Marvel Movie Destruction

Chapter 678: Do you want to be the director?

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"You are contempt of the law. Although I know you are powerful, everyone must follow the rules. This should not be the place where you appear. So I advise you to leave now, or I will call someone! "

Seeing someone's self-satisfied appearance, Hilton felt out of anger when he said, sternly.

Nick Fury just died. Captain America and Black Widow are now most wanted criminals all over the world. He is very likely to go back to the UN to do civilian work in a desperate manner. In this case, Hill's mood is naturally not good. Get up.

Besides, she also knew that the guy in front of her was just spying on her body, and there was no feeling between the two.

Everyone is innocent and the white people are both innocent. There is no one who owes whom.

"What law, do you know that according to the laws of the universe, the entire earth should be under my control at the moment?" Someone is indifferent to Hill's bluffing. Odin only threw the earth to him a few days ago.

If you really calculate according to the universal laws of the universe, you are now the real master of the earth.

It’s just that human beings are all types that don’t see the coffin and don’t shed tears. If they want to become the master of the earth, they might at least clean up all the high-level human beings, and then get hundreds of space battleships. This place, otherwise I would never want those guys to recognize their legal dominance.

It's a pity that if you really want to do that, first of all, I will definitely become a lonely family without a friend, and secondly, God knows if there will be any superheroes who will come to explode and treat myself as a world-destroying boss!

So it's better to go for it.

Anyway, what I want to do right now, there is no need to make the world an enemy for the sake of a mere fame, right?

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you, I'm busy!" Hill only treated someone as a joke. After all, the law of the universe sounds unreliable.

Besides, this guy is amazing in strength, but it is too self-righteous to say that the earth is under his control.

"Are you busy so that you are dead, so you are now rootless duckweed?"

Although his understanding of the nature of Hill’s work is far from comprehensive to her body, at this critical moment, she, the deputy director, did not even make any moves. As long as anyone with a little political sense knows, she is finished. !

You have to know that the old director suddenly passed away, and there is no will or will. It is said that at this time, as long as he is qualified to become a new leader, everyone will be busy, and the deputy director of Hill can only stay in the office as a cold bench. Not only did she have no hope of becoming the next leader, even S.H.I.E.L.D. might not be able to stay any longer.

"Pierce is launching an internal expansion meeting, preparing to elect a new director, and I will probably continue to return to the United Nations to work as a clerk!" There was a wry smile on Hill's face, and he had no extravagant hopes for his future. .

It is true that she was born in a very powerful political family. Otherwise, she would not have been assigned to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a commissioner by the United Nations in her twenties.

But what the family can provide is only the starting point. To reach the end, you still have to go through your own efforts.

If she were to develop step by step, after more than ten or twenty years, when she was in her forties and nearly fifty, she would be able to put a lot of her own confidant in S.H.I.E.L.D. .Fryshou died suddenly or died suddenly, with her qualifications and strength, she can properly become the next head of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau!

But now, the sudden death of the black braised egg made Hill’s plan aborted. She has only been the deputy director for three years. Even if a few of her subordinates are inserted in, she still belongs to the kind of role that is not qualified to attend the conference. Qualifications and seniority to run for director?

When she thought that she wasted countless political resources of the family and the cold treatment she would receive in the future, she suddenly became ill.

The more the political family is, the more important the rate of return is. In order to put Hill in this position, the family had spent a lot of favors. If she left so desperately, she would never have any support in this life!

"Have you never thought about becoming the chief of your own?" Someone turned over from the desk, and then reached out and hugged Hill.

"let me go!"

Hill started struggling, what kind of behavior did this guy pull and pull?

This is her office. If someone finds out, will he be shameless in the future?

"I'm telling you the business, do you want to be the director of SHIELD?" Someone ignored Hill's struggle and asked with a smile.

Fundamentally in the story of the Marvel world, after discovering that S.H.I. Up!

Since no one knows who the HYDRA member in SHIELD is, we should expose it together and post all the information of the agents on the Internet.

The most powerful advantage of agents is not how fiercely they fight and how skillful they are. Their greatest advantage is that everyone is hidden underwater. You don't know whether the people around you are agents who hide their identities!

Once the identities of these agents are all exposed, then they will have no secrets at all.

Agents living in the spotlight are not deterrent to any violent organization or authority.

It’s just that although it looks very cool, it’s actually just because it doesn’t hurt to sell Ye Tian!

We must know that S.H.I.E.L.D. has developed into a huge intelligence agency with hundreds of thousands of employees and spanning seven continents after so many years of tireless development. In terms of scale alone, no intelligence agency in the world can even have such a huge intelligence agency. Basic disk.

As long as anyone masters SHIELD, it is equivalent to mastering the most powerful force in the world. This is also the fundamental reason why Hydra has deliberately hidden in SHIELD.

Of course, this so-called power is only for ordinary people. For someone, the strength of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau simply cannot withstand one's hammer. If there is any change, it will be fine to slap to death.

It's just that the so-called mosquitoes can't bite people, but they are disgusting. If you can have such a useful chess piece as S.H.I.E.L.D. in your hand, you don't need to do many things yourself in the future.

"It has nothing to do with whether I want to be or not. You have to know that neither Pierce or the nine eighth-level agents will support me in that seat, and even the sixth-level and seventh-level agents below will not have anyone. Pick me!" Hill said sadly.

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