At Zhongcheng High School, Li Xin and Catherine parked the car as usual and walked towards the school building. Maybe no one would notice Li Xin normally, but today, Li Xin seemed to be the focus of everyone's attention.

When Li Xin walked into the corridor, some of the students around him pointed at him and talked about something with the people next to them.

"Hey. Is that him?"

"Yes, Philip Lee from the first year of high school. I heard he is a country bumpkin from a small town."

Stanley talked to a friend with a look of disdain;

"He seems to be very confident," a senior student whispered to his friend next to him;

"I heard from others that he knows Chinese Kung Fu, and he is very powerful." A female classmate also began to join the discussion with interest; but Li Xin didn't care much about these small discussions, because this was the effect he wanted to achieve.

"Philip, why are you doing this?

Just as Li Xin put her bag away and was about to leave, a clear voice asked puzzledly behind Li Xin;

"Because I want to set up my own club,"

Li Xin turned to Jenny and said slowly; but before Jenny could speak, a slightly rough voice sounded;

"Establishing a club? Boy, not everyone can establish a club. Do you think you are qualified?"

A tall Asian man wearing a Japanese training suit said sternly.

Suddenly, the tense atmosphere here attracted onlookers, and the students nearby turned their heads to eat melons.

"Wow, is that tall guy Morita, the president of the karate club?" said a bystander;

"Yes, I heard that he is already 1.85 meters tall in his second year of high school," said a female spectator in admiration;

"And President Morita seems to be a black belt master who has fought with 20 people and broken 10 boards." A knowledgeable brother

Li Xin naturally heard the discussion nearby, so he smiled faintly and said:

"President Morita, huh? As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts; since you want to test me so much, I'll go to your karate club today."

"Humph! Chinese Kung Fu is just a fancy trick, just wait for me to beat you to a pulp."

Morita said as he was about to poke Li Xin's shoulder with his finger; just as he was about to poke, Li Xin waved Morita's hand away as if waving a fly.

"Morita, right? Since you are so confident, I will give you a good training this afternoon."

Li Xin was too lazy to talk trash to him before the game, but why did the last name Morita sound familiar?

After Li Xin finished speaking, he pulled Jenny away from the crowd. After leaving the crowd, Li Xin turned to look at Jenny, and saw that she was lowering her head with flushed cheeks. Li Xin quickly let go and asked,"Jenny, are you okay?"

Jenny suddenly glanced at Li Xin and ran away with a flushed face....

""Alas~" Li Xin sighed slightly. Because there were too many people just now, Li Xin subconsciously pulled her away. It was really a sin.

However, during this day's school life, Li Xin was always given some strange looks by many people. Even Wellington, a male science teacher who only had formulas in his mind, looked at Li Xin intentionally or unintentionally during class.

However, this heat was hyped up, especially the confrontation between Li Xin and Morita this morning, which was made into a funny video by the students of the news club and was put on the"Fun News" program on campus TV.

In this way, basically all the teachers and students in the school knew that Li Xin was going to challenge the Karate Club today, and many people wanted to see if Li Xin really knew Chinese Kung Fu.

Chinese Kung Fu has actually been very popular in the United States, but it is too mysterious and many people have never really seen it.

Not to mention that the surname Morita was told to Li Xin by a classmate of the news club, saying:

"Kento Morita is the son of Kenjiro Morita, and Kenjiro Morita is the vice-president of this school. Principal Robert will be transferred to another school next semester, so our principal next semester is likely to become Principal Morita."

A black classmate in the bathroom said to Li Xin in a rap-like way;

"I was wondering why it sounds so familiar."

Li Xin shivered and zipped up his pants and said lightly;

"But now I heard that someone has opened the market, your current odds are 1:2, I bought 50 and you lose" the black guy said again with a smile;......

At 14:45, the school bell rang, and many people rushed to the karate club's activity room. Even some teachers were excitedly holding cameras and watching the students excitedly.

""Here I come, here I come."

Some classmate shouted, and everyone turned around to look at Li Xin, who was wearing a black sportswear and walking slowly towards him; the humorous black teacher Julius Dell also showed Li Xin a few Chinese Kung Fu gestures to cheer him up;

Li Xin was still very pleased with the situation at the moment. After all, the United States advocates the strong, and if someone here wants to issue a challenge to a duel, people are very happy to watch.

And it seems that the heat has been hyped up. Li Xin's plan is to challenge a club a day to maximize the heat flow. It happens that the weekend is the art festival, and it just so happens that he can seamlessly connect as a top stream.

Kento Morita and some people from the club had been waiting for Li Xin in the activity room for a long time. In addition to Kento Morita, there was a beautiful Asian girl kneeling next to him, and this lady was the president of the Kendo Club, Makiko Iwata, a senior.

In the activity room All the seats inside were already full, and there were crowds outside the classroom. It seemed that no one would go to participate in their own club activities today.

Li Xin first nodded and greeted Jenny and Catherine who came to watch the game, and then high-fived some familiar classmates.

After that, he took off his shoes and coat, and slowly walked to the wooden arena in the middle of the field.

After slowly standing still, Li Xin exuded some pressure and said to Morita:"President Morita, I am Li Xin, an outer disciple of Wudang in China. Please give me your guidance."

After all, Li Xin can be regarded as an heir of the Xuanxu swordsmanship of Yu Dayan, one of the Seven Heroes of Wudang. It should be no problem for him to call himself an outer disciple of Wudang to give face to the ancestor. As Li Xin finished his introduction, a trace of pressure emanated, and the people at the scene became quiet. They didn't expect that this usually unknown classmate actually had such momentum.

And Jenny Taylor looked at Li Xin with stars in her eyes and said to Catherine next to her:

""Katherine, your cousin is so handsome, do you think he can win today?"

Katherine just smiled slightly, because she already knew what kind of person Li Xin was, but as far as she knew, this Morita Kento was still very capable, and it was hard to say whether Philip could win;

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