The moment he saw the dagger, Mordo suddenly understood everything.

He rolled his eyes helplessly and put the magic weapon back behind his back.

"I admit defeat. You really fooled me this time."

The moment Mordo admitted defeat, the space around him instantly shattered!

Everything, including Wu Yuyu, disappeared before Mordo's eyes...

In its place was the dark alley they were just in, and Wu Yuyu who was putting away his knife.

"How about this? This is a gift I carefully prepared for you!"

Looking at Wu Yuyu who was approaching with a smile, Mordo rolled his eyes unhappily.

He wanted to use all the magic he had learned over the years on him, but he was worried that the current Lao Liu was not the real one.

Mordo, who was secretly sulking, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

From a novice who knew nothing, to now being able to use illusions to deceive him.

Although there are still many ways to attack, this growth rate is really amazing.

"Don't be sulking, how about I treat you to some steamed dumplings tomorrow?"

Hearing the question coming from behind, Mo Du thought to himself.

‘Fortunately, I didn't do anything just now. The old man in front of me is really a fake! '

I didn't respond to the question behind me, but quietly waited for the footsteps behind me to approach.

Then, I turned around and punched hard.

Well... I hit the air.

At this time, Wu Yuyu, who was originally standing in front of Mordo, slowly stepped forward, still with a smile on his face.……

"Ouch, such a huge grudge, it's really scary~"

Mordo stumbled on the spot because of overexerting himself, and turned around to see Wu Yuyu's heart-wrenching appearance.

(/// ̄Dish ̄)○

"Two, no, three meals of xiao long bao! Otherwise, don't even think about dragging me out with you in the future!"

"I'll treat you to five meals. Are you satisfied?~"

"That's pretty good.……"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Mordo felt a little balanced.

As for whether Wu Yuyu used his own money to treat the guests, he didn't care so much.

It's not like he really couldn't afford a meal of Xiaolongbao.

"By the way... you really should practice more. I left such an obvious flaw just now, but you didn't notice it."


Mordo was ridiculed by Wu Yuyu and began to recall everything that happened before.

It is always easier to find a problem with an answer...

Soon he found the flaw left by Wu Yuyu - the portal of golden sparks!

Upon realizing this, Mordo slapped his forehead in annoyance.


Although he knew in his heart that he was indeed careless, Mordo did not admit defeat.

"I noticed it at the beginning, and then I was just acting with you!"

"I believe it, I believe it~"

The noisy two returned to Kamar-Taj together through the portal opened by Mordo himself.........

By chance, Wu Yuyu discovered that he could cast magic with his mental power.

He didn't want to borrow power, so he gave up this method and used his mental power to cast magic.

Although he had just started practicing, his mental power was limited.

He could not cast much magic.

But there was one advantage, that is, he could cast magic freely even if he left the ring.

And he could use it freely, without the problem that Strange had when he first started learning magic.

This also gave Wu Yuyu an obvious feature when casting magic... his magic was all silvery sparks!........

After the two returned to Kamar-Taj, Wu Yuyu glanced at the portal behind him.

‘I knew you were just being stubborn. What did you mean I found out from the beginning~'

Mordo was too lazy to expose the stubbornness.

He waved to Ancient One in the distance and returned to his room.

Looking at the slowly closing door, Mordo bowed to Ancient One who was approaching.

""Your Excellency."

Nodding slightly, looking at the Mordo who was completely different from two and a half months ago, Gu Yi felt that the decision to let Mordo come into contact with the black feather jade had indeed worked.

"A lot of changes have happened to you recently."

Comparing his present self with his past self, Mordo couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Since he came into contact with Wu Yuyu, he has indeed been changed a lot by this unreliable guy.

But he did not resist such changes.

Compared with the past, he did feel more fun.

Well... it would be better if a certain old man didn't always think about him!

Thinking of this, Mordo instantly got motivation.

After saying goodbye to Ancient One, he walked towards the library with full fighting spirit. He wanted to learn more magic!

He didn't want to be played around by a certain old man in the days to come...

Behind him, Ancient One looked at Mordo's leaving figure, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became somewhat meaningful.

Then he turned around and stepped into the portal behind him that had been opened at some unknown time.……........

Although Wu Yuyu has become a member of this world, it is undeniable that he has already influenced the time of this world with the world's tacit consent.

Then she will take advantage of Wu Yuyu's specialness a little bit...

Although it is not stated, Wu Yuyu also knows what Gu Yi is thinking, which coincides with his idea.

Since he has come to this world, he must tamper with some plots, otherwise he has come here in vain


The camera turns to our protagonist.

At this time, Wu Yudama is sitting cross-legged on the bed, trying to hypnotize himself...

As a qualified old man, he will not forget his life-saving method!

Through the movies he has watched in the past, he has already had a good idea.

Now, he is creating the illusion of"Izanagi".

(Izanagi: Turn things that are unfavorable to oneself within a period of time into nothing, and only choose things that are beneficial to oneself to become reality. During the activation time, even if you die, you can change the reality.)

"Huh... I can feel that the day of success is not far away!"

Wu Yuyu, who has failed countless times, failed this time without exception.

He was not disappointed, but looked forward to the arrival of the day of success in his heart!

Looking at the time, he picked up the"Mirror Flower and Water Moon" that he had thrown aside without a trace of sleepiness. He came to New York alone and started a new round of money-making journey.

He didn't forget that he still owed someone five meals of dumplings.

In order not to be nagged, he had to sacrifice some rest time and"borrow" some money from his good brothers in New York.

Well... borrowing with an uncertain return time!

If Dormammu knew about his operation, he would definitely send a voice that the time limit had been reached.

After all, the energy that Gu Yi borrowed from him has never been returned!

Of course, Wu Yuyu is not entirely for borrowing money.

He is more of a volunteer to perform many illusions he imagined.

Kill two birds with one stone~

= ̄ω ̄=

Just as Wu Yuyu was happily counting small coins, a familiar figure entered his perception range...

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