"No, if my parents see me, I'll be dead...."

Looking at Gwen's coquettish expression, Peter said with a smile:

"Come on, your parents won't find out, we won't go through the front door..."

Ten minutes later, Li Xin on the Empire State Building was eating dog food while enjoying the cold wind, because in front of him, Spider-Man was happily swinging between the tall buildings while holding Gwen.

"Oh my god, this is so exciting...."

Gwen in Peter's arms watched herself flying through the sky, and couldn't help but scream with joy. She could only hug Peter tightly to prevent herself from falling.

Peter saw Gwen so happy, and all his worries disappeared at this moment, even the pressure from the lizard man was gone.

When the two landed on the top floor of the Empire State Building, Gwen laughed and panted while hugging Peter. However, when the two were about to kiss again, a cough came from behind.


Seeing Li Xin's appearance, Gwen was startled, but when he saw who it was, he showed a surprised expression and said;

"Oh~ it's you, this morning?"

"It's me. My name is Philip Lee. You must be Gwen...."

After a simple greeting, Li Xin asked Peter to explain what happened in detail again. After listening to Peter's description, Li Xin asked in confusion;

"No, brother, I remember you were on the Williamsburg Bridge, and you pulled up a car that was about to fall off the bridge. How come you are sweating so much just beating a little lizard?"

Peter, who looked embarrassed, had to touch the back of his head and explain;

"I felt that the Lizard Man was even more powerful, and I was so nervous at the time that I just wanted to run away...."

After a sigh, Li Xin patted Peter's shoulder and comforted him;

"You just don't have enough combat experience. Didn't you say you left your camera there? The lizard man will definitely come to your school to look for you tomorrow."

"What should we do? There are so many people in the school. What if innocent people are hurt?..."

However, before Peter finished speaking, Li Xin said calmly:

"No matter, I'll do it...."......

The next morning, after a night of preparation, Peter and Li Xin got in the car and headed for school after breakfast. Seeing Peter's brave look, Li Xin couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.

"Peter, you seem very nervous."

"Me? No, I'm not nervous. I've already made a battle plan last night. I can wrap him up with spider silk to restrict his movements...."

In the co-pilot seat, Peter was waving his arms and talking hurriedly, but Li Xin interrupted him with a helpless look on his face;

"Peter, you are too nervous. You need to relax and believe in your own abilities. Your potential is greater than you think.

Seeing Peter like this, Li Xin understood why his father-in-law died at the hands of a lizard man in his previous life. A moment later, the car stopped beside the school, and the two followed the flow of people and began to walk into the school.

At this time, a huge lizard man broke out of the ground in the bathroom, and after a few angry roars, he angrily smashed down the surrounding walls.


This violent movement naturally attracted the attention of the students, and when they saw the huge lizard man, they screamed in fear and ran away.


With a huge roar, the Lizard Man directly broke through the wall in front of him and came to the locker area. When many students found the Lizard Man, a feeling of fear quickly spread.

Just when many students were desperately running back, Peter Parker rushed directly towards the Lizard Man. The Lizard Man was originally coming for Peter. Seeing that the prey dared to rush towards him, he immediately showed an excited expression. However, when the

Lizard Man was about to slap Peter to death with one claw, Peter directly slid to avoid it and quickly fired a spider silk that stuck to the Lizard Man's feet.

After succeeding, Peter pulled hard and the Lizard Man fell to the ground. Seeing that his tactics worked, Peter quickly jumped on the Lizard Man's back, trying to subdue the Lizard Man in one fell swoop.

But the Lizard Man, with his hunter instinct, reached out and grabbed him the moment Peter jumped on his back, and then threw him to the ground in a daze.

Just when Peter was knocked unconscious by the fall, the Lizard Man picked him up again and threw him into the next classroom.


As the walls of the classroom were smashed through, Peter lay on the ground in pain. Not far away, Li Xin looked at Peter's novice appearance in combat and couldn't help but sigh and said;

"Peter, you didn't seem so weak when you sparred with me that night. Why did you panic when you met this little lizard?"

Just as the lizard man was about to attack Peter on the ground again, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the end of the classroom. A mysterious man in a robe and a white three-magatama mask was sitting leisurely on the desk at the end.

Soon, the lizard man smelled the scent of Li Xin, and he licked his lips with his tongue and said hoarsely;

"Oh, it's you, the dangerous smell I smelled that night..."

As the lizard man spoke, he narrowed his eyes, but soon a crazy and violent aura emanated from him.

"Last time, I followed my instinct, but this time I am even stronger!"

While speaking, the lizard man quickly ran towards Li Xin with his limbs on the ground, and pounced on the food with his mouth open!

Looking at the lizard man's dangerous and fast attack, Li Xin seemed to have not noticed it, and still sat quietly in the same place, looking at him with disdain.


With a roar, the lizard man opened his mouth and waved his two sharp claws, and pounced on the place where Li Xin was sitting. Just when Peter thought that Li Xin was going to be torn to pieces,

Li Xin's ghostly figure had already appeared above the lizard man, and was raising his foot high, about to kick the lizard man's head below.


Li Xin easily dodged the attack of the lizard man, and then kicked him on the head. With the inertia, the lizard man instantly fell under a pile of desks.

Li Xin in mid-air rolled in the air and came to Peter's side, pulled him up, and said with a smile;

"Watch carefully and learn well~"..............

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