"Don't approach rashly, what if there is danger?" Erik moved towards Jian said.

Jane didn't care about this, but directly held the steering wheel with his hand to keep the vehicle in the normal direction.

Along with the whirlwind and thunder, a silhouette of a person appeared in front of their vehicle. The vehicle that could not change the driving state directly ran into it.

The two people in the car were shocked, and hurried to get out of the car to check.

"Legal speaking, this is your responsibility!" The man as the driver hurriedly shouted, but Jane was not in the mood to answer this question at the moment. "Hurry up and get the first aid kit!"

Jane hurriedly ran to the person who was hit, "You hold on! You must not die. Please!" She was scared at this time. People are afraid of oneself's reckless decision.

After confirming that the other party was just in a coma, Jane finally let go of his heart after seeing his steady breathing.

"But what followed was a doubt, where did this mysterious blond man come from?"

This mysterious man is Thor, He was demoted to Earth Penalty by his father Divine King Odin, and now he lost a divine force. He just landed on this Earth and was knocked out by someone recklessly driving.

If it weren't for all the divine force to be deprived, I am afraid that the impact of a car alone would not be able to cause damage to Thor who owns Divine Physique, or the alien physique.

Because Thor was too reckless at this time, and the child broke into Jotunheim angrily, almost provoking a war between the two worlds. He was too impulsive to be a king, and therefore he lost the qualification to pick up Mjölnir. Let his father Odin demote him to Earth and let him grow.

And this man and woman are astronomy doctor Erik Selvig and astrophysicist Jane Foster. Of course, they don’t know who oneself crashed into, let alone their lives because of this accident. What will it become.

Just when the two of them didn't know whether to send him to the hospital, he woke up suddenly.

"Are you okay!?" Jane asked quickly.

"Where is my hammer?" The other party did not pay attention at all, but asked an unfathomable mystery question.

"Where's my hammer?"

You are drunk, and seeing his indiscriminate words, you are obviously treated as a drunk drunkard by them.

"Jane, we have to take him to the hospital and sober him up!" Erik clearly understands the truth.

"father!!" Thor moved towards the sky yelled, seeming to want a response. But it didn't affect it at all.

"He's okay, look!" Jane looked at Thor who was talking loudly.

"Heimdall, I know you can hear, open for me, Bifrost!" Thor moved towards the sky shouted.

Who are you, Thor said, turning his head to look at the two people beside him.

I am Erik, he is Jane, and Erik simply introduced Thor.

"My name is Thor, I am a Thor!" Thor looked at them loudly and said.

"Erik and Jane twitched their lips. Did oneself just hit him and pretend to be a broken brain.

Erik decided to take him with Jane first Go to the hospital and check him up first.

What? Do you think there is something wrong with my brain? You mortals don’t understand the power of God at all! Thor said loudly.

Erik And Jane looked at each other helplessly, and immediately took out the stun gun, moved towards Thor and fired a shot.

...eeeehhh eeeehhh!" Thor, who hadn't reacted yet, trembled violently and fell violently. land.


Erik and Jane helplessly said: "Don't blame us! We will send you to the hospital first."

If Mo Chen were here, he would definitely say: "Sure enough, it is necessary for the plot! How could dignified Thor be solved by a stun pistol? And Thor is afraid of electricity!"

And the vehicle is in the night During this time, he slowly left this desert.

At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has also built a simple temporary fortification at the place where Mjölnir fell. Used to protect and research this magical hammer.

The next day, just after noon. The sun is shining brightly.

Countless workers who set up construction sites on site, or Snake Shield, oh no, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Is taking turns to try to pick up this magic hammer.

However, no one succeeded. Even the result of dispatching the vehicle was the same, causing damage to the vehicle.

This hammer is just like growing on the ground. No one can make it move. Of course, it was discovered that the masses here had been dispersed by S.H.I.E.L.D. employees in the name of the FBI.

After all, this kind of thing seems to be related to the secrets of the universe and aliens. Before you have absolute information, it is best not to disclose it to the public.

Because Nick Fury has something, he sent his new belly Coulson to manage the matter.


Looking at the big sun at noon, Mo Chen thought that it was time to look at Thor's hammer.

Settle in Yuriko, Mo Chen directly moved towards the sky and flew away.

When Coulson was about to send someone to study it, suddenly he saw a silhouette moving towards him flying towards him.

"Just when Coulson wanted to take a closer look, he suddenly realized that oneself had a silhouette in front of him. Isn't this the person who just flew in the sky?"

"Why didn't you see What a handsome guy!" Mo Chen moved towards Coulson said with a smile.

Coulson looked at Mo Chen in front of him, and seemed familiar, because he had not seen him at the scene, only seen in the video, and Mo Chen hadn’t made a big move for a long time, he couldn’t remember , It is normal.

Coulson is thinking about something. Mo Chen has already walked in front of the hammer. Looking at Mo Chen who seems to want to lift the hammer, Coulson immediately said: "Many people have tried, don’t When I said that I moved, I moved...The words are not over yet...

Mo Chen stretched out a hand slightly hard, and saw the hammer move slightly. When Coulson was a little surprised, when he was about to say something, Mo Chen added a bit of strength again, and the hammer was directly off the ground, and Mo Chen was caught in his hand. Mo Chen said it was really light. How did it feel like a fake?"

Mjölnir, also known as -Mjölnir! It is the legendary Divine King Odin, created by a dead star for his beloved son Thor. In other words, it has a quality comparable to Stellar Rank.

So, without its approval, it is impossible to pick it up.

"They will know these things in the end. Mo Chen can still pretend to be forced to speak out now. Isn't it beautiful!"

What you said was in Norse Mythology Thor? ? ? This is his weapon? ? Then why did it land on Earth! ? "And why did you raise it? Coulson quickly asked.

Mo Chen looked at Coulson strangely. Most people should come up to doubt the authenticity of the myth, but he actually went to speculate on the cause of the incident. It seems that Coulson can become Nick Fury's confidant, and he cannot be viewed in the eyes of ordinary people.

Although he does not have enough power or even superb wisdom.

However, this powerful ability to accept things is definitely Peak.

"Because its owner launched an attack on the ice giant without authorization. And almost affected the Divine Domain-that is, the peace of Asgard, Thor was demoted to the earth by his father Odin. . . In other words, he was exiled.

The weapons that originally belonged to him were also deprived of the right to use them by Odin. "Mo Chen moved towards Coulson acting cool.

"As for why I can lift it up? Maybe I am too strong! "Mo Chen said a bit stinky.

At this moment, Mo Chen, who was still holding a hammer, suddenly felt a powerful mental energy coming directly from his arm to his. Brain, "It seems that this is Odin's prohibition. "

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