"Where are you going, Agent Alfie?"

Just as Li Xin was about to leave, Nick Fury on the sofa opened his eyes, and then stared at Li Xin with a dead fish-like look and said;

"Uh, let's go out and play."

Turning around, Li Xin smiled awkwardly; after all, he had caused quite a stir in Brooklyn, and probably caused quite a bit of trouble for Nick Fury, otherwise he wouldn't have come in person.

However, the scene of Nick Fury's rage that Li Xin had expected did not appear. He just sighed lightly and said while touching the leather sofa with a nostalgic look on his face;

"This sofa is still the most comfortable to sit on. I used to take a nap on it. After so many years, this sofa still feels the best...."

Afterwards, Nick Fury looked around the room again and found that the whole house had not changed much except that it had become unusually clean and tidy. He sat up and stared at Li Xin with his hands crossed and said;

"I don't understand why a 16-year-old would be so murderous? Wouldn't it be nice to just kidnap Claro back quietly like before?"

"It was like this in the First Love Club before, and it's like this again in the manor this time. What do you want to do? The boss asked me about your situation, and I can only report that you have a problem with your thinking?"

Li Xin didn't know how to answer this question. He didn't know when it started, but whenever Li Xin killed, his Sharingan would always have an inexplicable excitement, and once he had a reason to draw his sword, he would subconsciously look for and satisfy that feeling.

"Well, in fact, they were the first to take action."

Unable to bear the dead fish-eye scrutiny of the king of agents Nick Fury, Li Xin touched his nose awkwardly and replied with his hands spread out;

Nick Fury stared at Li Xin for a moment, then sighed heavily and continued;

"Philip, maybe you have extraordinary power, but please believe me, I have seen more extraordinary and invincible beings than you, otherwise how do you think I am blind?"

At this point, Nick Fury seemed to become a little excited;

"If you just treat this extraordinary power as a toy, then I can guarantee that you will regret it one day, and I have already told you that everything must be done according to my will."

Nick Fury looked at Li Xin's face, which still had a hint of immaturity. For some reason, he thought of the woman before. She also had extraordinary powers, liked to do things her own way, and then left a mess for him.

However, given Li Xin's age, it was understandable that she had not received any special agent training. Just thinking of that woman and the cat, Nick Fury felt pain in the eye under the eye patch.

"There has been some progress in the Angel Organization, so you don't need to worry about it for now. But if you want to be a qualified agent and superhero, you may still have a long way to go...."

Nick Fury patted Li Xin on the shoulder and sighed again. He didn't know how many times he sighed. SHIELD had to deal with the cleaning of cockroaches, the A-list agent who had attracted the attention of the board of directors, and the mysterious hammer that Coulson had called about.

Li Xin looked at Nick Fury, who looked like an old father who was worried about him, and felt a little distressed for a moment, but she didn't know what to say to comfort him.

"Do you want to have breakfast before leaving?"

When he said this, he felt as if he was trying to get rid of the guest. Unable to withdraw, Li Xin could only touch the back of his head a little embarrassedly.

Nick Fury was stunned."I worked hard to help you clean up the mess, and there are so many things that can't be done. I come to knock you, and you still want to drive me away? And in my own house." Even though all kinds of complaints flashed through his mind, Nick Fury couldn't say them when they finally came to his mouth. He could only stand up speechlessly and pointed to the wall and said;

"This is my house...."

After he finished speaking, Nick Fury snatched the hot milk from Li Xin's hand, gave Li Xin a warning look, took off his hat and turned to leave.

Seeing the door closed, Li Xin shrugged and turned to make breakfast.

It's good that the matter of the Angel Organization has been suspended. Perhaps Nick Fury's focus is still on cleaning up the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Angel Organization has been hiding in the dark for so long. Li Xin doesn't believe that there is no one above to protect them.

Moreover, this kind of problem will happen in every country, but there are too many things involved and the water is too deep. Li Xin has no way to start, so he should obey the command of the organization.

In the next two days, Li Xin returned to a peaceful life again. Crow on the East Star side has been offline since he passed the position of gang leader to Frank. When the company saw that the heat began to ferment and mature, it also began to do public relations for Li Xin's last beating incident.

"First of all, we would like to apologize to all the producers for occupying public resources due to a misunderstanding some time ago, but the real reason for Philip's beating was that he suffered racial discrimination at the party."

"As the injured party, he had no choice but to use his fists to defend himself. At the same time, we have contacted the police and obtained evidence from the party...."

Following Jamie’s long list of PR releases, Ava also spoke up for Li Xin in a show interview;

"Yes, Philip and I are friends. He is very talented. He did suffer racial discrimination at the party that day. Although his beating was inappropriate, I think it is also a very manly behavior."

Even Tony Stark, before attending a charity party, gave a fair evaluation of Philip's beating incident in an interview with a beautiful reporter.

"Philip is a very good young man. He always stands up to injustice, so I am not surprised that he beat up the person who discriminated against him. Not only because he saved my life, but I also like his songs very much, of course only his first one.

After that, Li Xin's reputation began to improve sharply, and many programs invited Li Xin for a while, and some reporters were also trying to interview him, but Li Xin just quietly practiced at home, without distraction, and did not compete with the world. Even if Jamie called every day;

"Oh my god, my baby, you finally answered the phone, there's a big production here that wants to invite you..."

When Jamie was about to say something excitedly on the phone, Li Xin quickly interrupted him and said;

"Jamie, I've said it many times, I won't be on the show, so don't discuss these issues anymore, okay?"

After Li Xin's rude interruption, Jamie stopped talking and said again;

"When will you record your song"Big Bowl of Wide Noodles"? We are already prepared."

Hearing this, Li Xin sighed. Now that the [Idol Trainee] task on the system page has been successfully completed, she doesn't have to worry about traffic anymore, so she said to the phone;

"You can let others sing that song. From now on, I will only write songs and not release them. I will focus on behind the scenes.".......

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