss.

It is also possible that after Thanos’s incident, a more terrifying thing will come…

For example, the life court? Tenjin group? OAA?

“Well… OAA doesn’t seem to appear?” He looked up. “After all, this guy’s settings are too rampant. If it really exists, when I think of him, he should appear in front of me.” .”

But in fact, not at all.

After thinking about a lot of things in my mind, 7 and 8, Xia Zhiye’s communication rang.

“If I disturb your rest, I can apologize.” Natasha’s voice rang from Xia Zhiye’s ear.

Xia Zhiye replaced voice communication with video communication, and then photographed the surrounding scenery.

After watching Natasha, sighed: “Compared to us who are busy, you who are leisurely here are really disgusting.”

Xia Zhiye laughed: “So, so late, should there be a result?”

“It’s not difficult,” Natasha said. “The address has already been sent. This person and Hank Court Academecian also know that the two people originally belonged to the same laboratory and later left.”

“I think the reason should not be related to Hank Court Academecian, right?”

“In fact, when I looked at the information of Hank Court Academecian, I discovered that the combat capability of this old man was unexpectedly powerful!”

Natasha refrained from laughing: “But anyone who has worked with him has hardly quarreled with him, even his wife… so.”

“Is personal talent and temperament proportional?”

Xia Zhiye laughed: “Okay, since that’s the case, then I’m busy now.”

“What are you going to do with… that ghost?”

“After being stunned, put it in and bring it back.” Xia Zhiye said: “Prepare the luxury suite.”




After finishing the day’s work, Bill Foster did not choose to go home.

Driving his own car and exercising on the streets of San Francisco, he seemed a little absent-minded.

Xia Zhiye was sitting in the back seat of his car, and was looking at the scenery outside the window. When Foster’s eyes might reach the rearview mirror, he would hide his body in time.

This prevented Foster from discovering the existence of Xia Zhiye along the way.

Bill Foster!

A professor of quantum sciences at the University of California, Berkeley.

In his early years, he had followed Hank’s side as his assistant, and had given his body some abilities beyond ordinary people’s imagination, but now, it is just a kind of gentle black Teacher who looks a little kind.

So Xia Zhiye didn’t quite understand why this person did not go home after get off work, but drove the car and went to another direction.

Are you planning to use your private time to relax your mood, or… have another reason?

For this reason, Xia Zhiye did not appear immediately, but chose to wait.

When the car drove to a place that looked very remote, Xia Zhiye felt that his waiting should be full of beautiful flowers.

The car stopped and Foster got some things from the trunk after getting off the car.

Came to the iron gate and opened the gate. Foster did not find it at all, and followed a tail behind him.

But Mr. Tail has obviously discovered something more interesting, so body flashed disappeared.

When reappears, it has reached a higher-level.

In a transparent device, there is a bed, and a woman is lying on the bed, sleeping.

Xia Zhiye looked at her, and then looked around casually.

After a while like this, Foster opened the door and walked in. When he saw Xia Zhiye, his expression was a bit dull: “I don’t know that Eva had a boyfriend…”

Xia Zhiye thought for a while and said, “As far as her physical condition is concerned, her boyfriend can only be a luxury for her… well, calm down.”

When the voice fell, his body had already appeared in another position, and the original position was already standing with a woman with arms outstretched.

Her expression was serious and she looked at Xia Zhiye calmly and asked Foster: “Did you bring it?”

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