"Haha, yes, I've seen it...."

Looking at Tony's pretending to be relaxed, Loki slowly walked forward and sneered;

"Okay, I admit it takes some time to adjust....But let’s list them anyway."

"We have your demigod brother, and a super warrior, a legend who lives up to his reputation..."

After hearing his brother, Loki sneered, then turned his head slightly and pondered;

Tony saw this and quickly put the two metal bracelets on the bar on his wrists, then continued lightly;

"A guy with serious anger management, a ninja who can summon giants, and a pair of top assassins...And you? Boy, you pissed them all off...."

"This is exactly my plan.

After thinking for a while, Loki seemed to find that the opponent's lineup was indeed quite strong. Even though he was a god and had the Chitauri army, he had also discovered that the power of mankind was gathering here.

Although Loki had never taken these forces seriously, he knew his brother, the crazy big guy, and the smart Tony Stark in front of him....

"Your plan is really not wise enough. When they come, they will make you pay the price."

Having said this, Tony walked towards Loki while holding the cup....

"I have an army..."Loki said calmly;

"We have the Hulk" Tony also responded;

"Shouldn't the beast be lost?"

Seeing that Loki didn't understand the situation, Tony took a sip of wine, walked in front of him and said solemnly;

"Don't you understand? There will be no throne and you can't be king...."

"Maybe you have an army coming, maybe we didn't hold it....But it will all be your fault in the end! If we can't protect the earth...Just wait for us to take revenge on you!"

Tony could no longer hide his irritable temper. After all, he couldn't control the conflict between the two gods, but your family affairs shouldn't be brought to Earth, and you made it so bad!

If it weren't for Loki's strength, Tony wanted to throw him off the top floor of Stark Tower!

"If they're all busy dealing with you...You don't have time to come to me!"

After being accused by Tony, a mortal, Loki, who had already been angry and embarrassed, stopped talking nonsense, raised the shining blue Mind Scepter in his hand, and leaned against Tony's chest.


The blue magic on the scepter began to slowly charge, but when the sharp blade of the scepter touched the reactor on Tony's chest, its invincible effect lost its effect!

Loki, who didn't believe in evil, showed a surprised look and tapped Tony's chest again, but the blue magic seemed to have touched an insulator and lost its effect again!

"How is this possible? It was possible before."

"Sexual dysfunction is also a common problem. After all, one out of five men..."

However, before Tony could finish his hippie joke, an angry Loki grabbed him by the neck and said viciously;

"you...They will all be defeated at my feet!"

"Jarvis..."Okay, start it!"

Tony gave Jarvis an order the moment Loki grabbed his neck. However, just as the compartment door next to the wine cabinet was opened and the red and gold oval flight cabin appeared, Loki threw Tony off the roof.


Tony was falling rapidly from an altitude of more than 700 meters. However, as the flight cabin stretched out its wings and flew towards him quickly, Tony put his body in the air in a"big" shape.

"Beep beep...."

After receiving the signal from Tony's wrist, the flying cabin in the sky completely opened its appearance and began to cover Tony's body.

As the rapid receiving sound effect ended, Mark 7 officially wrapped Tony's whole body and began to change and assemble rapidly. However, the altitude of more than 700 meters was about to fall to the bottom.

At the critical moment, Tony also activated the system panel at the last height of more than ten meters from the ground, and finally completed the transformation!


After a burst of mechanical operation, Tony controlled the powerful propulsion system and flew to the top floor of Stark Building.

"Oh, and you pissed off someone, his name is Phil...."

After Tony, wearing the Iron Man armor, returned to the roof again, he spoke to Loki word by word; then he quickly raised his arm and fired a cannon at Loki.


A painful sound was heard, and Loki, who was careless and did not dodge, was hit by the beam and fell to the ground.

However, at this moment, outside the building, a strong blue light flew up into the sky, and after it shot into the sky in an instant, a ball of energy burst out. As the energy dissipated, a huge space transmission tunnel was revealed.

Behind the space tunnel was the vast universe and stars. Under the background of the stars, there were dense alien fleets and countless Leviathan monsters.

Just as Tony exclaimed, countless Chitauri troops driving strange aircraft had passed through the tunnel and arrived above the midtown area of Manhattan.

"Well, the war is coming....Jarvis!"

Looking at the countless Chitauri soldiers coming out of the wormhole, Tony sighed, and Jarvis quickly changed his panel to the red"kill mode""

"That creature with gray skin, which looks like a combination of reptiles and humans, is it the Chitauri?"

Tony flew quickly down the tunnel while reading Jarvis's analysis report, not afraid of the overwhelming Chitauri army in front of him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

When both sides entered the shooting range, the battle was about to break out! The Chitauri vanguard, who had already rushed out of the black hole, fired laser beams downwards while making crazy hoarse roars.

Tony, wearing the Iron Man armor, was not afraid of the opponent's firepower even though he was alone. He flexibly moved under the Chitauri's laser beams and quickly fired palm cannons at the opponent, constantly killing the Chitauri in front of him, trying to control the battle range near Stark Tower.......

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