Tony was racing at full speed on the F1 track in Monaco. He had forgotten everything at this moment. He only wanted to concentrate on controlling the car and challenge every bend at the most extreme speed.

In the emergency rescue channel of the track, Ivan Vanko, dressed in work clothes, was slowly walking towards the track with a toothpick in his mouth.

This was a one-way ticket. When Ivan Vanko got his passport and work permit from his friend, he didn't think about going back, but he came today to challenge Iron Man and Tony Stark, the genius, under the attention of the whole world.

This was for his father Anthony Vanko and for the thief company Stark Industries.

At this time, Ivan Vanko suddenly left the team of security guards, opened the safety rescue channel, and walked directly to the racing track.

This behavior quickly attracted everyone's attention, and the big screen camera was directly on Ivan Vanko.

However, Tony did not understand the seriousness of the matter, because the command center only said in his headset that a staff member on the track accidentally broke into the track.

""Buzz! Buzz! Buzz~" The speeding car whizzed past Ivan.

This is what happens in the F1 arena. Everyone is a top racer in the world. When they suddenly see an extra person in the middle of the road, they can make an accurate evasion.

At this time, Ivan knocked off his safety helmet and threw out two whips from his clothes. Then the energy was activated. Ivan's uniform was instantly ignited and melted by the powerful electromagnetic energy. The whips in his two hands had turned into shining lightning whips!

"Buzz! Another car was coming at a high speed at the bend. When the car was approaching him, Ivan Vanko whipped his whip.

""Bang!" The front of the car was neatly cut off, and at such a high speed, the car naturally lost its balance and rolled out!

"Oh my God!"The audience was also stunned at this time, showing extremely shocked expressions!

""What the hell, what hatred, what grudge, why would this guy do this!" Some audience members were covering their heads in shock; at the hotel venue, Pepper Potts saw more people on the track, and immediately thought that the terrorist must be coming for Tony, so she quickly stood up and prepared to call Happy to go in and save Tony.

Happy had already stood at the door of the venue, panting slightly and showing Pepper the metal box in his hand...

At the TV at the bar, when everyone was exclaiming in surprise and panic, Hammer was carefully looking at the Ark reactor on the chest of the terrorist....

At this time, Tony also heard a warning from the command center in his headset, but it was too late because it was his turn at the next bend....

In the audience, when people stood up and stretched their necks to see the situation clearly, a young man in black sportswear and golden goggles was running rapidly in the direction of the accident.

He was always able to make some handsome and relaxed poses when climbing over obstacles and some gaps in the aisles.

As Happy drove the car with Pepper and crashed through the isolation gate, the atmosphere in the entire stadium suddenly became very tense, and a feeling of confusion and fear gradually spread in people's hearts. The staff and police at the scene hurriedly began to evacuate the crowd.

At this time, Stark had also completed the turn, and he saw Ivan Vanko in the middle of the road ahead!

As the distance between the cars got closer and closer, Tony's mind was blank at this moment.

""Snap~" A thick electric arc flashed, and the front of Tony's car broke into two halves. Tony was carried away by inertia.

Tony closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, holding the steering wheel tightly. With the safety belt, helmet and racing suit, Tony miraculously survived after the mid-air rotation and landing.

He quickly checked his body and found that there was nothing wrong, and then he unbuckled his seat belt and left the car.

However, as the car behind him came, a racer saw the battlefield-like scene in front of him and quickly turned the steering wheel to drift and stop, but the car behind him was too fast, and then they collided rapidly, and several cars turned sideways and ignited sparks and explosions.

Various parts and wheels of the car were flying around under the rapid inertia. In the background of burning flames, a weirdo holding two lightning whips was slowly walking towards Tony Stark's car.

On the other side of the track, Happy was driving a luxury car in the opposite direction, which was a greater challenge for F1 drivers.

"Give me the box, and where are the keys?" Pepper said as she took the box from the passenger seat.

"The key is in my pocket." Happy was also concentrating on driving and looking ahead.


"Oh my god, watch out for the car!"

A racing car passed by at high speed and almost hit it! Little Pepper sat in the back and patted her chest in fear. This experience was too exciting. She felt like she was going to have a heart attack.

At the battlefield, the police were still nervously evacuating the crowd, and the rescue workers were holding fire extinguishers to put out the fire and save people in the stadium.

""Go, go, go, get out of there!"

A policeman was waving his arms and shouting loudly. Suddenly, he seemed to see a dark figure running towards him quickly.

"Hey! Get out of here, don't go over there!"

The police shouted at the young man who was running towards him, but soon the young man rushed to his side, then with a cool parkour move, he stepped on the seat guardrail next to him and climbed over the fence, then jumped off the field. He also made a cool and stretched eagle pose in the air, and finally performed a textbook tumbling landing technique when he landed.

""Fuck, this young man! Is he going to be so cool?" The police were stunned.

The man in black sportswear and gold goggles was Li Xin who came from a distance.

The young man who suddenly entered the field was quickly captured by the camera. The original commentator also instinctively gave a live commentary;

"With the handsome entrance of the young man in black, the situation on the field seemed to have changed again, and the terrorists were now slowly walking towards Tony. Tony was in danger!"

"Oh my God, it's Philip, is he going to die!"

When Darlene looked at the big screen, she felt that she was going crazy.

John and Catherine were also very shocked and stared at the big screen speechless.

In a luxurious hotel room on a high floor, Ava also saw Philip jumping into the stadium on TV, and then rushed to the balcony and looked at the track below with a telescope.

Mr. Wells and Aiden, who were chatting with friends on the sofa, were also surprised...............

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