At this time, Morita on the field was ready to attack. After a roar of"Hey~", Morita fiercely punched Li Xin in the face.

However, this punch was easily dodged by Li Xin. After that, Morita immediately changed his tactics and kicked and punched Li Xin. After seeing Li Xin easily dodged again, he immediately changed his tactics again and did a hug and throw posture in the direction of Li Xin.

Looking at Morita's skilled technique, if it was really an ordinary person, he would probably fall into his trap, but Li Xin directly punched Morita with a strong left bow step again.

When Morita bumped into Li Xin and found that he couldn't push it, he knew that he was in trouble, and found that a fist was quickly swinging towards his eyes."Pu~" The timing of this punch was too fast and too clever, and Morita had no time to block it.

Morita, who was hit in the eye, began to retreat and keep a distance. Just as Morita retreated, Li Xin attacked...

A quick punch hit Morita's thigh joint. The moment Morita looked down, Li Xin threw another uppercut. All this was too fast and too smooth.

It was so fast that even the camera in Teacher Julius's hand couldn't capture it clearly."Bang~" Morita was already in a trance after being hit.

Then Li Xin raised his foot and kicked Morita in the abdomen.

"Bang~" Morita fell to the ground...

After retracting his legs, Li Xin slowly put his hands in his pockets, and with a deep and cold look in his eyes, he looked at the group of people kneeling on the opposite main seat.

After a moment of silence, the scene suddenly burst into explosive applause.....

"Oh my god, this move is so cool, I am a fan of Philip at this moment," a classmate said excitedly; because in the eyes of outsiders, when there is such a big difference in height and weight, you can still turn the tide, which is the coolest thing

"Philip~Philip~" Jenny cheered loudly;

"Oh my God, this is crazy!" Teacher Julius was holding his head with his hands and making an exaggerated expression.

And Iwata Makiko was also shocked. She didn't expect Morita to lose so quickly. And feeling the gaze of Li Xin, she felt a little excited in addition to the pressure.

Li Xin smiled and looked at the audience outside the field. Stanley turned away with a sullen face like a dead horse. Some familiar classmates were clapping and cheering excitedly.

Among them, Teacher Julius had the most exaggerated expression. Principal Robert also looked at Li Xin with a red face and applauded. Seeing that Li Xin had seen it, he casually clicked a thumbs up.

At this time, Morita also stood up with the help of the club members, sighed and said;

"You win, I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Li Xin saw that Morita was fine, so he turned around and waved his hand and left the activity room.

This kind of competition between ordinary people was just a show for Li Xin.

Although from the perspective of ordinary people, Morita is indeed capable and can reach the level of a black belt in karate at a young age, but unfortunately, he met Li Xin.


The final preparations for the Stark Industries Technology Expo have been completed, and Miss Pepper Potts is conducting the final inspection of the stage.

"Dancers, fireworks, speeches, final evacuation routes.."Under the leadership of the various responsible persons, Pepper Potts methodically checked all the work arrangements and finally signed each document.

Happy Hogan is Tony Stark's bodyguard and driver. Tonight he will be responsible for all the security work on the scene and the arrangements for some celebrities who will attend the party.

As the ticket inspection for the entrance was over, the atmosphere was quickly ignited by the DJ's exciting music.

In the six months since Tony announced that he was Iron Man, his fame has had a very large influence in the United States and the world....

Tony is not only a billionaire industrialist, arms manufacturer, and genius inventor, but he is also the universally admired peacemaker Iron Man.

As the powerful music on the main stage ignited, a group of sexy long-legged beauties lined up and slowly walked out, and then began to dance sexy dances. For a moment, the young fans at the scene burst into intense cheers; and on a military fighter plane far above New York, Tony, who had already changed into his iron armor, was ready.

"Wind speed 30 miles, altitude 15,000 feet, sir, you can enter the landing zone."

As the door of the fighter plane slowly opened, a golden-red steel armor jumped after a few steps, and landed directly at a height of 10,000 meters below.

Below was a brightly lit stage, and fireworks and rock music were playing, as if welcoming the arrival of the stage owner.

Tony was in the sky, changing his flying posture from time to time and sometimes canceling the jet to let his body slide freely.

""Bang~" A firework exploded in his chest, but Tony just smiled and continued to enjoy this free moment.

In Flushing, New York, at the Stark Expo, a red steel armor landed on the stage in a handsome posture amid the screams and cheers of the crowd.

""Oh~Roar~" Everyone screamed crazily again, and Tony raised his arms high to enjoy the cheers from the audience.

The sexy dancing beauties behind him were also showing off themselves to their heart's content. With the explosive music, the atmosphere of the opening ceremony of the Expo was immediately pushed to a climax!

Then Tony changed the position of his hands, and several mechanical arms automatically rose from the stands, and then began to dismantle the iron armor. Tony showed his handsome and unruly face and smiled to greet the audience.

When the armor was dismantled, the platform returned to normal. Tony, wearing a handsome suit, raised his arms and continued to interact with the audience to the music.

The sexy beauties behind him also surrounded him, and then as the explosive music came to an end, Tony bowed slightly to the audience;

"Tony! Tony! Tony!...."

The audience was shouting vigorously;

"Yes, it's great to be back, it seems you guys missed me too." Tony smiled and looked around the scene clapping his hands and said;

"Let’s blow something up? Let’s blow something up?"

The audience at the scene interacted enthusiastically;

"Uh-huh, blow something up, I just missed it"

Tony then pressed his hands down in a quiet gesture;

"I didn’t say that the long-term global peace was finally achieved because of me." Tony began his speech with a smile on the stage;

"I didn't say that no one in this world has ever risen like a phoenix from the ashes like me."

"I also didn't say that the US government can now enjoy its leisure time, because no one in the world can fight me in my peak state!"

Tony spread his hands and nodded to the audience;

"Tony! Tony!..."The beautiful women in the audience waved their arms wildly;

"I love you, Tony!"

"Of course, I am not important, and neither are you," Tony continued, with his hands slightly open;

"We are not important, what is important is inheritance..."At this time Tony no longer had the smile he had before but spoke seriously;

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