A ray of sunlight shines through the window onto Banner.

His eyelids tremble and he slowly opens.

"I need more information, exposure level, gamma concentration, cell saturation"

"No, the information is not here.……"

Recalling the last communication with Mr. Blue, Banner raised his arm from his forehead and looked at the ceiling through his fingers.

It's time to look for information.

Betty has walked out of the past, and it's time for him to look for his own future.

Although he has decided to coexist with Hulk.

But if he finds the information, he may be able to find a way to control the transformation.

Instead of being like now, when his heartbeat speeds up a little, the Hulk will break out of his body. It completely disrupted his life.

He got up and went downstairs, borrowed a takeout suit and two pizzas from Stan.

He rode his bicycle to the downstairs of the laboratory full of memories.

"There is no one on the fifth floor."

Looking at the 'takeaway boy' in front of him, the security guard on the first floor stopped Banner very diligently.

Banner certainly knew that there was no one on the fifth floor, otherwise he would not have come.

But looking at the sturdy security guard in front of him, and then comparing his extremely thin body due to years of scientific research, it would definitely not work to knock out the security guard and force his way in. In this case, don't blame him!

Skill - Big Pizza Technique!

Effect: Blindness, barrier breaking, and 200% pleasure BUFF.

Under the influence of this powerful skill, the corners of the guarding BOSS's mouth gradually rose.

He tilted his head towards the inside and made way for the clearance.

Banner took off his hat and pretended to praise the security guard's kindness.

Successfully received the blessing from the security guard

"Good luck, buddy."

The two shook hands.

Banner followed the familiar road and quickly went to the fifth floor where the laboratory was located.

Just as the security guard said.

There was no one on the fifth floor.

Walking in the empty laboratory, Banner seemed to see Betty in the past, smiling at him.

It's a pity...

Waking up from the memory, the former laboratory has now become a computer room full of computers.

This discovery made Banner feel that the situation was a little bad.

He quickly turned on a computer and prayed silently in his heart.

‘I hope the data is still stored in the intranet server. '

Using Betty's account, search for the two keywords [Gamma Pulse] and [Bruce Banner] in the intranet.

【No results】

Looking at the pop-up window in front of him, Banner closed his eyes. His worries came true...

He pursed his lips.

Banner opened the communication page with Mr. Lan again.

He told him the result of the disappearance of the data.

After a brief exchange, he quickly cleared his usage records.

Stepping out of the building.

Banner looked up at the sky.

A feeling of powerlessness filled his heart.

The two major purposes of coming here, none of them could be accomplished.……........

"Mr. Wu, I have finished my work here... OK, see you tomorrow."

Wu Yuyu did not ask about the progress on Banner's side.

Without the little butterfly flapping its wings, Banner is doomed to fail to achieve his goal.

This point.

The answer has been written on the timeline...

On the other side.

Fury, who has merged with the darkness, looked at the chat records between Mr. Green and Mr. Blue, and began to arrange people to locate Banner's IP address.

Following the IP all the way, he finally found Stan's Pizza.

Knowing Banner's hiding place, Fury did not inform Ross immediately.

Because there was another person inside-Elizabeth Ross, that is, Betty.

In his heart, the idea of launching the Avengers plan It became stronger and stronger, especially after knowing the existence of the wizard organization Kamar-Taj.

And Banner was one of the reserve Avengers he chose.

He wanted to see if Banner could successfully control the power of Hulk under the influence of Betty.

Even if he couldn't, he would not hand the Hulk over to Ross.

Under Fury's deliberate concealment, Banner packed his clothes slowly, preparing to embark on the road of escape again.

At the same time, a small butterfly flapped its wings gently.

The moment Banner walked down the stairs, the door of Stan's Pizza was opened from the outside.

Betty and Banner, the young couple teased by fate, finally met each other.


The face that was hidden deep in her heart appeared before her eyes again.

Betty rushed forward desperately and hugged Banner tightly.

Under Stan's blessing, Banner slowly raised his hand and held Betty in his arms.

Through a brief exchange, Banner and Betty cleared up their misunderstandings.

Or rather, it was Banner who cleared up the misunderstanding unilaterally.

The reason why Betty has her current boyfriend is because she mistakenly thought Banner was dead at that time.

"Take me with you."

Before he could be happy, Banner heard these words.

Looking at Betty's serious eyes,

Banner nodded slowly.

The two held hands tightly, never wanting to let go.

(A psychologist:"So? Why didn't anyone ask for my opinion?")

"I think you can't leave for the time being!"

"With a"bang", the door was kicked open from the outside.

Bronski walked into the pizza shop with an excited smile, stepping on the body on the door.

Although Ross said that this mission had nothing to do with Betty, he was only focused on completing the mission, so how could he let go of this woman who might be connected to Banner?

Sure enough, he found Banner's hiding place.

"Hey, soldier! You are trespassing on private property.……"

""Bang" a gunshot.

Stan was blocked from saying anything else.

A hint of green appeared in Banner's eyes, and he looked at Stan nervously.

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to hurt anyone except you."

Stan, who was not covered in blood, proved this point.

Bronski pointed his gun at Banner and slowly stepped forward.

"Scientist, if you don't want to get hurt, you'd better turn into that monster.~"

""Quick! Change for me!"

He pushed Betty away who was blocking him.

Looking at the nervous Banner, he smiled grimly and knocked him to the ground with the butt of a gun.

Perhaps it was the effect of the serum. He was originally very rational and suggested that Ross lead his powerful subordinates to carry out the capture mission together.

Now he kicked Banner and kept urging him to change quickly.

The continuous heavy blows successfully made Banner's skin begin to turn green.

Noticing Banner's changes, Bronsky's eyes lit up and he stepped back slightly, ready to welcome the appearance of Hulk.

In his heart……

‘Hulk is going to beat him up!’

‘No... Betty, Stan, they are still here, you can't come out now. '

Looking at Betty who got up from the ground and rushed towards Bronski again.

And Stan who picked up the bench and quietly went around behind Bronski.

Banner held his head and kept comforting Hulk in his heart.

Let the green color on his skin slowly fade away.

Bronski's excited eyes gradually became gloomy.

"It seems... If I don't give you some stimulation, you probably won't transform.……"

Easily avoided the attack from Stan and Betty.

Under Banner's horrified gaze, he slowly raised his pistol and aimed at Stan.……


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