Unfortunately, when he opened the door halfway, he found that Aunt May was sitting in the living room waiting for him. Peter could only close the door helplessly and open the refrigerator directly, pretending not to see Aunt May in the living room.

"You don't have to wait for me...."

In front of the refrigerator, Peter patted his legs pretending to be calm and said softly;

"I want to wait, where have you been?"

Aunt Mei had just lost her lover some time ago, and now her only support was always away from home, coming back so late every day. She was really afraid that one day the police would come to her house and tell her the bad news.


But Peter still didn't look at Aunt May, but continued to look at the refrigerator and said lightly; at this time, Aunt May looked at Peter's rebellious face, completely unaware of how dangerous New York was at night, so she took a deep breath and said with concern;

"Did you buy the eggs I asked you to buy?"

Peter was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He got up and closed the refrigerator while feeling annoyed with himself, and then said frankly;

"No, I forgot to buy it. I'll go out and buy it now."

Peter was about to open the door and prepare to go out, but Mei, who had been worried about Peter, immediately walked over and pressed the door frame, and then said sternly;

"No, you don't need to buy it, it's already so late."

Helpless, Peter had to hide in the kitchen, facing outside and continuing to avoid Aunt May. But as his family, how could Aunt May find out that something was wrong with Peter at this time, so she said to Peter seriously;

"Peter, turn around, take off your hat and look at me.

Peter, who finally couldn't escape, turned around silently and took off his hat to reveal his bruised face.

Mei, who saw this scene, immediately covered her mouth, trying her best to control herself from crying, and said with a distressed look on her face;

"Peter...Where have you been? Who beat you up like this?..."

"Go to bed, Aunt Mei...Please, please..."

At this time, Peter, with tears in his eyes, said to Aunt Mei, because he really didn't want Aunt Mei to know what he was doing now. He really didn't want to worry his only relative.

"I can't sleep, do you understand? I can't sleep!"

May finally burst out with emotion and scolded loudly, but after venting her emotions, May began to regret it, and looked at Peter distressedly. Slowly approached and whispered to him;

"Peter, listen to me, secrets come at a price, no exceptions..."

After a short silence, Peter looked at Aunt May with red eyes, but in the end he chose to remain silent. After turning around and leaving the living room, he quickly returned to his room and fell on the bed, covering his head with a pillow. Tears had already flowed out uncontrollably.

Self-blame and unwillingness had filled Peter's brain at this time, but he couldn't tell Aunt May what he was doing at this time, because he was too afraid of losing his only relative.

However, just as Peter, who was hungry, was about to fall asleep, he seemed to hear something knocking on his window outside, and there was also a strange bird cry.


When Peter stood up and looked out the window alertly, he immediately showed a stunned expression. Outside the window, the man called Philip Lee was smiling and waving at him.


Seeing this person appear in his home, Peter, who was confused about the situation, didn't know what to say at this time.

"Don't worry about me, come and help me. I just heard you scolded me for not buying eggs today."

Li Xin opened the window and handed over the bag of supplies. Peter, who still didn't understand what was going on, had to take the bag stupidly and even helped Li Xin block the window.

"Peter Parker? I'm glad you took me in. Don't worry, I'll protect you in the future. By the way, where should I sleep later?"

Li Xin, who looked very familiar, took off her shoes and lay on the bed after entering the room, and then showed a comfortable expression.

"Wait, wait, how did you..."

Seeing the man in front of him treating this place as his own home, Peter's mind was full of curiosity, so he said helplessly;

"I am from another universe, don't worry, I won't stay here for too long, I have to go back in three months, in exchange, I will help you solve some troubles that you can't handle, and fill your stomach at this time."

Li Xin pointed to the bag of supplies on the table, and continued to say to Peter with a silly face;

"There are not only eggs and beef in it, but also milk chocolate instant noodles. After eating, go downstairs and fill up the refrigerator. Don't always make Aunt Mei worry."

"I'm really too sleepy now, so I'll go to sleep first. We'll talk about it tomorrow if there's any problem."

After saying that, Li Xin lay down on the bed. Not long after, Peter's bed was filled with snoring.

Peter, who was standing by, saw that Li Xin looked tired, so he didn't bother her. Instead, he touched his stomach and looked at the bag full of supplies....

Half an hour later, Peter, who looked like he had lost all hope, finally had to compromise and get into bed, even though a strange man was already lying in the bed......

The whole night was silent. As the alarm clock beside the bed sounded a noisy electronic sound, Peter, who was still sleeping, instinctively got up and quickly pressed the pause button of the alarm clock.

However, just as he was about to take a nap, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked behind him.

Sure enough, there was a half-naked man lying on his bed. Everything that happened last night was real!

But he could not change it, so he could only accept it. At this time, Peter had no choice but to cover his forehead helplessly, and then woke up Li Xin who was beside him.

"Hey, wake up...."

After being woken up, Li Xin, who was dazed, stretched comfortably. Then, regardless of Peter who had a resentful expression on his face, he walked directly to the closet next to him and said;

"By the way, what size are your shoes? Can you lend me some clothes?

Peter, who was still on the bed, couldn't help but ask Li Xin who was trying on clothes.

"Uh, Philip, right? Why were you able to spit out fireballs directly from your mouth after just a few moves of your hands yesterday?"

Hearing Peter's question full of curiosity, Li Xin turned around silently and said;.............................

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