Marvel’s Blood God Chapter 50


Chapter 50 Malick Family


Betty pulled Banner After a while, Banner came to his senses and said sorry, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Dr. Banner, I'll see the Senator in a while, so I'll say straight to the point!"

Wang Bert said: "If you are willing to stay in Oscorp, I can shelter you, if you are not willing, I will not force you, you can leave at any time, but what will happen after you leave, I believe in you I know it myself!"

"Apart from being hunted down, what else could it be?"

Banner smiled bitterly, and he asked hesitantly, "What do I need to do to join your Oscorp? ?"

Wang Bert said in deadly earnest: "You need to be studied!"


Banner was stunned, Wang Bert said with a smile : "Just kidding, just kidding, Dr. Banner, you have seven doctor degrees, and you're afraid you can't find something to do?
Of course, it's not wrong to say that you're being studied, but it's you who study you, you can Use Oscorp's resources to study Hulk!"

"Mr. Green, I can study with you!"

Sten doctor said: "I have promised Mister Wang to join Oscorp, he will Fully support my research on artificial blood and Vampire genes!"

These two distinct things, any successful research, Stern doctor is enough to move the world!
Banner was a little moved, he said, "I'll think about it!"

"Take your time, don't worry! Here, I can protect your safety!"

Wang Bert said with a smile: "Besides, I won't restrict you to use cellphone and computer, you can do whatever you want. If you want to see who, you can also ask him here!"

Banner gratefully said: " many thanks!"

"You're welcome!"

Wang Bert waved his hand, what he thought, said with a smile: "speaking of which, Dr. Banner, you are red now People, many lawyers have said they want to help you sue the military for compensation!"

"Red people?"

Banner was stunned, Betty thought of something, and asked: "Mister Wang, you Propaganda about him?"

"Yes, but I didn't reveal your name and appearance, Dr. Banner. All the news is under the code name of Mr. Green and Hulk."

Wang Bert said: "Dr. Banner, this is good for your current situation. At least the military does not dare to arrest you arbitrarily. As for whether to stand up or not, it is up to you."

"No more, I have to stay away from the crowd as much as possible, otherwise there will be disaster at any time."

Banner shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I won't show up until Hulk is eliminated. In front of the public!"

Wang Bert said: "Dr. Banner, in fact, you don't have to eliminate Hulk, Hulk is yourself, he shares the emotional area with you, otherwise he wouldn't try his best to protect Betty !"

Banner frowned: "But he's uncontrollable. You've seen his destructive power!"

"That's just because you didn't control him!"

Wang Bert said to Banner: "He is like a newborn child, you keep him locked up, he will naturally get angry when he comes out, if you let him out every once in a while, let Betty in Next to teach him..."

"This is not good, this is absolutely not good, Hulk will hurt Betty!"

Before Wang Bert could finish speaking, Banner interrupted him excitedly He loudly said: "Hulk must be eliminated, he should not be born!"

"He is not born, you are dead! "

"I'd rather die!" "

Banner roared loudly, his eyes faintly turned green, Betty face changed, and hurriedly reassured Banner: "Bruce, breathe, breathe..."

Banner also reacted incorrectly, He hurriedly used the Breathing Technique he had learned to lower his heartbeat. After a while, he put out a breath and said apologetically to Wang Bert: "Mister Wang, I'm sorry, but Hulk shouldn't exist! "

"Hulk will be even more mad at you like this, and sooner or later, he will replace you!" "

Wang Bert sighed, saying: "You rest well, doctor Stern, talk to Dr. Banner and see if there is anything you can do to help him!" "

Stern said, "Okay, I was just about to chat more with Mr. Green!" ”

“If you need anything, open the list and give it to the staff! "

Wang Bert nods to Betty and turns to leave!

"Banner's attitude is a bit troublesome! ”

After walking out of the room, Wang Bert frowned slightly. At this time, Lilith called and Senator Stern arrived!
Oscorp office, Wang Bert and Senator Stern shook hands, said with a smile: "Senator, we meet again. "

"No way, the military and Congress are in a hurry." "

Senator Stern said with a smile: "The military has tentatively agreed to buy War Abomination, but they asked to send a few assistants to join your team!" "

Wang Bert said: "This is no problem, but the core secrets of the war Abomination will not be open to them!" "

"It's natural!" "

Senator Stern was nodded with satisfaction, saying, "Bert, General Ross has been removed from his post and handed over to a court-martial." "

Wang Bert knew that this was the military's sincerity, he said with a smile: "Deserving it!" ”

Of course, sincerity is sincerity, Wang Bert would not be stupid enough to think that the military just let go of its vigilance against Blood Race, but this is not a big problem, because in a few months, the alien will come Now!

"It really deserves it, the White House is full of people protesting against him! "

Senator Stern said with a smile: "Bert, the military asked me to ask you, what do you need to pay to get Dr. Banner?" His blood is very important! "

"Dr. Banner is not a trade item. If the military wants it, it can send someone to persuade him. If he wants, he can leave at any time!" "

Wang Bert said: "However, he has a bad temper, don't provoke him, I don't want to rebuild Oscorp Tower!" "

"Rest assured, we know how terrifying he is!" "

Senator Stern said with a smile: "By the way, Bert, Congressman Malik has a banquet this weekend, are you interested in attending?" "

"Malick MP for the World Security Council?" I will be there on time! "

Wang Bert is a little surprised, if he remembers correctly, this Gideon Malick is a giant of Hydra, that is, Hydra wants to win him?

"See you then ! "

Senator Stern shook hands with Wang Bert and turned to leave, he was going to try a new car, a very low-key antique car!
"Hydra?" ”

Wang Bert stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his eyes narrowed, Hydra has many factions, the one from SHIELD must not be touched, but Gideon Malick may be able to take advantage of this one, after all, they suffered very late!

And, the god they believe in is interesting.


The Malick Family is a very large political family in America, and they have existed since the founding of America , has a pivotal power in the country!
Therefore, Malick Family's banquet has always been a place where high society flocks, and everyone is honored to receive an invitation - except Wang Bert!

“ It's so boring, I knew it wouldn't come, that bastard Stern, actually let me dove! "

Wang Bert stood in the corner, thinking unhappily, he is too young, and he has not disclosed his identity, so no one came to him!
There are a few noble ladies who are interested in Wang Bert. Bert's wicked temperament is interested, the problem is, Wang Bert is not interested in them!
"Mister Wang, hello, I'm Stephen Nee Malik! ”

At this moment, a white clothed beauty came over and stretched out her hand to Wang Bert. The people next to her were very surprised. Gideon Malick's daughter actually took the initiative to talk to that youngster?
No People with a certain status are not qualified to know who Wang Bert is!

Wang Bert and Stephen Ni shook hands, said with a smile: "Miss Malik, hello! "

Stephen Ni said with a smile: "Mister Wang, are you satisfied with the banquet?" "

"I wasn't satisfied, but you came, and I was satisfied!" "

Wang Bert said with a smile, Stephen Ni covered her mouth and chuckled, she chatted with Wang Bert for a while, and suddenly asked, "Mister Wang, what do you think about God?" "

"God? "

Wang Bert glanced at Stephen Ni and said, "The reason why people worship God is because of what they want. In this respect, I am also a god." "

Stephen Ni astonished, she asked, "How? "

Wang Bert said proudly: "I can give power, money, immortality, and even superpower to others. You say, am I a god?" "

"It seems to be true, no wonder your name is Blood God!" "

Stephen Ni was amazed, she asked again: "Then do you believe that there is a real God in this world?" "

Wang Bert shook his head: "God is just a stronger person that's all. If I go back to ancient times, I will definitely become a god worshipped by countless people!" "

Stephen Ni frowned, not because Wang Bert was too arrogant, but because what he said made sense!

Of course, this was not enough to shake Stephen Ni's belief, She said, "Mister Wang, you are so confident, my father wants to see you, do you have time? "

Wang Bert said with a smile: "Mr. Malick wants to see me, he has to be free, just like Miss Stephen Ni, you want to date me!" "

"Mister Wang is joking, but if we have time, we can hang out together!" ”

Stephen Ni smiled and led Wang Bert to the study, where Gideon Malick with white hair was waiting for him.

After a simple greeting, Congressman Malik talked about the topic: " Mister Wang, does Oscorp plan to develop aerospace technology? "

Wang Bert said with certainty: "Yes, Oscorp intends to complete the first cosmic spaceship within twenty years. "

Congressman Malik didn't expect Wang Bert to really have a plan in this regard, and he asked in surprise: "Can it be done within 20 years?" "

"Yes, Mr. Vanko of Oscorp is a real genius, and within twenty years he will definitely be able to create a cosmic spaceship." "

Wang Bert said: "Humans should not only focus on Earth, the universe is very big, the stars and the sea are always waiting for us to conquer. "

"I agree. "

Congressman Malik repeatedly nod, he said: "Mister Wang, Malick Family is very much looking forward to Oscorp's spaceship!" "

"If you don't see a spaceship in twenty years, I'll give you Oscorp!" ”

Wang Bert said with a smile, Congressman Malik is also laughed heartily, his meaning is very clear, as long as Oscorp fully develops space technology, the Malick Family will speak for Oscorp and even provide some help!
With the status of the Malick Family, this commitment is quite heavy!
And the reason why he made such a commitment is not because he sees Wang Bert wanting to recruit him as his son-in-law, but because of their belief in the god 'Hive' 'On other planets, they need spaceship to bring the gods back!

Gideon Malick this lineage Hydra, the biggest dream is to bring their gods back!

Wang Bert and Councilman Malik Shaking hands, he sneered inwardly: "God? When I crush your gods into pieces with my own hands in front of you, you will know that gods are nothing! ”


In a blink of an eye, several days have passed. Although General Ross was sent to a military court, the protests continued, because everyone wanted the military to agree to the future. Stop doing this thing, and the military has not promised to compensate for the loss of that street!
The military does not want to compensate at all. Bert and the city government have no interest in paying attention to them at all.

Wang Bert is rich, but that doesn't mean he will spend money unjustly. As for the city government, they are raising 500 million USD and have no interest in helping the military at all. Fill in the pit!

"Mister Wang is really amazing, he has brought Oscorp back to life in just a few months, if Mr. Ben is alive, he will be very pleased! ”

At night, Spider-Man was hanging upside down under the sign reading the newspaper, at this time, he turned to "The Daily Bugle", no accident, and it was scolding him again!
Spider-Man is upset If you flip to the next newspaper, Electro and the others are better. "The Daily Bugle" doesn't dare to scold them at will, because that will get them a warning letter from the Watchmen Company.

"Or I Join the Watchmen Company too? Mister Wang is a very nice person, not only invited me to be a sparring coach, but also invited me to join Oscorp. It is because of this job that I can afford the tuition fees. I also met the lovely Miss Gwen and the charming Ha Young Lady Dai, ah, they All good! "

Just when the scumbag Spider-Man was hesitating to choose Gwen or Felicia, a wretched laughter suddenly came from a distance: "Little Sister, will Uncle play with you?" "

"There is a situation! ”

Spider-Man immediately glued the newspaper to the sign, and then swung quickly towards the place where the sound came from, and after a while, he saw a little girl in purple clothes being surrounded by a few thugs The guy brought him into an alley!
Spider-Man immediately swung over to save people, but to his surprise, there was a series of screams of men in the alley. When he got to the alley, he found Those hooligans all fell to the ground, and the purple clothed little girl was picking up wallets on them with a short stick!
"What's the situation? "

Spider-Man said that he has been a hero for so long, and he has never seen such a situation. Such a beautiful little girl has solved all the hooligans?

purple The clothed little girl was startled when she heard the movement, saw Spider-Man, sighed in relief, and shouted: "Spider-Man, this is my spills of war, you can't grab it! "

Spider-Man asked in surprise, "spoils of war?" Spider-Man doesn't rob child spoils of war, no, you beat all these people? "

"Of course, they are so weak that they can bully children!" "

The little girl with purple clothed said as it should be by rights: "Also, they are so poor, they have no money, and even their watches are fakes, so it is better to rob those gangs. ”

(end of this chapter)

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