After getting Happy's assurance, Li Xin hung up the phone with satisfaction; it would take some time to buy a car, and he planned to finish another thing first in the next few days; after quickly finishing his dinner, Li Xin came to his practice room, stood up slowly, and began to quickly make seals with his hands: Wei, Hai, Chou, Xu’

"Shadow Clone Technique"

""Bang bang bang bang bang bang~"

After the white smoke dissipated, there were 6 more Li Xins in the training room. Some were playing with a smile on their faces, some were silent with their arms crossed, some looked sad and seemed to be complaining, and some were yawning and looked like they were about to lie down.

Li Xin was going to investigate the Lucchese family, so he must have a new identity. He couldn't be his real body, and he couldn't let Ah Fei go.

"Stand still," the main body said seriously as he looked at the clones playing with each other;

"Oh, there are so many things to do."

Li Xin yawned, stretched, and slowly lined up in the queue.

"Hey, hurry up, hurry up."

A smiling Li Xin enthusiastically pulled the other clones to line up; after seeing the clones starting to line up, Li Xin began to look at them one by one;

"You are smiling all day long, how can you be involved in gangs? Pass"

Li Xin said, and the smiling clone made a face and turned into white smoke and was recycled;

"A sad face is not okay either."

"Why do you always look sleepy?"

"Do I have such lustful eyes, bro?..."

As the clones on the field were recovered one by one, there were only two left on the field, one with an angry face, and the other with a defiant and proud face.

"Never mind. You go...."

As Li Xin shook hands with the arrogant clone, the angry Li Xin next to him snorted and turned into white smoke.

After that, Li Xin began to close his eyes, recalling the image of Crow in the movie of Young and Dangerous in his previous life. When Li Xin opened his eyes again, the clone in front of him had become Crow (played by Cheung Yao-Yue), one of the Five Tigers of East Star in his previous life.

"Damn, what are you looking at? Don't worry, I will definitely make you the boss within a week."

‘After pulling his hand away, Crow stroked the flowing hair and said to Li Xin cunningly; and Li Xin nodded with satisfaction at the muscular, yellow-haired, unshaven man in front of him. Especially the unruly look, he really had the temperament of Brother Crow.

"One third of the chakra, if you encounter someone you can't beat, just run away. The abilities of the Angel Organization's experimental subjects are strange, don't fall for it."

Although this clone should be invincible among normal people, he is not like Madara's Wood Release clone that can use Susanoo, nor is he Itachi's Elephant Transmigration clone that can use illusion. If you really encounter the Angel Organization's experimental subjects, it depends on the situation. It's more important to run away.

"Don't worry, boss. You should practice quickly. I can't wait to kill people. Hahahaha."

After saying this, Crow left the room with a burst of laughter. When he left, he took out all the cash in his coat and threw his wallet away.

"Who did you learn this from~"

Li Xin sat down on the mat in the training room with a dark face and couldn't help but complain; no words were spoken that night. As the next day came, what happened at Ava's party yesterday was still on the hot search in New York Entertainment;

"A new Chinese singer beat someone up after drinking and hospitalized him, suspected of having mental problems"

"A hot new female singer in New York held a party at a mansion, but the people she invited were all these people"

"The Chinese singer was a big shot at the party, not only beating up fans but also the security guards on the scene.

In fact, what happened at the party last night could be big or small, but now it is obvious that someone wants to hype this matter up. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

The names of Philip Lee and Ava Thornton Wells are officially famous in New York, although Philip Lee is the one who is scolded by most people.

"The yellow race not only wants to take our jobs, but also wants to beat up the masters of this country? Shouldn't the police intervene?"

"Philip is my classmate. Although he knows Chinese Kung Fu, he is not the kind of person who likes to solve problems with violence. There must be some reason behind this."

"Did he really think that he was the king of New York just because he wrote a few songs? Regardless of the reason, is he really worthy of being an artist who beat people to the point of hospitalization? Who is chasing after artists like this?"

"Ava is absolutely beautiful. I am really impressed by her. She always tries to take advantage of Ava's popularity. Obviously, Ava is the victim."........

After receiving Jamie's call, Li Xin simply browsed the forum and found that most of the comments were scolding him. Even his songs were affected. Some senior singers couldn't help but criticize his works.

However, Jamie told Li Xin not to worry, and the company's public relations team would solve the problem. He probably wanted to keep Li Xin on the hot search for a while, and then reverse the process.

Of course, Li Xin also received many greeting calls from relatives and friends after the accident; Darlene's family, Ava, Jenny, and even Principal Robert called to express their condolences;

"Hey, young man, do you need my help? I thought the entertainment headlines only showed my news."

In a cliff mansion in Malibu, Tony Stark was constantly calculating something in the three-dimensional projection. While designing, he called Li Xin to show his concern;

"No need for that. The former playboy Tony Stark no longer has any gossip, so these reporters can only target small fry like me."....

After finishing the call and replying to the message on his mobile phone, Li Xin stopped paying attention to the outside world and continued to meditate and practice Qi. After all, one"Little White Worm" would deplete his mana, and Xunlei only had 5 minutes to expire. The Qi was too little, so he could only practice slowly and accumulate little by little.

However, just as he was practicing without distraction, on a commercial street in Brooklyn, a thin young black guy was walking with a sturdy Chinese man and introducing something;

""That Crow, I don't know why the organization sent you here, but all actions must be arranged by me. From now on, you are my little brother, OK?"

This young black guy is called Frank. He has lived in Brooklyn since he was a child. For this place where gangs are rampant and there is always chaos, his dream since he was a child is to change this place.

And he is also very hardworking. With the full efforts of his family, he lived up to expectations. He has been at the top of his class since he was a child. After continuous efforts, he graduated from the New York University of Political Science and Law this year!

Then by chance, he joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and became a glorious American agent. After that, under the arrangement of the organization, he began to investigate the Angel Organization and rectify Brooklyn!

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