"In the office area of the private plane, Pepper was watching the news on TV with a heavy heart. The person being interviewed was Senator Stern. At this moment, he was talking to the camera with that big face;

"This is really unbelievable, this has proven that the Genie has been released and he has no idea what he is doing, he treats Iron Man like a toy"

"Yes, at the hearing I attended, Mr. Stark also said that this kind of suit would not exist anywhere else, at least not in the next five to ten years, but guess what in Monaco? Oh wow, this kind of suit already exists"

"Shizune, he should actually give me a medal." Tony watched Pepper carefully carry the dishes and place them on the small table next to him.

After Tony put down the tableware, he opened the lid of the hard-earned scrambled eggs and placed them in front of Pepper, but Tony did not get the compliments or sweet words he wanted to hear. Pepper still looked at him with a heavy heart.

Li Xin did not want to disturb the conversation between the two couples in the room, so she pushed the food cart and found Happy who was playing games with Matt....

"Huaxiacai, my good brothers" Looking at the two people’s excited smiling faces, Li Xin said with a smile;........

The next day when everyone returned to New York, the incident of Monaco Iron Man's core technology being cracked and counterfeited had already caused a huge wave internationally after fermenting overnight.

Not only are governments around the world worried about the impact of this incident, the US government is also putting pressure on Iron Man and Stark Industries, and some suppliers and customers of Stark Industries are beginning to worry about the impact of this incident on them.

In a day, Pepper and her assistant Natalie were busy with various public relations and board issues, and they were in a mess all day. In the evening, they were still answering calls, explaining, and persuading.

As the new CEO of Stark Industries, she encountered such a crisis as soon as she took office, and she felt very exhausted at this time.

And her only support, Tony Stark, locked himself in his studio as soon as he came back and did not see anyone. He was unwilling to communicate with her if there were any problems.

"...But he's been having problems lately, making the public wonder whether Tony Stark can continue to protect us....."The TV in the living room was playing news about Tony Stark.

At this moment, an SUV stopped rapidly outside the mansion. Rhodes hurried into the living room and asked,"Where's Tony?"

"He is in the studio downstairs, and he is not seeing anyone right now," Natalie said while talking on the phone; but Rod didn't care about that, he walked down the stairs quickly to the studio, entered the password and pushed the door open.

"Hey Tony, you have to hurry upstairs and control the situation now."

Tony just sat quietly in an antique car. The holographic projection screen in the air showed the information about Ivan Vanko and his father Anton Vanko.

Seeing that Tony was indifferent to his words, Rhodes suddenly became a little angry;

"Look, I've been on the phone with the National Guard all day, trying to convince them not to drive a tank through your door and take the armor."

"They are going to take your armor away now, Tony, they are too lazy to play games with you now," said Rhodes, pointing at the armor inside the glass showcase in the aisle;

"You said no one would have this technology in 20 years, guess what? Someone had it yesterday, and this is not just a theory."

Rhode said as he walked towards Tony, but Tony turned around with a haggard look on his face. The usually humorous and high-spirited Tony was gone.

"Are you okay?" This was the first time Rhodes saw Tony like this and asked worriedly;

"Help me over, then open the cigar box on the table," Tony said, pointing to the table next to him.

After Rhodes helped Tony over, Tony took off the Ark reactor from his chest, and the palladium in the Ark reactor was already in ruins.

"You put this in your body?" Rod said after helping him replace a new piece of palladium.

Tony turned his back and replaced the Ark reactor on his chest, patted it, and quickly picked up the green liquid next to him and drank it.

Since the blood toxin exceeded 50%, the speed of palladium penetration has become faster and faster. Now he is feeling the pain brought by palladium penetration every moment.

"Tony, you don't have to act like a lone gunman, you don't have to carry it all by yourself," Rhodes said, looking at Tony's back at the moment;

"I really wish I could believe this, but really maybe you should trust me a little more, no matter what others think, I know what I’m talking about"

Tony said seriously;......

At this time, in the attic of a Catholic church in Queens, Li Xin was thinking with a business card in his hand. Then he put the business card back to the eaves next to him and continued to meditate.

Because the White Mask had"taken leave" these days. Some local criminals had not seen that damn figure for three days, so some people could not wait and came out to hunt.

A few strange guests came to a jewelry store today, because people who usually go to jewelry stores don't say how well they dress, but at least they have to dress appropriately.

The moment these black people, who were obviously dressed in shabby clothes, walked into the store, the manager walked to the front desk silently and pressed the hidden alarm button.

Bruno, who looked like the boss in the middle, originally came with a few new brothers to steal some good things today. After all, he hadn't seen the damn White Mask for several days.

But just as he was wandering around and looking around, his usually smartest brother came over.

"Brother, the white pig in the suit seemed to have pressed the alarm, the police may be coming.

This little brother is obviously very experienced and knows brother

"No wonder, I was wondering why I felt weird when I came in."

Bruno said, took out a mask from his pocket and put it on, then raised a submachine gun hidden in his clothes over his head and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da....."The sound of machine gun fire instantly stunned the entire jewelry store. Bruno originally wanted to keep a low profile, but since he was discovered as soon as he entered the store, he didn't pretend.

Bruno shouted,"Three minutes, grab everything and leave!"

""Oh~ hoo!" The younger brothers screamed, and very skillfully took out their guns and bags and smashed the counter, then stuffed the gold jewelry inside into their bags.

The security guards, shop assistants and customers had already skillfully laid on the ground in screams and fear.

Bruno saw that the situation was under control, so he smiled and lit a cigarette. He calculated that the police would get at least 5 points when they came here, and this time and this cigarette were his happiest time.

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