Tony's scene is just a picture of him wearing armor and holding a bottle of wine while dancing coquettishly. After artistic processing and the sexy beauties around him, the whole scene really looks like a slutty party.

"Yes, this is the Daily Bugle, and I'm J. Jonah Jameson; and yes, with great regret, I slept in my mother's arms again last night after 20 years."

"Because the photo our reporter took yesterday scared me! Yes! That photo in the title! He was trying to tell me that this is the masked hero who protects our New York."

"Family members, when you see this bloody scene, do you still dare to believe that he is a hero? No, this is a butcher, a devil, an executioner who can scare children to tears. Yes, let me say that he finally can't pretend anymore, he showed his fangs!"

At this time, Jameson was holding a photo and said angrily to the camera; and the photo was a high-definition, uncensored photo of Li Xin with bloodshot eyes touching his head and killing, but the effect of the photo did not look like a good person.

In this regard, Li Xin could only touch his cheek helplessly. Fortunately, he made a living by his strength, and what he wanted was deterrence.

"Masked man, I know you were voted in by the New York Citizen Producers, so you can be so crazy, but don't forget how you got on the police wanted list."

"I'm not as soft as the New York police who would cancel your wanted warrant. Someone here will keep an eye on you until I tear off your mask and reveal your ugly face!"

After Jonathan finished scolding the masked man, he took out the photo of Tony dancing and continued to scold him;

"Family, I'm so sorry, three months ago, I was a fan of Tony, but as he became more and more unreliable, I hate myself that he is still the playboy...."

After that, Jonathan started talking about Tony's old problems, and Li Xin was no longer interested in reading.

Because Li Xin received two tasks on the system page

"Ding, as the host's reputation increases, more and more people are beginning to be influenced by your behavior. Hereby refresh two character tag tasks."

【Idol Producer】(Let your fame spread throughout the streets of New York, and let the people of New York feel the power of idols)

【Heroic Epic] (Become a hero worthy of being praised by the people, and let yourself be passed down in historical events, ethnic groups, or religious beliefs)........Li Xin, who was drinking milk, almost vomited it out after seeing the system task;

"System, what are you doing? Ouch."

Then Li Xin closed his eyes and began to think about this mission. The two missions seemed similar, but when you look closely, they are still very different. So Li Xin decided to divide the two missions into two people.

【[Idol Producer] This is obviously the same as the previous campus star task, which is a matter of popularity.

Although the A Fei vest is very popular in Queens and is very well-known, and many young people regard him as an idol.

But this task seems to have to create a positive idol image. Although Li Xin can't quite understand what an idol is, he doesn't want A Fei to be a perfect person. He doesn't want to be morally kidnapped by people, and A Fei still has to take the cold and ruthless route.

But if the idol is really the same as Li Xin understood in his previous life, then it will not be difficult for him, because he was on the hot search once when he was in Monaco.

And he can write songs and create. Although Qian Ge's talent is only green quality, there is no problem with singing, dancing, and rap. When the time comes, find a music company to package and hype it up, and the popularity should be able to rise quickly.

And it can be separated from the identity of A Fei to better hide himself.

Thinking of this, Li Xin suddenly hammered his palms,"It just so happens that Ava's song has not been written yet. Let's see if she can debut from their company when the time comes."

Then release a few popular singles from the previous life. If it really doesn't work, work with A Fei on the script to stir up the heat and bring it to the family.

As for the task of [Heroic Epic] later, Li Xin can be sure that the alien attack on the earth in two years will definitely be considered a historical event. As for what nationality and beliefs, Li Xin forgets it and doesn't want to touch it.

However, after experiencing the subway shock yesterday, Li Xin thought about it and decided to go to the system mall and spend some money.

Li Xin is now practicing chakra and Qi training. After yesterday's battle, he actually felt that his"mana" consumption was a bit too much.

Chakra is sufficient, after all, he has a good foundation and Indra bloodline, but in terms of Qi training, he obviously feels tired after using the little white worm.

Since I have more than 2,000 points now, I might as well spend some money to see if there are any ways to improve this aspect in the mall.

Soon Li Xin found the item she wanted in the mall full of items.

"The blue quality [Fairy Amulet] (50% basic mana recovery after wearing it) is priced at 1300.

It looks good and is cheaper than the blue quality Tingfeng Knife. After clicking to buy, Li Xin put it on her neck directly. The

Fairy Amulet is a small and exquisite pendant with a crystal clear blue gem inside the golden border. The overall style is very simple.

After wearing it, Li Xin can clearly feel a refreshing feeling, just like the mercury band wrapped around his arm, he can feel that strange feeling as soon as he puts it on.

This feeling has never been felt with green quality items. Although the description of green quality items has strengthened some things, it seems to be a little useful, but in fact it is only a little bit....

After dinner, Li Xin rode his motorcycle out to Manhattan's Sixth Avenue. He had already made an appointment with Evan, the music director of the school art festival, and Li Xin had also prepared new songs.

As for Tony, he had been under house arrest in the cliff villa since he was caught by Nick Fury in the dessert shop today. At the same time, he also learned that his father was one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony was surprised and learned the ins and outs of the Ark reactor and his father's unfinished technological feat.

In addition, Coulson also left him a box, which contained the relics of his father Howard Stark.

In the next few days, Stark had been studying his father's relics at home, because he felt that the answer seemed to be here. Just when he was at a loss, he found the consonance in the videotape left by Howard.

It was the city model of the exhibition site in the videotape. Tony was indeed a genius. Just by watching the part shown in the videotape, he seemed to feel that this was the answer he wanted!

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