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By now, Scholes Court Academecian also understood.

Where she is now, it doesn’t seem to be the so-called SHIELD.

Not even any official organization!

Otherwise, waiting for yourself is definitely not such a superior treatment, and what you have seen will definitely not be such a huge base.

It’s a cold room. In the worst case, you might spend several nights in the detention center.

But now?

A group of people with familiar eyes and strange strangers are all around.

Some of them looked impatient and seemed to be anxious to deal with something, while others were already dealing with it.

When he saw Block, Scholes Court Academecian was kind.

Here, you can see how valuable a familiar face is… Although there is one more face, that one obviously does not intend to take care of himself.

Although I don’t know what method the other party used, I can come here from San Francisco in such a fast time.

And wait for yourself in advance…

But this does not affect her affection for Natasha.

At least during the previous inquiry, the woman’s attitude towards herself was good.

And this is where she wondered.

I had a good conversation before, why now I suddenly changed my face?

“Harry hasn’t arrived yet?”

Xia Zhiye’s voice interrupted Scholes Court Academecian’s reverie.

“He said he wanted to find a few authorities,” Tony shrugged said. “You know, I don’t even know how to do this.”

“What is even?” Xia Zhiye rolled the eyes: “You must not equal to me!”

“But even you are still not helping some people…” Tony looked towards Banner.

Banner quickly said: “I am getting along well with Hulk now. I feel that this is also very good. What I am most relieved is that Hulk is becoming more and more sensible.”

Then just after his sentence was finished, the horror happened.

Suddenly his head widened and appeared green!

“Hulk is a good child!!!”

Hulk estimates that he can get along well with Venom. These two people like to roar when they talk.

Xia Zhiye rubbed his head. Scholes Court Academecian was almost not scared to death, but Bullock looked at Banner excitedly: “You have parasites on your body?”

“I said, I am not a parasite!!!!!!”

In the roar, a black shadow emerged from Brock.

Everyone’s eyes, including Scholes Court Academecian, looked towards Bullock.

Scholes Court Academecian’s face showed a worried expression: “This is not good, Brock… This, it is very likely that I hurt you! God, why the hell happened?”

“You don’t have to blame yourself too much… I think that although it’s not easy to communicate, we may be able to reach an agreement.

Brock comforted.


Venom reappears and roars.

“Strange guy…” Banner blinked and asked Xia Zhiye: “What’s the situation with him?”

“Information.” Xia Zhiye glanced at Natasha.

“It’s all transferred into their combat bracelet.” Natasha raised her head, slightly laughed: “But it looks like they didn’t do their homework before they came.”

Xia Zhiye looked towards Tony with disappointed eyes.

Tony was suddenly angry: “It’s not because I didn’t do my homework, why do you just look at me?”

“I remember when you first fought in the Avengers, you liked doing your homework… why are you even abandoning such good habits now?”

Xia Zhiye sighed.


Brock exclaimed with Scholes Court Academecian.

“I should have recognized it already!”

Brock stared at Tony’s face and said, “You are Iron Man, Tony Stark! Oh my God, is this the base of the Avengers? Why am I involved with you?”

Scholes Court Academecian was even more shocked: “I just do research, why offend you?”

“…Then there is good news now, do you really want to hear it?” Tony glanced at two people: “Whether you believe it or not, this place is not the headquarters of the Avengers!”

“So what is this place?” *2

The two again spoke in unison.

“This is the Super Hero League!”

The elevator opened, and Harry walked out of the room with excitement: “Xia, I think about it, we haven’t seen each other in about half a year, right?”

Xia Zhiye pondered it for a long time?

Think about it, since the thing about Mandarin has passed, I really seem to have become busy.

It’s the universe, and Asgard’s running around, and now hugs Harry helplessly: “I’ve been a little messy in this day…”

“It doesn’t matter, superheroes should be like you!”

Harry said: “I came here this time and brought a few more talented experts, and the trust value has been full.”

“I am looking forward.”

Xia Zhiye laughed.

Long time no see, this guy is no different from the original.

Since Xia Zhiye completely healed his genetic disease, he seemed to have rejuvenated his second spring of life.

Especially for Xia Zhiye, as well as Xia Zhiye’s career, I invested all my mind and body.

So far, the overwhelming majority of the scientists in Camp Lehigh have been obtained through Harry.

For this reason, everyone once gathered together to formulate a set of auditing mechanism, which can ensure that the talents used by Camp Lehigh have no undercover!

In fact, the entire Earth, the most worthy of scrutiny is the Hydra people.

However, Hydra’s information has been cracked all the time. When nothing happens, SHIELD and Hydra will fight.

It is no exaggeration to say that throughout Earth, the one who knows Hydra best is the group of people in Camp Lehigh.

So they deliberately send the undercover into it, basically as heavenly ascension!

Harry brought 2 scientists. After everyone met, everyone stopped talking and looked at Xia Zhiye together.

Xia Zhiye looked at Bullock, and then said, “I will not say anything else. What is before us now is that our friend, Eddie Bullock, is hiding a symbiote. We It is necessary to fully excavate all the information of this symbiote in a way that does not harm him. Including, and not limited to their weaknesses and hobbies!”

“there is a question!”

Tony stretched out his hand and said: “After we get the information, what’s the use?”

“I need a comprehensive symbiosis plan, and strive to make them obediently and honestly obedient!”

Xia Zhiye said: “This may become a new battle strength, but one thing must be emphasized is that if all this cannot be done, then we must eliminate all the symbiotes counted by 1000000, one Do not stay!”

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