When Fatty got into the luxury car and left the manor, a little brother in the front seat immediately turned around with a lewd smile on his face and said;

"Boss, I heard that a new batch of goods arrived today. I have already made arrangements. You can go and try the goods tonight."

When the fat bug in the back seat saw the younger brother's lewd smile, he immediately felt a little evil fire rising below him. But when that fat and greasy face was about to join in the lewd smile, the fat bug said to his subordinate in a low voice;

"You have to try the goods, but you go tell the action team to say hello to the Crocodile Gang tonight, especially Gary and Crow."

In fact, in the eyes of Fat Worm, no matter how happy the Crocodile Gang is, he will not take it seriously. After all, the Lucchese family has deep roots in Brooklyn for many years, and it is not something that a small Crocodile Gang can shake. If you want to dominate the West Side, it depends on whether the Lucchese family will give you this opportunity.

At this time, in a bar in the West Side, many men and women were swaying to the explosive music. This is the most popular bar under the name of the Crocodile Gang,"Dream Fate".

Recently, the boss of the Crocodile Gang, Crow, once said:"In the entire West Side, only this bar can you hear Mozart."

Under the Internet celebrity effect, the Dream Fate Bar has become the most popular bar in the entire West Side for a while, and there is also the emerging boss Crow in charge here, and basically no one dares to make trouble here.. Especially those who come here to play will feel that they are very prestigious.

At this time, a luxury car slowly stopped outside the bar. As a younger brother opened the door, Gary, who was wearing an expensive suit and a big gold chain, slowly got out of the car, and then took the opportunity to hug a gorgeously dressed white woman beside him.

As Gary walked slowly towards the door of the bar, a dozen younger brothers in suits and sunglasses behind him also slowly followed behind him.

Gary was full of momentum and awe. This was a scene Gary had never imagined, but he succeeded! Because he is now the leader of the West District!

But before he took a few steps, a dazzling light suddenly shone on his face. Just as Gary was about to turn around and scold the other party, motorcycles suddenly appeared, and each of these people who suddenly appeared was holding a submachine gun in their hands!


As the flash of the submachine gun splashed, the whole scene was swept by a storm of bullets. Gary lay down quickly. Some of the brothers were shot and fell down instantly, while others pulled out their pistols and fought back with difficulty.

Suddenly, a classic gang fight scene was staged at the door of the bar. However, the opponent's firepower was too strong. In less than 3 minutes, Gary and his brothers were unable to fight back and fell to the ground one after another.

As a group of people rushed out of the Mengyuan Bar and began to fight back, the attackers saw that their goal had been achieved and no longer wanted to fight, so they quickly got in the car and left.

At this time, in the office of the Mengyuan Bar, Crow opened the door and rushed out after hearing the gunshots, but if you look carefully in the office at this time, you will see a black shadow wearing a mask flashing outside the window. As soon as

Crow went out, he saw the tragic scene after the fight. Many brothers fell to the ground, and there were bullet holes everywhere on the car and building. Gary also fell to the ground and kept wailing.

After taking a look at the direction the group of motorcycles left, he turned around and said to the other brothers:

"Send big brother to the hospital quickly, and then check who the other party is. Damn, you want to leave after offending the Crocodile Gang?"Ten minutes later, luxury cars were rushing to the hospital, and each car was carrying members who were shot but not dead. Gary was naturally in one of the cars, and he was leaning on Crow's shoulder, covering his arm in pain.

Gary was not injured because he was protected by his younger brothers. If he hadn't stood up and fired back, his arm would not have been shot. But his younger brothers were unlucky.

"Damn it, they actually hit the Crocodile Gang in the face. Crow, you are my good brother, we can't let them go so easily!"

At this time, Gary covered his arm with a ferocious face and said to Crow. He was indeed a little scared. He finally became the leader. His wonderful life has not started yet, but he was almost shot to death. So he was very angry at this time.

However, Crow was calmly installing a silencer on his pistol. After finding that Gary was only shot in the arm, Crow began to look disappointed.

"Don't worry, boss. You know me. I will kill them if I attack them. I will make them meet you in hell."

After Crow installed the silencer on the pistol, he turned around and said to Gary calmly. Gary was also frightened by the scene for a moment. Even at this moment, he understood what Crow wanted to do.

"Crow, what do you want?...I can give you the position of gang leader. I don't want anything. I can leave. I can stay far away...."

As Gary was begging for mercy passionately, Crow simply held up a finger as a gesture of silence;

"Shhh...Don't worry, I will personally organize your ceremony..."

With a muffled sound, Gary's heart was instantly pierced, and blood began to flow from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Crow with painful eyes, and died after a few difficult breaths.

At this time, Crow signaled Frank, who had a gloomy face, to stop the car, and then carried Gary's body horizontally with both hands....

The next day, Crow invited the best pastor to hold a funeral for Gary in a church, and then he became the leader of the Crocodile Gang with the support of many of his fellow gang members. That night, after the banquet, Crow also went on stage to give a speech.

"I, Crow, am a gangster because of three things: I am loyal, I am ruthless, and I have many brothers. I will definitely avenge Boss Gary! Since the Lucchese family was unkind first, don't blame us for being unrighteous!"

As Crow finished his concise speech, many of the younger brothers in the audience roared and applauded and shouted for revenge. That night, Crow changed the name of the Crocodile Gang to the"East Star" club.

From then on, East Star only believed in Guan Erye and no longer offered incense to the Lucchese family. It also spread the word that the people behind the group of killers would be killed and buried with Gary.

At this time, in a villa, a"big white pig" with a scarf covering his eyes was playing a sexy game of catching chickens with a group of women in the room.

These women were either naked or wearing sexy lingerie. They were white, black, yellow and of all races. Moreover, the women here were not only young and beautiful, but also older, and there were several smaller ones who looked like students.

A group of people were chasing and playing in the room with laughter. A woman was caught by Fat Bug and was immediately pressed under him with a lewd smile. Just as Fat Bug was preparing to"torture", there was a hurried knock on the door..........

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