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Unlike all VR games, everything here is still here.

And Xia Zhiye and Scholes Court Academecian 2 are sitting on the chair, but everything around them is clearly arranged.

Including, those grim wounds on the body.

Scholes Court Academecian looked at all around with shock: “What technology is this?”

“Well… I don’t know.” Xia Zhiye said: “We have relevant experts.”

In talking, he has been carefully observing the corpses around him. The position of each corpse is placed. With a deep drag, the whole picture changes with his movements.

A body appeared in front of 2 people.

Scholes Court Academecian was taken aback, but when she saw the corpse, there was a trace of sadness in her expression: “She is wearing our company uniform.”

Xia Zhiye didn’t speak, and after one glance, she suddenly frowned.

In front of the corpse, a person was placed in a position, but there was a note next to it: suspected!

This is an old man, female, hair grey-white, and the reason for marking the “suspected” remarks is mainly because the person who made the on-site simulation cannot confirm whether the person was here at the time.

Everything nowadays, except for the simulation based on the data, is based on the surrounding monitoring equipment to judge what was here at that time, some who…

Xia Zhiye’s kung fu, communication has arrived.

“I carried out on-site integration based on our information module.” Natasha’s voice arrived: “I found an interesting thing. There should be another person present, but this person…is missing.”


Xia Zhiye was silent for a moment, lightly pointing the steering wheel, and the surrounding picture shattered: “If it is missing, then everything makes sense. All the fragments of the body have been regulated?”

“Yes, even Jarvis, hates this job.” Natasha said: “It’s definitely a job that humans can’t do to find corresponding candidates from a vast database based on personal DNA. Among all the DNA comparisons, we did not find the old man’s body. For now, it is impossible to tell whether she was not here originally… or is it possible?”

“I see.” Xia Zhiye laughed: “It’s hard work.”

“… Listening to this voice telling me hard work, it’s really weird.”

Natasha said: “The things you have given me have already made good progress, and I have been on the other side.”

“After 2 days,” Xia Zhiye said, “I’m afraid this is something you discovered this time.”

“My intuition is always sharp.”

“Incredible intuition.” Xia Zhiye said: “I still have customers here, so come here.”

At the end of the communication, Xia Zhiye looked at Scholes Court Academecian.

Scholes Court Academecian looked at Xia Zhiye blankly, not knowing why.

“According to the information currently available, we can judge… First of all, the alien lifeforms you found, um, or can be called symbiotes, they have parasitic properties! They can be attached to humans. The car accident was missing at the time. A person, and this person, through basic reasoning, I can probably determine that she should be possessed by a symbiotic body, and then… came to the street we just saw, and opened the killing ring. Eventually, She took away another person who was supposed to be on the scene… the old lady.”

Speaking of which, Xia Zhiye lightly rubbed his eyebrows: “Do you know what this means?”

“Meaning… Drake’s experiment is correct?” Courtesian Scors said with anxiety: “Symbiosis can really live peacefully with humans?”

“Get along peacefully?” Xia Zhiye’s helpless sighed: “The corpse of your company’s employee, the Dissection report shows that she has all over her body and multiple organs have failed. What do you think is the reason? Walking and walking, she gave herself to Digested? What do the parasites attach to the human body? What do they consume? Will they grow food in the human body?”

“… goo dong! “

Scholes Court Academecian’s complexion turned pale, and the sound of drooling was clearly discernible.

“Did you know?” Xia Zhiye looked at her: “This person, was eaten!”

Scholes Court Academecian’s teeth began to tremble, and then took a deep breath and said: “That…that…”

“So, the symbiote found another person, possessed, parasitized, and left the crime scene.”

Xia Zhiye said: “So, what is before us now is that these things you bring not only kill people in the life gene meeting, but also have a freedom, and are full of vitality, murderous, violent guys, walking In our world within the realm. We don’t even know…what it wants to do.”

Scholes Court Academecian was chilled by what Xia Zhiye said: “What… what shall we do?”

“The next thing has nothing to do with you.” Xia Zhiye lightly exhaled, and then sent the communication again.

“Get down for wait for me.”

After the communication was connected, Xia Zhiye said such a sentence, then cut off the communication, and then said to Scholes Court Academecian: “Next, I plan to send you to another place to ensure your safety. “

“I… what will happen to me?”

“The person you found is called Brock.” Xia Zhiye said: “He was discovered at that time, you wouldn’t naively think that such a big life foundation would find it out, he was brought in by you Evidence? If you continue to go back, absolutely… never see the sun tomorrow again.”

When Scholes Court Academecian heard it, he almost cried again: “Then… what should I do?”

“Relax, there is a safe place waiting for you.” Xia Zhiye started the car.

Scholes Court Academecian burst into tears: “How long will I be in prison?”

The place she thought was waiting for her was the prison.

Xia Zhiye did not speak, let her take care.



Driving Xiaohei, Xia Zhiye came to the place where the Kun-style fighter landed before, Bucky had already been waiting here.

Bucky is sitting on a stone, thinking about life idly.

When Xia Zhiye got off with Scholes Court Academecian, his eyes almost fell off his face.

What’s so special about this… big change of living!

When he came, he was a straight steel man, and in a blink of an eye he became Natasha?

What kind of trick is this, how did it become?

When I received the communication before, I already felt wrong. Obviously it was agreed by two people, and the result became a woman’s voice. Now, when I look at it, not only the voice is a woman, but the person has changed!

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