A few years ago, Tony had been hit by shrapnel from a shell, and some of the shrapnel remained in his veins.

In order to prevent the shrapnel from entering his heart, he had to make a hole in his body and let the Ark Reactor protect his heart.

Later, this Ark Reactor not only played a protective role, but also became the energy source of Tony's suit, which made it even more difficult for him to get rid of the Ark Reactor, unless he was willing to give up his identity as Iron Man, at least at that time, he could not have much time to rest.

And now, with Gao Yuanli bringing cross-era technology, Tony no longer needs to leave the hole in his body that was prepared for the Ark Reactor.

So, on this day, accompanied by Gao Yuanli and Little Pepper, Tony came to the hospital for surgery, and it was not only those doctors with excellent medical skills who operated on him, Gao Yanli also changed into a white coat and became one of the attending doctors.

Don't forget that Gao Fade Away has the medical magic of Asgard, and Gao Fade Away can also use superhuman perspective and microscopic vision to see the situation in Tony's body more intuitively.

In the end, the operation ended smoothly without any thrills, and Gao Yuanli also used Asgard's medical magic to make Tony's wounds heal at a speed visible to the naked eye as soon as possible, which made all the medical staff present call out for miracles.

Rather, it is indeed from God's technology.

With Gao gradually leaving their relationship, this little thing naturally didn't need to be thanked, so Tony turned around and ran to the studio to get busy.

He was fascinated by these technologies from the future, and he finally remembered that a few years ago, Gao Yanli had once mentioned the topic of nanotechnology.

It was only today that he finally understood that nanotechnology was what it was, and that nanotechnology could be so powerful.

There are so many things that nanotechnology can do, such as using nanotechnology to treat the wound in an emergency when you are injured, or even repair some equipment or something.

Moreover, nanotechnology is very convenient, the suit made with nanotechnology is no longer stupid, it can be worn almost instantly, and when not in use, it can be placed in a very small box, such as the ark reactor that acts as an energy source and the suit together.

All in all, just the information brought by Gao Yuanli is enough to make Tony's technology far exceed the current technology for more than ten years, because it is originally from the next ten years.

Faced with such Tony, Gao and Pepper are helpless, and they also know what keeps him so busy, he is preparing for the future big war, and it is a big trouble that will affect the whole universe.

Pepper was originally very disgusted with Tony becoming Iron Man because it was dangerous.

But now she can only support him.

However, the company also needs to be taken care of, and Tony obviously has no heart to pay attention to the company now, so Pepper can only stand up.

In the blink of an eye, Gao gradually became an idler.

"By the way, why don't you go and see them," Gao suddenly remembered that she had left at the end of the Battle of New York, and she should have missed the celebration with her companions, and although Thor had returned to Asgard, it was necessary to go and say hello to Steve.

And Gao Yanli also heard that after the incident of the Battle of New York, Hulk's existence is no longer a secret, and he is recognized as a superhero.

This freed Banner from being wanted anymore, at least and was hired by a research lab in New York City.

Don't forget that Banner is also a doctor, even if he is not inferior to Tony's intelligence.

They belong to the authorities in both fields, and they are all ruthless characters with several degrees.

Then Gao gradually said goodbye to Tony, who was crazy at home, and ran to Banner's research room, where he found Banner who had changed into a white coat and a pair of researchers.

"Banner, I warn you, don't even think about merging with the Hulk, or it will be disgusting," Gao gradually broke in and warned Banner before leaving.

Banner muttered inexplicably, "What do you mean? Did she mean to say that I was disgusting?

Banner doesn't know what Gao has experienced and what he has seen.

But Gao Yuanli's words are not wrong, once Hulk's power is controlled by Banner's consciousness, it is like putting a shackle on that incomparable terrifying power, and it will be difficult to exert Hulk's strength with Banner's consciousness, it will take too much time to exercise.

In fact, they really don't need to be combined, as long as whoever comes out to dominate when they need someone's strength, at least Gao Yuanli thinks so, she thinks it's very simple, but it's really not that easy.

Split personality is arguably one of the most difficult problems to solve.

ran to 'Uncle Mark' to brush up on a wave of presence, and then left Banner, who inexplicably didn't understand what was going on, and rushed to the next house without stopping.

This time she arrives at Hawkeye's Clinton home.

Clinton's small family was placed on a farm outside the city, and Clinton had already married and had children, a son of six or seven years old, and a daughter of four or five years old.

"How did you find here?"

The appearance of Gao Yuanli surprised Clinton.

"You actually have children?" Gao Yanli also pretended to be surprised.

Hearing Gao's voice, Natasha suddenly appeared from the back room.

Gao Yanli pointed at the two of them and pointed at them back and forth: "Won't it?"

"What are you thinking," Natasha shook her head helplessly, "I'm just here as a guest." "

Clinton also shouted upstairs at the right time, "Honey, a friend is here." "

A beautiful woman appeared in front of Gao Yuanli, who was Clinton's wife and the mother of two children.

"Laura, my wife," Clinton introduced Gao Yuanli, and then turned to Laura, "I don't need to tell who she is." "

Laura nodded: "I saw you on the news the other day, especially Miss Supergirl, you are the most famous, and you are almost more popular than your father." And now many people on the Internet are saying that as long as you chase you, you will own most of the Stark industry. "

Gao was still smiling at the beginning, but after listening to Laura's words, it immediately became extremely dark, damn it, who said that? dare to stand up? She promised to fight until she died...

"Won't you invite me in and sit down?" Gao Yanli was still standing outside the door, looking at the Clinton family blocking the door, as well as Natasha, and couldn't help asking, "Or is my sudden visit actually not too popular?"

She said so, and what else could Clinton say could but take her family aside: "We just had lunch, let's come together since we have it." "

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