After Loki experienced several dangerous situations and his head was about to be chopped off by the sharp blade several times, he finally began to realize that he would die in close combat with Li Xin.

And at the moment when Loki kept retreating, a sudden and high blade light instantly broke through the defense and attacked, forcing him into a desperate situation again.

In desperation, Loki had to summon a magic shield to block Li Xin's attack. After the two figures collided rapidly again, Loki began to retreat rapidly, and the whole person began to exude a surge of magic power. A burning green fire snake instantly appeared, and the moment Li Xin retreated, the fire snake began to grow wildly and bit towards him rapidly.


Xin dodged the snake's bite easily, but Loki teleported behind Li Xin without warning and pierced Li Xin's heart with his staff. The sharp blade of the staff pierced Li Xin's body instantly, but Li Xin, who should have turned into a corpse, turned his head to look at Loki, and his bloody body began to turn into crows, flying in all directions.......

"Hehe, interesting, interesting...Hahahaha."

The moment Loki saw the crow, he realized that he had just been bewitched. However, after laughing for a while, Loki's expression began to turn gloomy again.


Just as Loki was still searching for Li Xin's figure, a sharp blade light suddenly broke through the wall from below him! The blade light flashed, and Loki, who failed to react, could not dodge it at all!

However, when Li Xin's ghostly figure once again passed over Loki's neck, he saw a flash of golden light, and it turned out to be just a lifelike illusion!

""God's power!"

With a shrill sound, Li Xin had already turned into a scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan, and at the moment when Li Xin was weak, huge green thorns appeared instantly, twisting wildly and stabbing at Li Xin.

But just when Loki thought the outcome was decided, the thorns covered with barbs seemed to pierce through a phantom, and went straight through Li Xin's body.

"What? This is impossible!"

When Loki saw Li Xin ignore the thorns and attack him again, a hint of surprise finally appeared on his sinister face; but soon Loki used his magic again, summoned green fire snakes around himself, and then hid back to keep a distance while commanding the fire snakes to bite Li Xin.

The figures of the two kept interweaving and colliding on the building, but the aftermath of this battle was more thrilling and weird than before. Loki's green fire snakes were vicious and tricky, and Li Xin's figure was weird and deadly. The sharp blade kept slashing, and the cold green flames kept causing explosions around them. The two chased each other from the roof all the way to the street, and the place where the battle passed was full of desolate land.......

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, with the support of SHIELD and Loki's inability to command, the rhythm of the battlefield was still gradually controlled by the human side.

The Chitauri are a technologically advanced cold-blooded race. They were born as pure organic creatures. Due to the stimulation of certain chemicals and cyber-mechanical transformation, they can even create the thinking of a race nest through electronic neural networks.

They are fearless and can share intelligence in war, but if the commander's ability is not in place, they are just low-level creatures without too many independent thoughts.

Their terminal is on the mothership in outer space, and the battlefield commander Loki is dragged by Li Xin again. Now he is sweating profusely to avoid being chased. Even if the wormhole has been surging soldiers, the soldiers without battlefield commanders can only become headless flies flying around.

In just ten minutes after Loki had no time to command, they basically lost air superiority, and after the second batch of human troops entered the battlefield, the rhythm of the battlefield was already controlled by the human side.

As the armored forces on the ground caught up, tanks began to surround the road from all sides, and the scale of the battlefield was once again compressed by the human side.

Tony, Hulk, Thor and others kept cutting through the enemy's center, causing great damage to the Chitauri army and preventing them from gathering quickly. Facing the powerful human firepower at this time, they were unable to conduct effective defense. Even after the battle, Tony and his teammates had already focused their attention on the battle on 42nd Street. After all, Loki was Thor's brother, a god from Asgard.

"Is Agent A Fei's work going smoothly?"

Rogers, who had just rushed out of a building and was helping to evacuate civilians with the cooperation of the army, said in the headset while panting;

"Well, in the previous battle, Agent Fei scored a lot of points, but after Loki stopped using the staff as a spear, their battle started to become weird.

Tony in the air used the palm cannon on the surroundings while observing the situation on 42nd Street; but the fight between the two was too weird at this time. Loki's fire snake was either transferred behind him by Li Xin using divine power, or was directly dodged by Li Xin, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult for people to react.

"I bet that the winner in the end will definitely be Agent Afei. Believe me, I still can't forget his perverted look in Blooms."

At this time, Hawkeye was hiding on a rooftop observing the battle, and smiled faintly into the headset;

"Really? Is Ah Fei as perverted as the two above?"

Natasha, who was cooperating with the ground troops, was looking at the sky above. The Hulk broke through the wall of an office building, grabbed the head of a Leviathan, and forced it to turn and drag it underground.

After that, Thor fell from the sky again, and cooperated with Hulk to forcibly kill all the soldiers on the Leviathan, and directly led the beast into a building. The scene looked full of blood and violence!

At this time, in the building that was collapsed by the fallen beast, after clearing all the enemies, Thor and Hulk slowly walked down from the body of the beast. Just when Thor wanted to take a breath, a fist as big as a casserole suddenly hit him from the side.


As if being hit by a train, Thor, who was not prepared, was immediately hammered by Hulk and flew twenty meters away. He lay on the ground until his head smashed a stone pier. Thor couldn't understand why Hulk actually opened the option to attack his teammates.......

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