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“We just went back like this?”

Tony flying in the sky was a little bit grudged about this matter.

Da Lao Yuan ran over for such a trip, and the result was so gray back, always feeling a bit unwilling.

“Otherwise, what else?”

Xia Zhiye simply put on a mask: “We can’t just go out and kill Wakanda because they are unwilling, and then steal all their technology and research results?”

“Of course not…” Tony rolled the eyes: “Look at how extreme your old man’s thinking is!”


Xia Zhiye didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, what’s so strange about myself?

Flying out of Wakanda’s realm, I was just about to find a place to draw a Transmission Array and fly back to Camp Lehigh. Suddenly, Jarvis’ voice came: “There are trackers!”

Tony and Xia Zhiye glanced at each other, and Xia Zhiye’s eyes were a little grim.

Xia Zhiye has never been the kind of person who has no bottom line to do things. This time he came to seek cooperation with the greatest sincerity and hope to have a good ending.

But even the final result, even Xia Zhiye’s initial goal, was not achieved, and he didn’t really attack Wakanda.

But the other party even sent chaseers, didn’t they plan to let them take Wakanda’s secret away?

If that’s the case, don’t blame Xia Zhiye’s mercilessness.

Even if their team is not enough, they are anxious to find troops directly from Asgard, and they have to talk to these guys.

They are not really so alone!

Thinking about the cruel thing, I saw a spaceship in front of them in a blink of an eye.

“No,” Tony said. “No matter how confident they are, with a spaceship, it’s impossible to stop us!”

Xia Zhiye also understands this truth, so he frowns in the air and waits.

After a while, the spacecraft came directly to their heads and opened a hatch.

Although there is no communication, the meaning is obvious.

Xia Zhiye and Tony glanced at each other, and flew in from the door together.

As soon as he came in, he found a black man with a leopard head standing in the spaceship waiting.

Seeing them come in, the man slowly took off his helmet… still very dark!

T’Challa Prince!

Xia Zhiye blinked: “In your country, is there no punishment for the crime of treason?”

“…Of course not!” T’Challa rolled the eyes said: “It’s just that my father and I think that if we can join your team, maybe, we can really look at the world outside Wakanda, even, the world Outside the world!”

Xia Zhiye blinked and smiled: “Welcome to join.”

“And I!”

A hand was stretched out over the cockpit: “If you want, I still want to know why you can use space folding technology so easily, and that person in such an environment can’t even dead!”

It turned out to be Shuri Princess.

Xia Zhiye was a little speechless: “The old king believed me, but gave me all the children?”

“No, she sneaked out.” T’Challa seemed to have a headache for this too: “Just hope, she won’t cause us confusion.”

“I don’t think so!”

Xia Zhiye glanced at the Shuri Princess, not only did she not feel that there was an extra oil bottle, but also felt that if this girl could join Camp Lehigh, it would definitely be a great help!



The spaceship moved towards Camp Lehigh, but 4 people had already sat down.

“Even now, I still don’t understand, why would you… well, chase it out?” Xia Zhiye said: “So clearly refused, making me think that this matter is completely impossible.”

“If it’s just an individual, when you take out those things, I have already joined you.” T’Challa’s expression is very solemn: “But Wakanda is not a family industry, but a country. The tribe is integrated The Vibrium civilization continues to this day. We can鈥檛 make such a firm determination because of something we still can鈥檛 be sure about. Maybe, some things you don鈥檛 like, but I still have to say that you have not been so noble in Wakanda Credibility.”

Xia Zhiye doesn’t think so, just nodded.

People feel the same way, and there is nothing to dislike.

“But from a personal point of view, I am willing to believe in you, and my father is willing to believe in you. So, before I was crowned king, I joined your team and joined you… I want to see what you say How far is the truth from what I thought!”

T’Challa’s words are sincere and do not turn: “If, in the future, I think that we really need to be united together to resist the force in the universe…we…”

As soon as he said this, Xia Zhiye’s face suddenly changed.

A small device was pulled out of his pocket, and the little thing was shaking all the time.

Tony’s face changed at the first sight: “It’s Ronan the Accuser’s echo!”

Xia Zhiye took a deep breath, reached out and clicked on it, and within a second, a projection appeared in front of everyone.

As far as the eye can see, it is unbelievable!

In the vast and unmarked starry sky, a group of steel giant beasts is showing in front of them.

Ronan the Accuser’s perspective gradually drew closer, his eyes looked quietly out of the window, and the voice also passed from it: “Thanos, what is waiting for you, will be destroyed!!!”

At the same time as the voice fell, there was a loud, rainbow-like gorgeous rays of light, like the choppy waves, like the waves and waves, rushed to the team in front of them in an instant.

The flames were condensing, and Ronan the Accuser was already burning Raging of Raging Flames.

But at the same time, the main ship opposite the huge fleet seemed to be covered with a transparent light curtain, blocking that energy out.

Although crumbling, it still blocked the strongest wave!

Bang bang bang!! ! ! ! !

The successive explosions sounded one after another, and the four people in the spaceship could only see the layers of energy, striving to bloom the brightest radiance in the universe.

In the end… the projection dissipated and everything was over!


Xia Zhiye leaned his back against a metal wall and lightly gritted his teeth without speaking.

“Even if it… failed?”

Tony exhaled for a long time: “What did we see just now? Countless troops, fleet… Ronan the Accuser’s fleet is like a group compared to him… Well, I don’t know how to describe it, Boy Scout? “

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