Chapter 400

“Listen, now our goal is to kill Thanos, so we should cooperate sincerely and maximize our strength. Now our advantage is that we have come to Thanos’s nest first, and one of the captives is under his belly. .

So our plan is to let this captive attract his attention and bring Thanos to the ambush we set up in advance.

After Thanos was in place, all of us rushed forward and brought him under control. The most important thing is definitely to take the Infinity Gauntlet and Infinite Gems in his hand first, and then we have a chance to get rid of him.

What are the abilities of the three of you, what are you good at, you can introduce to me, so I can assign your combat tasks…Hey! Wait, the big naked man over there, were you listening to me just now? Yawning at such an important time! ”

Tony was introducing the battle plan that they had made before to the Star Jue trio. When talking about the key point, seeing Drax actually yawning, Tony couldn’t help but point out 09.

“Ah-well, sorry, I haven’t listened to you since you introduced your plan.”

Hearing Drax’s answer, Tony rolled his eyes, his expression was full of helplessness, this is to find a pig teammate! “Forget it, let him live in his own world…”

“Although I don’t want to hit you, my team members are like this. They are not good at acting according to the plan. This is also a headache for me.” Xingjue said that he understands Tony’s feelings now.

“Then what are you good at?”

“Kill the goods, the more people.”

“…” Tony no longer knows how to complain about the strange things of the Xingjue gang. After all, if you are true to a bunch of fools, you need to lower yourself to the same level as them, and Tony gave up.

“Well, Lord, I should call Roar that, do you?”

“Star Jue! You may not understand that you haven’t experienced interstellar voyage, but I am a famous person in the universe!”

“Well, Xing Jue, can you gather your people here first? Let them be serious. Now we must unite. If you act alone, it will not only disrupt our plans, but also aggressive plans. It will put you and us in a dangerous situation.

Hey! I said, are you listening to me? ? You can’t be serious when holding a combat meeting! ”

Tony roared a little angrily, but this time it was not Drax, but the praying mantis standing next to him.

“I’m very sorry, but your friend seems to be wrong, is he usually like this?” The Mantis Woman asked Doctor Strange not far behind Tony.

Tony looked back and saw Mark beside him. Doctor Strange was sitting cross-legged in the air, and then he was shaking like a convulsion.

“Mark, Strange Magician, what’s wrong with him? Why does it look like there is something wrong with the body or the brain…”

Seeing this picture of Doctor Strange, other superhero also gathered around and cared about Doctor Strange’s health.

“Strange, he is passing through the magic weapon on his chest-Eye of Agamotto, which is one of the six Infinite Gems Time Gem, traveling through time and space.

What you see is that he is twitching non-stop, as if a sheep has had epilepsy. In the world, he constantly shuttles between the future and the present to predict the outcome of our confrontation with Thanos in the future. Through this repeated experimentation on different timelines, Strange can find a path that can lead us to a successful outcome.

Now that the time is almost up, Strange should be able to wake up soon, and then we will know the answer. ”

As soon as Mark’s voice fell, Doctor Strange had already dispelled the time magic and awakened from the many condensed timelines. However, judging from his pale face and sweating profusely, the spellcasting this time was definitely not easy.

In fact, Mark did not explain to the other members that using Time Gem to use Time Gem to predict the future through time and space is actually very dangerous and tormenting.

In every failed timeline that Doctor Strange travels through, all the pain and death need to be borne by himself. Even if time can go back, this painful memory will still be deep as he returns to the present time. The engraved in his mind will not disappear.

This repeated death experience is repeated thousands of times, not only requires that the caster’s original magic is sufficiently large, but also the mental will must be strong enough.

In this sense, compared to Loki, the suspended-death champion, Doctor Strange should have experienced the most deaths.

Doctor Strange was breathing heavily and wiped the sweat from his head, and then he noticed that all the superheroes were all around him, feeling a little flattered.

“Have you recovered? How do you feel?” The captain, as Avengers’ big brother, was the first to ask with concern.

“It feels terrible. I just traveled through time and space to predict the future and experienced all the possible outcomes of our battle with Thanos.”

“How many results did you see?” Xingjue, who had never seen magic before, asked curiously.

“Fourteen million six hundred and six kinds.”

“How many times have we won?” Tony asked his most concern.

“There is only one…”

When Doctor Strange gave the answer, all the superhero around were silent for 910, only Mark and Doctor Strange looked at each other.

Doctor Strange’s gaze is self-evident. The only possibility of success lies in Mark; and Mark also guessed the meaning, because the possible results Doctor Strange saw were compared to what he remembered in his previous life. There is one more number for, and this one should represent his variable that didn’t exist in these timelines.

After getting this information from Doctor Strange’s eyes, Mark’s originally hanging heart can be said to finally let go. Since the timeline that was added because of him is the only possibility of success.

This also means that in this timeline where he exists, the probability of them defeating Thanos is not one in 14 million and six hundred and six as Tony they thought, but one hundred percent!

However, what Mark was immersed in this 100% win rate did not notice is that in Doctor Strange’s eyes, in addition to the hopes placed on him, there was deep regret and pain.

No one knows what Doctor Strange sees in the future timeline through Time Gem, which can make such complex emotions appear in his eyes, and before the final result arrives, in order to ensure the continuity of time, Doctor Strange could not disclose to anyone specific information about what he saw or heard.

Whether it is a comedy or a tragedy, the unknown brings not only hope, but also desperate fear and pain…….

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