Li Xin sat on the rooftop of a hotel near George Street, looking at the scene below with mixed feelings. Garbage can be seen everywhere, and most of the buildings are classic slum iron and wood structures.

When you walk into this street, you will always smell a strange smell, which is hard to describe, but sometimes it is disgusting.

The same life under the same sky is indeed two completely different worlds.

However, Li Xin felt a little curious about this hotel called Alex Hotel, because its architectural style is so different from George Street.

From the large garden fountain at the main entrance to the old Rolls-Royce parked at the entrance of the hotel for exhibition. To the magnificent lobby. This is in stark contrast to the scene outside.

There is no reason for Li Xin not to come in and"visit" such a magnificent hotel.

Li Xin took out his mobile phone, opened the address book, found Catherine and called her.

"Hey, Catherine, are you still in school?"

"Philip, where are you? Didn’t you participate in the club activities? I didn’t see you at school."

On the school playground, a young and beautiful girl was holding a book and answering the phone;

"This is a long story. I have something to deal with and will be home late. The car keys are in my locker, and the locker code is 0123."

Li Xin was on the rooftop making a phone call when she suddenly saw a Bentley luxury car driving towards the hotel in the distance.

"Okay, I won't say any more. Tell my aunt tonight for me. See you later."

After Li Xin hung up the phone, he quickly put on his mask. Like a fallen leaf, he quietly fell into the shadows on the first floor of the hotel.

He wanted to see who would stay in the hotel here.

A Bentley slowly stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and a Mexican dressed in mink and gold hurried forward to help him open the door.

"Oh, Bennett, my good brother.

Alex went up to a middle-aged white man wearing an expensive suit and gold-rimmed glasses and hugged him tightly.

"Bazel asked me to express my concern for you," the man named Bennett whispered in Alex's ear;

"Hahaha, come in with me, I have arranged everything for you, believe me, I promise you will be in the mood tonight~’"

Alex led Bennett into the hotel amidst laughter. After the two big men and the bodyguards entered, a plain-looking young white man in a black suit looked at the place where Li Xin had just been.

After making sure it was safe, the young white man wandered around a few more times, looking here and there. However, his strange behavior did not cause dissatisfaction among the hotel security personnel.

Because he got off the car with Bennett.

In a private room in the hotel, Alex and Bennett dismissed the servants. The two were eating steak, drinking red wine and smoking cigars. The table in front of them was already filled with delicacies from land and sea, and expensive red wine.

"You did a good job last time, and your father, Basil, is very satisfied with you."

Bennett, like a gentleman, cut the steak politely and spoke slowly to Alex across the table;

"We are all just following Lord Bazel’s plan,"

Alex said, raising his wine glass to indicate;

"Throw out bones, let the wild dogs fight over the food and bite each other. In the end, only the obedient dogs will be left."

Bennett smiled and raised his red wine glass, showing a gentleman's smile and said;

"Hahahaha, enjoy your meal, Mr. Bennett. I have arranged everything for you in the presidential suite on the top floor."

"You know, I have something to do tonight, so I'll leave you now."

Alex drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, turned around and left the hotel.

Then the man in the black suit came in, threw away his tie after taking his seat, and ate the steak left by Alex and the dishes on the table without caring about his image.

But Bennett didn't find it strange at all, still straightened his back, and slowly cut the steak in front of him.

"Jeff, did you feel anything strange when you came?"

"It seems a bit strange, but don't worry, if there is anything unusual, I will kill everyone and take you away."

Jeff said with a cruel smile;

Bennett nodded slightly. Jeff was sent by his father Bazel to ensure that there would be no accidents in this operation in New York.

Bennett, as Bazel's sixth son, was finally sent to New York this time, and he must seize this opportunity.

However, their conversation was heard by the"third person" in the corner where no one was paying attention.

‘Earth escape technique: Earth Dragon Hiding Technique' An earth escape technique that can sneak into the ground.

Li Xin sensed the man named Jeff. As soon as he got off the car, he stared at the place where Li Xin had hidden before. Fortunately, Li Xin's insight level was higher than that of the other party.

And there was always a sense of madness and danger in this man. It seemed that he had a lot of blood on his hands.

"Then go to the presidential suite on the top floor and wait."

In a corner at the back of the hotel, Li Xin's body slowly emerged from the ground. If anyone was nearby, they would definitely be shocked.

""The Art of Clone" Li Xin made a seal. Another person wearing a dark blue high-collared robe and a white mask appeared in the same place.

""Be on guard nearby," Li Xin said to the clone, then jumped up and disappeared into the night.

In the presidential suite, a 14-year-old black girl in a suspender floral dress sat nervously at the head of the bed. Although she was only 14 years old, her beautiful big eyes and slender figure were like a black rose in bud.

Sylvia didn't know what she would face yet. She only knew that her father from the slums said that she could live a good life in the future, and her family seemed very happy for her.

When she came to this palace-like hotel, she felt like she was living in a dream.

There were several people here to help her take a bath, help her re-do her hair, let her wear beautiful clothes, use those expensive perfumes, and take her to eat food she had never eaten before.

Someone also told her that she would be taken to meet a big man tonight. If she could stay with the big man, she would never need to return to the slums again in the future and could enjoy this kind of life every day.

Sylvia looked at her beautiful self in the mirror. At this moment, she felt like a princess.

All this was too real. Even if it was a dream, she didn't want to wake up.

""Click" accompanied by an electronic sound. The door was opened.

Then a handsome white man wearing glasses and wearing a valuable suit came in with several bodyguards.

After the bodyguard came in, he immediately checked around the room. After the inspection, he said something to the man who came in, then left the room and closed the door.

Bennett slowly sat on the sofa in the living room and poured himself a glass of red wine.

"Wouldn't you like a drink?"

Bennett said to the girl in the room with a smile;

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