A huge, muscular hand grabbed Kolya's neck and lifted him up in the air like a chicken.

"Hey, Avery, we promised Dr. Lillian to keep a low profile," a thin white man next to him said as the situation was about to get out of control.

Avery paused after hearing Dr. Lillian's name. Thinking of the cold doctor who seemed to have no human emotions, he snorted and threw Kolya to the ground.

"Perhaps I should remind you how you became the leader of this hall. Since you once took care of my brother, tell him everything you know about his superpowers, and then get the hell out of here!".....

In an industrial park in Queens, Hammer, dressed in luxurious clothes, had lunch in the warehouse where his private jet was parked. There was beautiful music, and his favorite organic ice cream was placed on the exquisite table. This was Italian ice cream specially airlifted from San Francisco by his butler Jack. Yes, he liked to have it before dinner.���Have some dessert.

There were also tableware and seats at the other end of the table. It was obvious that Hammer had invited guests to have lunch together today.

Soon the door of the warehouse was opened and a van drove in.

When the door opened, it turned out to be a prison guard and a strong man wearing a hood and prison uniform.

When the prison guard took off the hood, a fierce face was revealed underneath. This man turned out to be Ivan Vanko, who challenged Iron Man in Monaco.

"He is here, ahaha, he is here, it is a great honor, welcome you" Hammer stood up and opened his arms to welcome;

"God, can't you uncuff my friend? He's not an animal,"

Hammer said to the prison guard beside him with a self-blaming look; after the prison guard uncuffed Ivan, Hammer waved to the escort and asked them to leave.

"I'm Justin Hammer, I'm your fan, and I'm here to talk business with you today." Hammer shook hands with Ivan and invited him to sit down.

While Hammer was talking, the waiters on the side began to serve the two people and pour wine.

At this time, Ivan gradually understood what was going on. He found a person with a similar figure and appearance to replace himself, and created an explosion to make him fake his death. It was to make his Ark reactor

"You challenged and attempted to kill Tony in front of God, but let me say, you have to strike at his legacy, that's what you should kill,"

Hammer said to Ivan, gesturing with his hands;

"We are very similar, you know, but I have a lot of resources, you need someone like me to support you from behind."

After hearing Hammer's words, Ivan smiled. He would naturally not refuse someone who was rushing to give him resources and equipment, and he also had the confidence to build a stronger armor than Iron Man, and then defeat Tony head-on.

"Very good, brother" Ivan said with a smile in his stiff English;

"Hahaha...good brother!" Hammer happily clinked glasses with Ivan.......

Li Xin, who had just finished her morning exercise, received a text message from Tony when she returned to her room."An invitation to a birthday party, hoping to invite the mysterious man White Mask to attend."

After reading it, Li Xin immediately remembered some plots in her previous life.

Tony was too deeply poisoned by palladium, and he knew that he was incurable, so he went crazy at the birthday party. His good brother Rod couldn't stand it and had a fight with Tony, and then flew away wearing a war machine. But in fact, the suit of armor was specially designed by Tony for Rod to drive away.

Li Xin felt a little sorry for Tony after thinking about it. Rod was indeed an excellent soldier. He was loyal to the country and had strong execution ability. However, there was a problem with his thinking this time.

He didn't understand why Tony didn't hand over weapons of the level of Iron Man to the country for supervision, even if it was invented and manufactured by his good brother Tony himself, so his report at the hearing put a lot of pressure on Tony.

He only knew that Iron Man was a set of high-tech armor and a bunch of steel suits, but Tony knew that if Iron Man was handed over to the US government, the world's military power would be unbalanced.

Having Iron Man means that a local war can be won at a very small cost, which means that countless lives will die at the hands of Iron Man. Especially after Tony has witnessed the war with his own eyes.

Especially for a country like the United States, which has only been established for less than 300 years and has not started a war for less than 16 years.

Li Xin will naturally go to Tony's birthday this time, but before that, Li Xin has to buy himself a car. The United States is vast and sparsely populated, and it is often inconvenient not to have a car.

After lunch, in a motorcycle shop, Li Xin bought a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in full. When he was about to go for a wild ride on the street, Nick Fury called.

"Great hero, have you considered this? My time is precious." Nick Fury's deep voice came from the phone.

"You can ask me to do something for you, but I must not let others know my identity. I don’t want my identity to be exposed and affect my family," Li Xin said frankly;

"Level 8 agent, top secret black box level, can only know the part you are responsible for, and can never know the secrets of other level 8-9 agents. I can arrange a temporary"

"I don't care what level of agent I am, I just don't want my true identity to be known to any third person," Li Xin said coldly.

After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, Nick Fury said in a deep voice:

"I can guarantee you that there will be no more than 5 people, but I also hope that you can live up to your value and tell me the name of the man in the white mask."

"" Ah Fei," Li Xin said lightly; as a government-supported spy agency, SHIELD is destined to have a dark history and dirty means that are not visible to the public. Li Xin could naturally hear what Nick Fury meant. Li Xin didn't mind this kind of"temporary" job, because he didn't have any desire to be a perfect hero. If killing one person could save a hundred people, Li Xin would do it without hesitation.

The best of both worlds only exists in movies and novels, but in reality someone always needs to bear those sins.

For the rest of the afternoon, Li Xin drove a motorcycle around to get familiar with the car, or drove fast in places with few people to enjoy the freedom of the soul.

When afternoon came, Li Xin drove the car to a gas station. After refueling the car, he walked into a small shop next to it.

In the convenience store, Li Xin bought chocolate, water and some food and put them on the cash register.

"Hello, a total of 12 yuan," said a sweet-looking cashier with a smile; but when Li Xin took out her wallet, she found that she didn't bring any change.

"Can you make change for 100 dollars?" Li Xin put a hundred dollars on the stage and said;

"Of course, please wait a moment."

After the female clerk took the bills from the counter, she took out a handful of money from the cash register and counted it;

"30, 40, 50..."

Li Xin covered his forehead, because he knew that many foreigners never do subtraction, they always use addition to do subtraction, so it would look very tiring, so he said helplessly:

"Sorry, just give me 88 yuan."

"No, no, no, I'll be done soon," the female clerk said hastily.

"I mean, I've already calculated it, it's 88 yuan, please look at my Chinese face and believe me, okay?"

"Uh, where was I counting? Oh, it's all your fault. I have to count again," the female clerk said with an unhappy look on her face;

"God.."Li Xin covered her head and said speechlessly

"Ding-ling-ling~" Just then a young black man wearing a hood walked in.

He glanced at Li Xin and ignored him, walked to the counter, took out a black pistol from his pocket, pointed it at the female clerk and said;

"Give me a dozen beers, three packs of cigarettes and then give me all the money you have, understand? Madam~"

The young man tilted his head and said in a rhythmic tone;

"Don't you want to pack a sanitary napkin for yourself? Men?"Li Xin looked at the black man who was robbing with ease, just like going home.

"Hey, kid, is this none of your business? Are you trying to be a hero in front of me? Do you want to see the big guy?"

Hearing Li Xin's provocation, the young black man immediately responded with a quick and rhymed reply; at the same time, he pointed the gun at Li Xin's head.

Just as the female clerk was about to scream, Li Xin quickly waved his hand to grab the gun, and then kicked the black man to the ground.

"Please, don't shout~" Li Xin quickly said to the female clerk.

Then he looked at the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger a few times at the black man lying on the ground wailing. But the pistol only fired a few streams of water.

"Get up quickly and get out of here."

Then the black man quickly rolled and crawled out of the door, and Li Xin kicked him in the butt.

Li Xin was speechless for daring to go out and rob with a water gun, and he almost succeeded.

After beating the black man away,���When the clerk started to count the money and give the change, Li Xin quickly slammed the gun on the counter;

"88 yuan! Stop counting..."

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