"Sizzle~" The flames were still burning Bennett. At this time, there was no good flesh on Bennett's body. He had been burned by the flames for three days and three nights. He felt the pain of being burned by the flames all the time. The last trace of spirit in his eyes was about to disappear.

But at this time, Bennett thought of his father. When he was only 10 years old, his father Bazel began to beat him with an electric baton, pressed him into the water, and threw him in a cold ice cellar.

"Pain is just your fantasy. You have to learn to grow in pain until you get used to it."

Bennett's eyes seemed to have regained a bit of spirit at this time, and he bit off his tongue with the last of his strength.

In the real presidential suite; when Li Xin waved to Bennett, he cast an illusion on him.

Sylvia didn't know what emotion she had for this weirdo who suddenly appeared, she didn't scream loudly. She just covered her mouth and watched all this with tears in her eyes, because since this weirdo appeared. The"boss" in front of him stood there stupidly.

Li Xin made a silence gesture to Sylvia, and then motioned him to go back to the room.

Sylvia should have understood the meaning of the gesture, so she turned around and walked towards the room tremblingly, but when she was halfway there, she suddenly felt like her neck was electrocuted.

""Bang~" Sylvia fell on the carpet.

Li Xin retracted his finger, which still had a little electric light, and said,"Let's use the 'little white worm' to let this little black girl have a good sleep."

Li Xin slowly approached Bennett, because he was a little curious. Looking at Bennett, who was still in a daze, it was obvious that he had been deeply trapped in the illusion, but he had retained the last bit of consciousness in the illusion.

This bit of consciousness certainly couldn't make him wake up by himself, and killing him was just a matter of moving a finger, but what Li Xin wanted was to completely control Bennett.

Just like the controlled Fourth Mizukage in Naruto. If he broke through by force, Bennett might become an idiot, but it was not a solution to keep wasting time like this.

"Is your willpower so strong? I am now a little curious about who you are."

Suddenly, Li Xin's Sharingan changed again, and the pair of blood-red eyes had turned into a pattern like a rotating windmill.

The Mangekyo Sharingan can enhance the copying, hypnosis, and observation abilities of the Sharingan to the strongest!

In the illusion, the flames on his body finally went out, and the burning village began to collapse gradually.

Bennett fell to the ground numbly, the blood at the corner of his mouth had dried up, and Bennett, who had the last bit of consciousness, turned around.

He had no strength left, his limbs had been burned to charcoal by the flames, and he even smelled the smell of barbecue.

"Hehe~" Bennett closed his eyes and quietly felt the warm sunshine in the sky. The breeze was blowing gently.

At this time, a drizzle began to fall from the sky.

"I..won..these are all illusions.."Bennett spoke in his own voice; he tried to open his mouth, his lips were already full of cracks, and he drank

"This water is so sweet and delicious, just like the red wine in the hotel. Oh, and that little black bitch, I haven't loved her well yet."

"Wait a minute." Bennett suddenly woke up, only to find that he was left with only a head and a small section of the spine.

At this time, he found himself on a cliff step in the volcano, and below him was the magma with boiling hot steam.

He found someone holding his hair from behind and holding him up. Bennett turned around with difficulty and found that it was the naked Sylvia.

Then Sylvia's hand holding his hair slowly loosened, and Bennett fell into the magma.


In the end, Bennett could only see Sylvia waving at him with a smile, and that gesture seemed so familiar.

Then the magma was getting closer and closer, and finally Bennett fell into the hot and pungent magma, and darkness enveloped everything around him.....

In the real world, in the room next to the presidential suite, naked Jeff was"working" madly with an obese lady.

Jeff's eyes were red at this time. Jeff never liked those young and beautiful women. Because of his childhood, he could not resist those women with big breasts and big buttocks, preferably some fat.

But in such a violent situation. He seemed to hear a"bang" from next door.

This was the sound left by the monitor he left next door. Obviously, this abrupt sound was heard by him.

Jeff's expression suddenly became dangerous and serious.

When the obese lady was still wondering why he suddenly stopped,

Jeff's eyes gradually became red, and a big hand directly pinched the obese lady's neck, and then twisted it violently.

Jeff got up and dressed at a very fast speed, and pulled out a submachine gun from the drawer, and then buckled two daggers on his belt.

He came to the door of the presidential suite and waved to the two bodyguards to open the door.

The two bodyguards obviously knew who Jeff was, and hurriedly swiped the card to open the door.

""Kacha" a strange electronic sound sounded, and the door of the presidential suite was opened.

Before the door was fully opened, Jeff rolled in directly. He took out the Wei Chong, aimed at the center of the suite, and kept scanning.

Bennett was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, tasting red wine calmly.

At this time, the two bodyguards outside the door also reacted and hurriedly took out their guns and walked in.

"What happened, Mr. Guzman?" the bodyguard said alertly;

"What can I do? You are the ones who came in and ruined my good deeds. Don't you know that you can't come in at night without my order?"

Bennett, who was pale, was angry.���Said;

""No, no sir, it's Jeff," one of the bodyguards said in panic, because he knew what the consequences would be if Mr. Bennett Guzman got angry.

But Jeff at the scene said nothing, and quickly walked to Sylvia, who was lying on the ground with her floral dress torn, as if he had no interest in exposing many sensitive parts. He directly picked up the girl and looked at the black mark on the back of her neck. Yes, even if it was black skin, he could see that black mark.

Jeff threw the girl away and began to sniff. He walked to the balcony window and looked at the curtains blowing in the breeze with the door open. It seemed that someone had just left here, but this was a 20-story building.

Jeff stayed by the balcony for a long time, as if he couldn't figure out something.

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