Then the picture on the TV changed, and a subway with eight carriages was moving very fast. It did not stop at all after arriving at the station. There were many police cars chasing it underground, and some military helicopters were flying slowly in the distance.

"By the way, I have to go to my friend’s birthday party, so don’t wait for me tonight."

Li Xin said, and then he hurriedly got on the motorcycle, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and drove away quickly. With a roar of the engine, Li Xin quickly disappeared around the corner....

In an abandoned factory, Nick Fury was lying on a sofa with his eyes closed.

On the two holographic projection screens in the middle of the table, a subway car was running wildly on the track. On the other screen, Avery, wearing sunglasses, was sitting in the main driver's seat in the cab and talking to the surveillance camera.

"Last month I lost something, which was the most important thing in my life, and the person who picked it up was the mysterious man White Mask."

"Don't you like being a hero? Come on, if I don't see you in half an hour, I'm going to press this button and blow the whole car up into the sky."

""Giving me such a big surprise on my first day at work, this brat"

Nick Fury said with his eyes open.

Nick Fury was also having a headache, because his capable assistants Black Widow and Hawkeye were not there, and Iron Man was said to be having a party and was drunk.

Now he could only let"A Fei" skip the training stage and go straight to work.

Some technicians at the table were frantically analyzing and operating, and at this time the technician suddenly found that a signal point was online, and then quickly said to Nick Fury;

"Sir, Agent Afei is online"

"Quickly send him the on-site situation, and other personnel will cooperate with the action immediately after Agent A Fei arrives!"

Li Xin, who had just changed into a hero suit in the attic of the Catholic Church, was running towards the subway at a very fast speed. At this time, Nick Fury's voice came from the headset.

"Ah Fei, how long will it take you to arrive?"

"5 minutes..."Li Xin replied coldly;

"You will enter from the 4th window on the left side of carriage 2, and then attract or kill the target head-on. Our people will slide down from the helicopter into the carriage to find the bomb as soon as you take action."


"Young man, if this operation fails, more than 200 people in the carriage will die. I hope you understand how serious the consequences are."

Nick Fury covered his head with one hand and leaned on the table, watching the scene and couldn't help sighing.....

At this time, the hijacked subway train was running fast on an elevated platform, and there were several helicopters in the sky. Director George, who was on a military helicopter, was holding a loud speaker and shouting something to the terrorists in the car.

"Listen, you are surrounded by us, our snipers are aiming at your head, as long as you lay down your weapons, we promise to treat you in accordance with international law and humanitarian norms."

"If you don't listen to the advice and insist on resisting to the end, you will only have one way to go! Put down your weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise I will open fire!"

After George finished his work, he turned around and took the kettle handed over by his subordinates and took a sip

"That damned white mask guy hasn't come yet? Doesn't he know that this incident was caused by him? If I get fired tomorrow, I will definitely give him good juice!"

George said to Officer Hank with an angry face, and then he covered the kettle with trembling hands and handed it back.

At this time, in the No. 2 car of the subway, a group of people had been driven into the corner of the car and shivered. And Rika was hugging Makiko tightly and crying.

Avery just sat quietly in the middle of the empty car opposite, and some seats and the cab in the car had been violently dismantled by him, and he specially left space.

Avery slowly placed a black and white photo on the window sill beside him, and then placed a three-magatama white mask in his hand in front of the photo.

"BJ, I will let him come to see you soon. I always do what I promised you, don't I?..."

Just as Avery was still reminiscing,"bang!" A window next to him suddenly shattered, and a figure wearing a dark blue robe and a three-magatama white mask instantly broke through the window!

As Li Xin stood up, a pair of blood-red Sharingan under the three-magatama white mask slowly opened and looked at Avery. Suddenly, a cold and dark atmosphere emanated from the carriage.

"So, you are the one looking for me?"

Li Xin tightened his gloves and asked coldly under the mask;

""Yes, kill him, White Mask!" All of a sudden, the hostages in the corner cheered as if they saw hope.

And suddenly, Okugawa Karika stopped crying and was no longer afraid. Suddenly, a force filled her whole body, and a strange excitement instantly filled her brain. She was seen cheering and jumping with excitement, shaking Makiko's arm, cheering for the figure in front of her.

""Ah! Come on, brother, defeat this disgusting bad guy, Brother!"

Makiko was also a little surprised at this time. Rika was crying and making a fuss when the weirdo took away her mask just now. She didn't know how to obey until a pistol was stuffed into her mouth and she couldn't breathe. After she reacted, she was scared and hid behind her crying.

The masked man became excited and energetic as soon as he appeared."Is this the power of idols?" Makiko exclaimed; seeing Li Xin's appearance, Avery also slowly stood up, and after a muscle roll in his right hand, it immediately turned into a big monster hand with black scales and bones.

And it exuded an aura like a beast. The confrontation between the two auras intertwined, and the air on the scene instantly became icy cold and difficult to breathe. The hostages in the back were also nervous and stopped cheering. They only felt that breathing became difficult, their faces were pale, and some children even exuded a slight cry.

"You know, I kept my brother's body in the freezer and didn't bury it because I promised him that the person who killed him would be buried with him."

"Hehehe...So, tell me your name, hero. I, Avery Tucker, never kill nameless people."

Avery said with a gradually ferocious expression.

"As for my name, just call me Ah Fei. As for your brother, don't worry, I won't let him wait too long."

As a cold voice came from under the mask, Li Xin slowly pulled out the Tingfeng Knife from behind.

The atmosphere on the scene dropped to freezing point again, and the battle was about to break out!

""Hah!" Avery roared and swung the big monster hand towards Li Xin's head. The monster hand with black scales and messy white bones seemed to grow bigger the moment it was swung!

"Bang!"A huge force hit the floor of the car. In an instant, the whole subway car shook violently, and then a hole was hammered into the floor.

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