During this period, Tony has been acting as a"peace ambassador" around the world, solving many"military" problems between countries and easing many sensitive relations. He has also stopped some ongoing military conflicts.

Some terrorist organizations have also been hit by Tony's precise strikes. During this period, Iron Man has shown the world his abilities and his determination to contribute to world peace.

Stark's stock is also rising like a wildly growing sapling.

"Iron Man is the patron saint of America!"

10-year-old Matt is an absolute loyal fan of Iron Man. He is praising Iron Man with his hands and feet.

Tony now has fans all over the United States. Many people may not know who the current president of the United States is, but they must know who Iron Man is.

"Tony Stark is not only a hero of the United States, he is also an idol of the whole nation. He brings light and courage to resist to the people. We believe that Iron Man will be the protector of the United States.

A reporter was interviewing a member of the public on TV.���The Iron Man scene ends and the TV screen returns to the news hall.

"Okay, welcome back."

"We are going to interrupt with an urgent news report. A major shooting incident has just occurred near George Street in Queens."

"According to reliable statistics, this incident has caused 7 deaths and more than 20 injuries. According to the report from the scene, the police believe that the casualties were caused by gang fighting.

A beautiful white anchor in a suit is reporting on the TV;

"And according to the information we have received, this fight is related to a gang called"Rat Gang""

"Now let's listen to what our colleagues on the scene have to say to us."

The TV screen turned and a black reporter in a suit was holding a microphone on George Street, with a black uncle standing next to him. The screen also clearly showed many policemen and doctors on the street.

"OK, thank you, host. I am currently at George Street. We have asked a local to describe what happened tonight."

The reporter handed the microphone to the black man next to him.

"Yes, I live in this building. I saw it all clearly. A group of people drove over, got out of the car and started shooting at the pizza shop. Then someone in the pizza shop shot back. I saw an AK47. I also saw someone using a shotgun."

"It just happens, you're not prepared at all, what I'm saying is, it's not surprising that this happened here"

"I have lived here all my life. It is full of crime every day. Whenever I walk on the street, I have to look back. I am extremely disappointed with our life here. We feel abandoned by the United States."

The black uncle said as he became very excited.

The camera began to film the chaotic situation at the scene. Some people were lying on the ground motionless and covered with white cloth. Some people were shouting in pain.

There were many police officers around recording the statements of people at the scene. The sirens of police cars and the emergency calls of ambulances were heard....

At this moment, the screen went black and the TV was turned off by Darlene.

"OK. I think the scene now is not suitable for children to watch. The police will take care of everything. Let's continue to enjoy dinner, okay?

Although everyone stopped talking about what happened on George Street, the atmosphere of dinner began to become heavy. John warned everyone not to go near there. Don't go out at night, and he will arrange for someone to pick everyone up from school.

"Iron Man will definitely blow up these bad guys," Matt said loudly. In his opinion, blowing these people up will solve the problem. In

Matt's mind, he believes that Iron Man is omnipotent, and any problem will be solved as long as these"bad guys" are blown up.

But Li Xin knows that Tony is now all over the world trying to stop wars, which will definitely get him into trouble, and this trouble is likely to come from the United States itself.

Moreover, these problems of the gangs can certainly be solved by bombing, but that can only be a temporary solution.

For example, Brooklyn in New York, in fact, his problems are similar to those of France in later generations.

In this era, there are always individual groups with low education, and it is difficult to find a job. At the same time, they are not willing to work honestly.

They do nothing all day long and are very fertile. If they don’t try to make money through illegal means or go out to do some shopping, they will not be able to support their families.

The older generation makes a living by cheating, deceiving, and robbing people. They don’t have any awareness of educating the next generation, so the vicious cycle continues.

Of course, not all crimes are caused by this group. Of course, other races also have crime rates, but the United States of this era will remain the same even in ten years.

Simply put, the so-called gang is a group of people who get together to make more illegal means and rob others, and then they cannot retaliate against you if the other party is not strong enough.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the so-called gang culture.

""Alas," Li Xin sighed in her heart. It seemed that this [Heroic Dawn] system task would not be completed in one or two days.

She had to think carefully about how to do this task, but she didn't know where to start.

After Li Xin finished washing up and lying on the bed, she called out the system page in her mind.

"System, open the mall.

Li Xin decided to get himself a hero suit and a handy weapon. Now that he has the Xuanxu sword technique, he must equip himself with a good sword.

Li Xin's system destiny score is now 2,300 points, because system tasks were rarely released before. But these points should be enough for consumption.

The items in the system mall are all-encompassing. As long as you have enough points, you can have whatever you want.

But he only sells purple quality and below. Kung Fu, equipment, items, materials. There are things from all worlds and universes, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are expensive.

Li Xin opened the equipment page and found the weapons and knives. The ones at the top are all purple quality.

"[[Green Dragon Crescent Blade] Price: 20,000?"

"[Second generation of Kitetsu] Price: 19000"

"[Famous Sword - Moon Hidden] Price 18500"

Purple quality actually sold for tens of thousands of dollars. Li Xin decisively swiped down, and Li Xin only planned to buy a sword for transition.

After all, vibranium exists in this world. When there is a chance to go to Wakanda to get some vibranium to make a sword, it must be of purple quality.

After swiping for a long time, Li Xin finally saw a suitable one.

"[[Tingfeng] Price: 1500 blue quality, Tang horizontal sword, it's you.

Patterned steel material, total length 100cm, handle length 25cm, blade width 3cm, blade back thickness 8mm. Weight 1.5 kg.

The blade is integrated, the shape is simple but not lacking in atmosphere, and the overall look is very handsome.

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