Chapter 380

“Gan! Just like Mark said, even if we did not achieve the results we expected, but we have the time magic in Eye of Agamotto and “The Book of Cagliostro”, which can completely reverse the situation of decision-making mistakes. The unfavorable situation brought about by the next.

We will first eliminate the three remaining devotees of Dormammu on Earth, and then destroy the core of the magic network at Holy Place in New York, and guide Dormammu out of the hole.

When that happens, I will stay at the Holy Place in New York, Wang You and Mordor will help Mark together to protect him with plenty of time and space. Dormammu releases two-way foil ban

Once any accident happens, I will use the magic of time manipulation for the first time to restore the Holy Place in New York and restore the magical protection network of the earth.

As the saying goes, “If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t get a tiger.” This time the bargaining chips are worthy of our fight! ”

In the end, after careful consideration, it was the new supreme magician, Doctor Strange, who made a choice for this matter.

Wang and Mordu naturally followed the decision of Supreme Magician and agreed to change their original plan and take a risky fight with Mark.

The last three cult believers on Dormammu’s face finally came to the door, but in the face of the powerful strength of Mark and others, even if they absorbed the energy of the dark dimension, they still did not have any waves, and it was easy. Captured by Mark.

As for secretly, do Dormammu have any other fanatics who have been successfully bewitched, even if Mark has the help of an intelligent life body like Da Bai, there is no way to find them all and clean them up.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, these people can’t influence the change of the whole situation at this time, and can’t shake their plan.

Now their first and only task is to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle with Dormammu.

“Er Xiang Foil…I really look forward to seeing Dormammu encounter it.” Wang took out a Watam wand from the magical object library at Holy Place in New York. The battle in my heart is quite expectant.

The wand of Watham can increase mana, help the holder to block any magical attack and absorb it, store it and directly attack the opponent.

The wand of Watham also comes with the ability to traverse and connect with dimensions, which can replace Sling Ring09. At the same time, it can give users a super mental perception. By creating a magic light curtain, they can see anything in any dimension, and control or attack them.

This is a magical tool that Wang has deliberately chosen from among the many magical tools in order to deal with Dormammu.

Mordur didn’t make too much preparation. For him, the Sling Ring in his hand, the life court scepter on his back, and Valto’s jumping boots on his feet are enough. The important thing is to adjust his mentality. , To avoid losing the ability and courage to attack the enemy because of being too nervous and fearful.

Doctor Strange is also doing pre-war preparations in an orderly manner. Although he does not need to face Dormammu’s threat personally, as the last guarantee of the earth, Doctor Strange’s role and importance are self-evident.

At the moment, he is attentively familiarizing himself with the use of Eye of Agamotto and the various details of time magic in The Book of Cagliostro.

But the most nervous person is Mark. This time is not only a face-to-face meeting with Dormammu again, but also related to the safety of the earth and the success or failure of the research on the two-way foil, which puts a certain psychological burden on Mark.

In the eyes of Doctor Strange, Mark is just sitting in a chair with his eyes closed and rested, adjusting his own state; but in fact, Mark At the moment is turning on the ability to accelerate the world, and running his brain crazy. , Various simulations have been carried out on the application of the two-way foil.

In fact, the main source of Mark’s psychological pressure is not Dormammu, even he has not paid much attention to Dormammu. All of his power comes from Dormammu in the dark dimension. As long as he can’t get rid of this bondage for a day, he will not be able to exert his true strength at all.

Not to mention that he had repelled Dormammu together with Ancient One. In the original plot, even without his existence, Doctor Strange still forced Dormammu to compromise. Moreover, with the natural advantage of being a traverser, it is not difficult to hold the Holy Place in New York and bankrupt Dormammu’s plan.

Mark’s psychological pressure mainly comes from the verification of the two-way foil. The success of his own research is the question he cares most about, and it is also the key to the battle with Dormammu this time.

As a means of deterrence that cannot form conventional combat capability, the two-way foil is the most important thing to make more people aware of its power.

And this time Dormammu’s attack can be said to be the only opportunity for Mark to show the power of the earth like the entire Nine Realms and even the universe before Thanos arrives in the future. It is also the only opportunity to substantively verify the power of the two-dimensional foil.

Once the plan this time did not achieve the desired effect, after that, although Mark was able to continue to study the two-way foil, but without a weapon that has been proven in practice, how can he be guaranteed to master Infinite Gems in the face? Can Thanos work?

“Mark, the time has come!”

Mark opened his closed eyes, and standing in front of him was the king who was ready to go. Behind the king, Doctor Strange and Mordor also seemed to be ready, their expressions were solemn.

Mark stood up from the chair and said firmly, “Then let’s start!”

Dabai started to transfer his programs and data to Mind Gem after Mark persuaded the three of Doctor Strange. Now that the transfer is completed, there is no need to worry about the destruction of the magic network and the closure of him, he will lose a place to live. .

Everyone came to the most important magic network core in the Holy Place in New York. Wang glanced at the other people, and then directly activated Watham’s wand, and an attack hit this core.

Kazed, with a crackling sound, more and more small cracks appeared on the core of the magic network, and then the densely packed small cracks gathered together and became a large crack that can be checked by the naked eye, and finally the whole core was broken into A few petals, and also destroyed at the same time, there is also the magical protective net that has kept the earth in peace for many years.

Soon, it seemed that the only protective barrier on the earth had disappeared, and Dormammu moved like a shark smelling blood. Mark, who has the most keen perception of magic, has already perceived the magic elements and spatial fluctuations brought about by the superposition of dark dimensions in space.

The next moment, the entire sky of New York City was enveloped by a black cloud, as if an unusually strong storm was brewing.

However, Doctor Strange and the others knew that there was indeed a crisis of huge amounts of brewing there, but it was not a storm, but Dormammu who wanted to greedily devour the earth.

“It’s a dark space! Dormammu is coming…” Mordu said in a serious tone as he looked at the dark energy shrouded in New York City, as if it had entered the dark night.

When faced with such a huge and bottomless enemy, no matter who it is, there is some worry and anxiety in his heart. At the moment Mordu faced such a scene like the end of the world without exception.

All the psychological construction that was originally carried out, the momentum and confidence boosted by cheering for oneself, At the moment, all have vanished at the moment, and what is left is only human instinct, engraved in the genes, the fear of danger. , And surrender to the mighty.

However, the greatness of mankind makes it possible to become the overlord of the entire planet. One of the most important abilities and qualities is that mankind can restrain its own instinct and force itself to challenge the impossible.

Not only Mordor, but Doctor Strange, the king beside him, was also shocked by such a scene that had never been seen before. But after a short period of absence, they were able to re-adjust their mentality and suppress the emotions in their hearts just now.

Mark can understand the feeling in their hearts. After all, not everyone can be as fearless as Ancient One, nor is everyone accustomed to seeing big scenes like him.

He slapped Doctor Strange’s shoulder and sent an encouraging look to the three of them, “Don’t be afraid, I will be in front of everything. You only need to be responsible for cooperating with me. Especially You Strange, as long as you take care of it, we will be able to fight for Dormammu without burden.”

Doctor Strange nodded solemnly, and directly turned on Eye of Agamotto. He prepared the time to manipulate magic in advance, wrapped the magic array pattern on his wrist, and prepared to restore the core of the magic network that had been shattered into fragments in the Holy Place in New York. .

And behind Doctor Strange, the floating cloak that was draped on his shoulders broke away from behind him. Then, like a guard, stood on the open space not far in front of him, guarding the surrounding environment.

“Terminator, you go and help the floating cloak. Once you find any forces and individuals approaching here, immediately expel them. If the expulsion warning does not work, then there is a key response at the critical moment. I allow you to activate the kill mode, for All threats are eliminated!”

Mark also very cautiously gave orders to the Terminator, letting it and the floating cloak protect the absolute safety of Doctor Strange.

Then he turned his head to look at Wang and Mordu and said: “We should also set off. If the time is too long, the earth will really be swallowed by the dark dimension.”

Wang and Mordor nodded, and the next moment Mark applied a spell on them, and then both of them floated in the air like a feather.

This is a Flight magic developed by Mark based on the anti-gravity model of superconducting magnetic levitation. Although Mordu can leave the ground briefly through Varto’s jumping boots, this method does not allow him to fly for a long time. As for Wang, looking at his size, he knew that he had never considered Flight.

Dormammu, as the actual controller of the dark dimension, has no way to open a channel into the dark dimension through the portal of teleportation. And when it comes to the application of space magic, Dormammu’s attainments are much better than them.

Therefore, in order to get close to Dormammu’s body, they must enter the dark dimension that has been in close contact with the earth through Flight.

If the two-way foil can exert its due effect in the end, then the three of them can take advantage of Dormammu’s weakness to open the portal and return to the earth; but if the final result is not satisfactory, then the dark space will be Will become their eternal burial place.

That is to say, there is no retreat behind them, they can only win without fail, and once they fail, they will fall into the abyss, and they will never get out of it.

With the two of them, Mark approached at an extremely fast speed the dark dimension that had already enveloped the energy and spread to the entire American continent.

At the place where the two dimensional worlds meet, they can already clearly see that there are countless large and small planets in the dark dimension, which are wrapped in series by dark energy like beads, without a trace of vitality.

These are the planets that Dormammu swallowed in before. Through these planets, the dark energy is connected and extended, so that Dormammu has more authority in the dark space, and the scope of perception coverage is also larger.

If all their pre-planning failed this time, and even Doctor Strange did not hold the last line of defense, it can be expected that in the near future, the earth will also become one of these large file size planets.

The speed of the three people’s flight was very fast, and it didn’t take a long time. They had already penetrated into the hinterland of the dark dimension, or the core area controlled by Dormammu, because in front of them, Dormammu’s huge dark face was already It is clearly visible.

“We meet again, Kamar-Taj’s magician! But this time you won’t have as good luck as last time, and your world is now mine!”

Before Mark and the others acted, it was discovered that Dormammu of the three of them was the first to speak, and obviously, he still has a very clear memory of what Mark did to him last time, and he still has a lot of sorrow.

Because the words were only finished, he had already launched a very violent attack on the Mark three.

In this dark dimensional space, everything has fallen under Dormammu’s control, whether it is matter or energy, At the moment under his control like a huge wave rushing towards the Mark trio.

Clang clang clang!

Mordur turned the life court scepter into a whip, constantly turning in front of him, blocking all attacks from 893.

And Wang and Mark will be much easier here. The king urged his magic power and poured it into Watham’s wand. A magic light film capable of defending against physical and magical attacks appeared in front of him, stopping all attacks. Mark hides behind the king and starts to seize the opportunity to use the forbidden magic-the two-way foil.

It didn’t take long for the people hiding behind the king to become two. Because of lack of physical strength, Mordu finally gave up his resistance and hid behind the king to recover his strength.

“You scumbag… How long will it take for you to get ready Mark? My magic is about to bottom out!” Wang Gu couldn’t continue to complain about Mordu’s shameless behavior, and looked at Mark with sweat. .

Simply outputting magic power is definitely easier and more enjoyable when the magic power is sufficient at the beginning; but as the consumption continues, this kind of persistence is like a marathon long-distance running, and the body and mind will be tested by huge amounts of.

At the moment, Wang was already on the verge of collapse.

However, before Mark can accurately confirm to him that he is ready, no matter how much he collapses, he will have to survive.

“It’s almost done, you’re waiting for a while, you must resist it!” Mark reported the situation while manipulating the magic power to form a complex magical pattern of the two-way foil.

And just as his forbidden magic was about to be completed, Dormammu’s voice came again: “What are you doing? What the hell is this?”

It seemed that he was keenly perceiving the threat that the two-way foil posed to him. Dormammu stopped his attack and stared at the almost completed magic pattern in Mark’s hand, hoping to get some useful information from it.

“Just like the Ability you sent to Kaecilius from your world, I also brought you some souvenirs from my hometown. I hope you can accept it and enjoy the surprise I bring you… ”

“Mado, be prepared. Once the two-way foil hits Dormammu, immediately open the portal and take us back to earth!” Mark turned his head and whispered to Mado after finishing the conversation with Dormammu.

“This is the two-way foil, a forbidden magic I created, and you, Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension, will be its first experiment.”

“You are so courageous! I want you to die–!” Dormammu looked at Mark and treated him as an experiment, and immediately roared angrily.

The wind storm formed by this sound wave, the magic light film in front of the king’s body was trembling crazily, as if it would be shattered in the next second.

However, Dormammu did not last long, because just the second after he uttered the cruel words, the construction of the two-way foil magic pattern was completed, and then it was launched directly in front of Dormammu by the way of magic blasting.

When the two-way foil came, Dormammu didn’t know what it was or what power it had. But his instinct tells him that this magic is very dangerous, and it is the kind of danger that can threaten his immortality.

So, before the power of the two-way foil really exploded, Dormammu turned around, turned around and started running away.

“Dormammu ran away!?”.

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