"Well, is there any other good news?"

Tony said with a sigh;

"Sir, I have a discovery that may interest you."

After Jarvis finished speaking, pictures and video materials appeared on the virtual page of the workbench;

""Sir, I compared the two people's figures, and the similarity of their behaviors is as high as 95%."

Tony quietly looked at the information and comparison pictures on the virtual page, but he didn't know what he was thinking at this time.

The information on the virtual page was Li Xin in sportswear.

There were also many satellite pictures on the information, the most obvious of which was the destruction of the forest near Zhongcheng High School. Li Xin seemed to have several ribs and an arm around her body when she was running. While Tony was still thinking, outside the 'base', Pepper Potts was walking down the stairs carefully with a pair of long legs in high heels.

"Miss Potts is here, sir, maybe you can tell her the whole truth....."

""Silence" Tony interrupted Jarvis before he finished speaking; and then Pepper asked Tony why he donated all those tax-refundable collections to the Boy Scouts of America.

Tony looked at the woman who had been paying for him, and he blurted out:

"Why don't you manage the company?"

"What? Am I not helping you manage it all the time?"Little Pepper looked puzzled.

"No, I mean you should be the CEO. I’ve actually thought about this for a long time,"

Tony said seriously, holding Pepper’s shoulders;

"Have you been drinking?" Pepper said after sniffing Tony.

"I didn't drink, I just drank some green leaf juice."

Tony seemed to have arranged everything long ago. At this time, the arm robot stopped beside the two of them with champagne in his hand......

The activity room of the Kendo Club of Zhongcheng High School was just as crowded as yesterday. Teacher Julius was still holding a camera and happily recording outside.

""Ha!" A man in kendo club uniform was holding a bamboo sword and slashing at Li Xin.

However, when it seemed to outsiders that the sword was about to hit Li Xin's head, Li Xin simply dodged and passed through the bamboo sword. After dodging the bamboo sword, Li Xin quickly backhanded and knocked the man's bamboo sword away, and then kicked the man to the ground.


The people watching the fight cried out in surprise, because Li Xin often dodged the opponent's attack in this very dangerous way today, and then took the initiative to kick the man to the ground.

Compared with yesterday's punches and kicks, today's competition is more exciting and thrilling. After all, swords and knives have no eyes, and people always have different feelings for cold weapons.

As the man fell to the ground, other club members came up to check his injuries. But Li Xin, who was standing in the middle of the long, yawned and said;"Carry it away, next one~"

At this time, the members of the Kendo Club who were kneeling next to him clenched their fists, but they could do nothing. Because they had all been defeated before, everyone who went up to challenge today couldn't last a single move.

Everyone lost in the same way, and every time they could dodge your slash at the maximum distance, and then knock your bamboo sword away with a knife, and finally kick you over with a kick.

Faced with this humiliating defeat, each of them just wanted to bury their heads at the lowest point at this time.

"Sorry, President....I..."

The man was now lowering his head in shame and said to Iwata Makiko;

"It's okay, you've tried your best, just treat it as a test,"

Makiko said comfortingly; then, under the attention of the audience, Iwata Makiko picked up his bamboo sword and stood up and walked to the center of the field.

"Girl, don't you want to wear the protective gear?" Li Xin said as she looked at Zhen Xizi who was walking slowly towards her;

"Li Xinjun doesn't wear it, so I don't need to wear it either. I want to compete with you fairly."

Zhen Xizi stared at Li Xin and said seriously;

"You must be very clear about my strength since you have been down there for so long. I advise you to take safety measures. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I don’t want to be responsible."

Li Xin said with a smile while looking at the exquisite beauty in front of him;

"I don't need you to be responsible, but please don't underestimate me."

After saying that, Zhen Xizi slowly raised the bamboo sword above her head. Then she held the bamboo sword tightly in front of her chest and looked at Li Xin with a fighting look on her face.

"It really can't be underestimated...."

Li Xin also began to stare at the bamboo sword on Makiko's chest.

While the audience outside the venue was still discussing who would win, Makiko made the first move....

""Hah~" With a delicate cry, Makiko slashed at Li Xin's head with all her might.

It is said that an expert can tell whether a person is good or not with just one move. From the crispness of this knife, it can be seen that Makiko has been tempered by thousands of times.

The level of the previous members of the Kendo Club may be just the level of enthusiasts and a few beginners, then Makiko can be said to be a good knife user at the management level.

But unfortunately, Yu Daying's level or Li Xin's level has already reached the master level!

Li Xin dodged and then counterattacked with a knife. After that, Makiko slashed even faster to meet him, and then the two began to slash frantically in the field.

Makiko's fighting style seems to be an all-out attack without regard for defense, but each move and each style has a method. It seems to be attacking instead of defending, but in fact it reserves 2 points for defense and evasion, and the rest is all invested in the slashing.

And Li Xin is also the first time to fight with these people who obviously have inherited the sword skills, so Li Xin decided to have some fun with her.

""Pah, pah, pah~" The two bamboo swords collided wildly in mid-air, accompanied by Makiko's occasional moans, which stunned the people watching the battle outside.

After all, this kind of real-life battle between two people is really exciting to watch.

Looking at Makiko who was constantly attacking him, Li Xin thought that he really couldn't underestimate this girl. He kept changing his position and sometimes fought back with a powerful slash. It seemed that Makiko had the upper hand at the scene, but in fact the rhythm of the battle was always controlled by Li Xin.

At this time, Makiko's heart was really incredible, because the strength she displayed today could be said to be extraordinary. All the slashes she swung out today were smoother and more feeling than usual.

But she felt that the opponent was like a wall at this time, because her moves could not break through Li Xin's defense at all.

The two bamboo swords on the field collided with each other, and the sound of"Pah, pah, pah" lasted for nearly 3 minutes.

"No, if this goes on I won’t be able to hold on any longer." Makiko was sweating profusely but thinking of a plan in her mind.

She looked at Li Xin’s resolute figure, whose breathing was still so steady. At this moment she seemed to have decided something.

Makiko held the hilt of the knife with both hands and made another sacrifice with all her strength."Hah~" she let out a delicate cry and then rushed directly into Li Xin’s arms.

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