After a simple repair on the aircraft carrier, Tony, who changed into the Mark VI armor, flew to New York before Rogers and Li Xin's fighter plane took off, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

In the Quinjet, everyone was carefully checking their equipment. After changing his clothes, Captain America Rogers stood quietly in the preparation area with his shield, while Hawkeye sat on a chair and checked his arrows and other equipment on him. Banner, who changed into a set of work clothes, leaned in the most secluded corner after getting on the plane, closed his eyes, and muttered something silently, communicating with others.

Li Xin sat in the co-pilot seat of the fighter plane in front, silently watching the exciting first-person perspective of the fighter plane, and the sexy and charming figure sitting in the main driver's seat - Natasha, the Black Widow.

After the fighter plane flew steadily for a while, Natasha saw Li Xin wearing a mask on the side, and she raised her red and tender lips and smiled;

"Ah Fei, huh? I've seen your information. In Brooms, you flattened the whole town. But...Have we met before?"

"Ahem, you haven't seen it, how is it possible, haha..."

As if she was caught peeking, Li Xin quickly shifted her gaze to the front and said in a cold and somewhat old voice;

"Hmm? I guess...You shouldn't be that old, right?"

As if chatting about family matters, Natasha chatted with Li Xin while controlling the fighter plane; but when she saw Li Xin staring at the front without saying anything, Natasha showed a sexy smile again and said;

"From the previous meeting room to now, you have looked at me more than two hundred times. Even Rogers, the"old man", would not have such vigorous energy."

"And the way you look at me...But you don't look like an 'old man' at all. But if you don't want to say it, forget it...."

Although Natasha's beauty and figure are indeed easy to attract attention, her wisdom is actually her best feature. With many years of spy experience, she has already felt a sense of familiarity with Li Xin.

"Um, maybe in Monaco? I saw you next to Tony....You were on TV at that time...."

Because he just got the Dragon Feast Mark, Li Xin always can't help but be interested in girls, not to mention that the next to him is a beauty of the Black Widow level.

Especially her sexy wavy red hair, even a person with a poor memory will be deeply impressed after seeing it once, plus her pair of slender phoenix eyes, full of charm...

"The thin lips match the pointed chin very well, but the nose tip is a little thick, but it adds a lot of prettiness."

I don't know when, Li Xin has opened his three-magatama Sharingan, but he still looks at Natasha in the driver's seat from time to time. But this time, after hearing Li Xin's words, Natasha seemed to be thinking about something in her mind.

"Haha, I'm afraid I've already guessed your identity. No wonder Tony is so familiar with you, but pretends not to know you on the surface. Haha, little boy...."

After hearing what Natasha said, Li Xin was shocked, because he didn't say anything at all, so he cleared his throat and said coldly again;

""Ahem, I think you must have misunderstood. How could I be a little boy?"

After seeing Li Xin's pretending to be calm, Natasha smiled secretly in the driver's seat. After a moment, she turned on the stereo and played the love song"Take Me to You Heart" which was very popular two years ago.

As the beautiful melody began to play in the Quinjet, a pleasant male voice began to sing the moving song....

After hearing the lyrical song, 'Old Man' Rogers immediately liked the song and said to Natasha with emotion;

"Wow, this song is really good, I like it very much, thank you~"

As this beautiful song finished playing, everyone who was preparing to go to the battle suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. However, while everyone was still discussing with a smile, Natasha played another song"The Cure".

This song was the song that Li Xin had written for Ava before. Now this song has already dominated the US Billboard charts, and Ava has become a popular female singer known to every household in the United States with this song.

"In comparison, I still like this song more. Let's thank the person who created this song!"Oh~"

After Natasha finished speaking, a song with a cheerful rhythm sounded again in the fighter plane, and Natasha also sang along with the melody of the song with slightly red eyes....

In fact, Natasha's favorite song is this one. When she first heard it by accident, it touched her heart deeply....

Just like the name of"The Cure","cure", as a spy killer trained by the [Red House], Natasha, who has been without parents since childhood, has experienced too many blood debts.

She has been brainwashed since she was a child and trained as a Russian spy. Except for her sister, even her parents are just two fake couples who perform spy missions. Maybe her sister is also fake, but she just doesn't want to admit it.

There is no so-called family, no so-called love. When other girls of the same age are playing with puppets, she has been in the [Red House], learning fighting skills and how to use various firearms with other"widows".

When other girls are still shopping, shopping, and enjoying food with their favorite people, she has learned how to use her pure appearance to deceive others, and in order to prevent the loss of intelligence or the failure of the mission, she will even cleanly solve the target.

When her peers have completed a stage of schooling and gathered with their relatives and friends to celebrate, Natasha has also killed those"friends" who lived with her in the [Red House] and became the so-called"Black Widow"."......

There are countless moments when the seemingly strong Black Widow would hide in a place where no one could see and cry secretly, but in the end she would always have a calm appearance and an affinity that made everyone feel happy, and no one could know her true feelings.................

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