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Brock was slightly stunned. After hesitating for a while, he frowned slightly.

Xia Zhiye’s words gave him a little vigilance.

This vigilance was captured by Xia Zhiye in an instant, and there was a smile on his lips: “Trusting one another is the first premise of official business. It seems that there may be an insurmountable gap between us.”

Bullock’s expression was a bit scornful, and suddenly shouted: “Shut up!!”

“En?” Xia Zhiye froze.

“No, I’m not talking about you!” Bullock said quickly. “I…may be sick. In short, stop here. If you want, you can leave a business card and wait for me to recover afterwards. Will find you.”

“is it?”

Xia Zhiye laughed: “Originally, Mr. Block now believes that he is actively looking for opportunities, but turning a blind eye to the opportunities before him…”


A roar like wild beast was mixed in the violent roar.

Xia Zhiye’s eyes narrowed slightly, then gently nodded: “Farewell.”

Standing up to the door, he looked back towards Brock, looking thoughtful in his eyes, and gently smiling: “I always feel that we will meet again soon!”

With an eager expression on Brock’s face, Xia Zhiye was pushed out of the room, and then the door was closed with a bang.

Standing at the door, Xia Zhiye’s expression was a little weird, and he touched his chin: “Am I supposed to be protected by someone? Some things in my body have already begun to suppress? It’s normal, right? The time mentioned in is yesterday, in other words, he has returned for a whole day. It should also… say hi to some residents. But…”

After he hesitated, he laughed and turned downstairs.

There is another person tonight, he needs to visit…Dora Scholes Court Academecian!

This place is not very far away, but if you want to see her, you need to try one’s luck.

Because Xia Zhiye was not sure whether she was at home this time.

A researcher affiliated with the Life Foundation has no way of knowing when she is at the foundation or when she is at home.

When Xiaohei stopped by the road, Xia Zhiye used The Eye of Horus to sweep around and found that she was lucky.

This Court Academecian is sitting on the sofa of his home at this moment, chewing on the pizza, his face full of thoughts.

Came to the door and rang the doorbell. When the sound rang, Xia Zhiye noticed that the woman’s body suddenly shook, and it seemed that she was shocked.


A smile appeared on the corner of Xia Zhiye’s mouth, his eyes turned, and a surveillance camera was found around him. Thoughts move, the golden energy within the body had burst out.

Colorless energy can be released outside the body, but if it does not operate in a special way, it does not have any formidable power.

But the golden energy is not the same, this energy itself has a certain offensive.

Although it won’t kill people and kill them, it will have lethal damage. However, the damage to some electronic devices is not a big problem.

The advantage is that any of these two energies, as long as Xia Zhiye is willing, can make this energy invisible and phaseless, and cannot be observed by the naked eye and instruments.

A ray of green smoke gradually raised, the camera has lost its original effect.

The footsteps of Court Academecian in Scholes have arrived at the gate, and in this instant, Xia Zhiye has changed his appearance.

In the interim, I couldn’t think of a more suitable way of becoming who, so… directly became the best, Natasha.

Stretching his hand on the chest and pressing it, the next second, a small black suit was changed to his body.

heaven knows why there are always similar clothes in my Disassemble space…

After Xia Zhiye fiercely criticized herself, Scholes Court Academecian’s voice came to his ears: “Hello… how are you?”

Xia Zhiye’s hand lightly tapped on the wrist, and one mouth has become a woman’s voice: “SHIELD!”

And he reached out and took out an ID in his pocket, and scanned it on the camera: “Please open the door. There is a question about the Life Foundation. I want to know something.”

To be honest, Xia Zhiye’s scam is easily broken.

He came for no reason, no reason, and he was alone, without any colleagues around him.

The scan of the document just moved too fast at that moment, it seems that it was not done intentionally for the sake of being clear.

These weak spots are here, but Scholes Court Academecian turned a blind eye.

Her pupils contracted and enlarged suddenly. After a while, she opened the door weakly, and then gave Xia Zhiye a cowering glance.

Thanks to Xia Zhiye, the best thing is to become Natasha.

The relationship of being a “female” made Scholes Court Academecian relax a lot. She exhaled gently: “SHIELD…what is it?”

“Specially responsible for dealing with things that ordinary person should not know, such as… some species from aliens.” Xia Zhiye gave a step: “If you want, please come out.”

“Please wait for me.” Scholes Court Academecian hesitated and said, “I’ll go get a coat.”

Xia Zhiye nodded, not at all blocked.

The reason why it became Natasha, and then made up such a lie, just don’t want the sudden situation to make this woman out of control and do something irreparable.

But if something similar happens, Xia Zhiye will still be able to smooth everything out as quickly as possible.

The Eye of Horus followed the Court Academecian all the time and found that she did not at all do extra things, but went back to get a coat, was in a hurry, and lost 3 and dropped 4.

As can be seen from these actions, she was very panicked.

When the door opened again, Scholes Court Academecian was already standing in front of Xia Zhiye.

Although she tried to keep calm, the shaking of her hands and the dodge of her eyes silently exposed her mentality at this moment.

She is very nervous!

very nervous!

So nervous that it is almost impossible to think completely!

But because of this, it is easy to be fooled.

Going out, came to Xiaohei, opened the door and got in the car.

Scholes Court Academecian’s expression is slightly surprised, this car is too ultra-modern, exquisite like art.

Although there is no research on the car, it is still eye-catching.

After the two people in the car were seated, Xia Zhiye set a coordinate and then started the car.

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