"Actually, what I'm best at is swordsmanship."

After saying that, Li Xin pulled out a bamboo sword. This bamboo sword looks like a real sword, but the blade inside is actually made of bamboo. It sells for 30 yuan in Chinatown.

After Li Xin pulled out the sword, he looked intimidating without being angry. After showing off his sword skills, he began to chop, slash, stab, and poke on the open ground, first performing basic sword styles.

Then the sword style changed to the 36 styles of Xuanxu swordsmanship. Li Xin had already mastered Yu Dayan's 36 styles of swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship was as skillful as flowing water, which dazzled John and the others.

After sheathing the sword in a handsome way, Li Xin looked at the people who were still stunned, waved his hand, and said with a smile:

"How about it, are you satisfied?"

"Snap Snap....."There was warm applause at the scene

"Oh, Philip, Bonnie would be so proud of you...."

Darlene gave Li Xin a hug and kissed her cheek and said,"

Everyone applauded immediately, and Matt blushed and wanted to become her disciple."

"Philip, if I want to be like you, how long does it take to practice?" John asked sincerely;

"First of all, you have to have outstanding talent, and then you have to have a master of Taoism to guide you," Li Xin said with a smile; but in his heart he was thinking: 'For someone as talented as Yu Daying, who has a master like Zhang Sanfeng as his teacher, and who has to practice for so many years in the most suitable secluded place for cultivation, Wudang Mountain, it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to practice this set of swordsmanship to perfection.'

After Li Xin finished performing the swordsmanship, the news about Tony at the Stark Expo came from the TV in the living room;

Tony's hosting of the Stark Technology Expo was already a major news in New York, and everyone immediately walked into the living room and sat down to watch it after hearing the news.

"Hello everyone, we are live here at the Stark Expo opening ceremony, Tony Stark just walked off the main stage....."

A beautiful reporter was reporting at the lively scene and greeted people enthusiastically.

"If you can't make it tonight, it doesn't matter, because the Expo is open all year round. I will also visit various exhibition halls and inventions from all over the world. Please be sure to join me." The

TV screen began to shoot the entire brightly lit venue and the lively crowd. Li Xin and her family sat in the living room and watched the news quietly.

"Then I will go back to my room to rest, good night," Li Xin said as she stood up;

"Good night."Good night."

Li Xin turned off the lights immediately after returning to her room, then opened the window and left the room.

At this time, the system task [Proof of Heroes] had only been completed by 20% in just two days. It can only be said that in New York, this kind of"business" is too easy to do.......

Recently, Li Xin’s main target is criminals in Brooklyn and Queens, or some people who are related to them, now know some of the rules of the mysterious man White Mask.

Some small criminals may be simply knocked down and subdued when they are encountered. If you take out weapons such as knives, sticks, daggers, etc., the White Mask will remove your arm, and if you are unlucky, you may get an electric shock.

If you dare to pull out a gun and shoot the mysterious man White Mask, I’m sorry, according to statistics, the number of criminals who died at the hands of the White Mask has almost exceeded double digits. Most of them were killed by a single knife or electrocuted and died on the way to the hospital, because it was heard that the boss of the Rat Gang died in an ambulance.

So now some underground personnel in Queens have been very low-key recently, and from time to time, you can see the figure of the mysterious man White Mask on the roof. For some people, it may be a full sense of security, but for others, it is a pure nightmare.


"Good morning, Philip, Catherine." The neighbors in the community greeted the two people who were about to drive.

The morning is the most important part of the day, and busy people are always happy to say good greetings to each other every morning;

""Good morning, Mrs. Benson." Li Xin and Catherine smiled and greeted a lady walking her dog.

Today was a special day for Midtown High School. The campus was decorated with lights and decorations for the art festival, slogans about artists, and photos of previous performances.

In this campus full of artistic atmosphere, everyone was looking forward to and enjoying the performances. The program for the performances was announced two days later, and some students began to prepare to cheer for the contestants in their respective classes.

"Stanley, did you just see it yesterday? Philip Lee's last kick was so cool."

A classmate on the huge football field imitated Li Xin's last kick in front of Stanley; since Li Xin defeated the karate club president yesterday, the entire Midtown High School or the entire 21st Street knew about Philip Lee.

"You don’t imitate it, look at me, I imitate it."

Another good friend of Stanley kicked his short legs and imitated the movements;

"Enough! The Taekwondo Club cannot lose today," said Stanley fiercely with a gloomy face;

"Come on, the Taekwondo club president couldn't even block a kick from Morita before, and you still expect him to beat Philip Lee?"

A friend next to Stanley curled his lips and said;

"Since the Taekwondo president can't win, let's help them get a president who can win."

Stanley was planning something with a gloomy face; while he was still thinking about how to trip up Li Xin, a little fat man ran towards them.

"Report~" The little fat man ran over and stopped in front of Stanley and the other three, breathing heavily;

"Taekwondo...The president of the Taekwondo Club, after seeing the injuries of Tian Sen and the others, announced his defeat. It is said that President Morita was seriously injured and was hospitalized.

Stanley was shocked and asked,"Is Morita's injury serious? Will the Kendo Club accept the challenge?"

The fat man continued without thinking,"Morita's injury doesn't seem to be serious, but one of his eyes has a very obvious dark circle. As for whether the Kendo Club will accept the challenge, I don't know."

""I'll report back later." Stanley said helplessly; then the fat boy happily ran towards the kendo activity room......

In the corridor of the school's storage room, when Li Xin walked in, he could clearly feel the gazes of his classmates.

Li Xin walked slowly in the corridor, and now the classmates around him would take the initiative to greet him, and some classmates in the distance would also cast a greeting look at him.

This is the traffic brought by yesterday's battle, this is the popularity, this is the feeling of being a star...Although Li Xin had experienced this countless times in New Bern.

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