Chapter 372

“What’s the shortcut, Mark? Tell me, I’m willing to try! I really can’t bear to practice day after day as I am now. I hope I can make faster progress and heal my hands sooner.” ”

Hearing Mark said that there is a shortcut to practice using Sling Ring, Doctor Strange rushed to Mark immediately, put his hands on his shoulders, and asked excitedly.

“Have you really figured it out?” Mark looked at Doctor Strange with a smile on his face but a rather meaningful expression.

In fact, he still didn’t tell Doctor Strange in the second half of the sentence that everything has both pros and cons, a shortcut to a higher place, and it may also be a shortcut to death.

“I have figured it out clearly, please tell me the method!” Doctor Strange didn’t have any hesitation at all, his expressions became more enthusiastic.

“Okay, but I want to take back what I said before. Maybe the handicap is really going to make people’s brains problem. Today I saw an example. Come with me—”

Seeing that Doctor Strange was so determined, Mark didn’t try to dissuade him, he opened a teleportation door and stepped in.

When Doctor Strange saw this, he immediately followed and passed through the portal. He immediately felt the surrounding temperature drop sharply, his body couldn’t help but curled up, and his whole body was shivering.

“This is……”

“This is Mount Everest, isn’t it beautiful? The world’s highest peak, few people can see such a magnificent and expansive scenery and feel the power of nature during the non-peak window period!”

Doctor Strange hugged himself with his hands tightly, and tremblingly responded, “Yes, it’s beautiful. The scenery here is really beautiful, but it’s also really cold…”

“Under such a temperature, if a fully armed ordinary person stays for more than 30 minutes, the body organs, including their lives, will be in danger.

For you, you may faint in less than two minutes. ”

“What do you mean?” Doctor Strange looked at Mark with a look of surprise, but saw that he had returned to the other side of the portal and was waving goodbye to him.

“Work hard, Strange. If you can’t break through your own thought barriers, you will become a popsicle! Bye bye—”

As soon as Mark’s voice fell, the originally stable teleportation door disappeared suddenly, leaving only a little spark, leaving Doctor Strange alone on the top of Mount Everest with a desperate scream.

“Do not–!”

[Snowflakes fluttering, the north wind is bleak].

If At the moment Doctor Strange were on the set of “Charlotte Troubles”, this well-known sad BGM would surely sound 100%.

Feeling the cold wind is like slashing a knife across his skin. The high altitude and low oxygen content made him feel suffocated; I recalled the multi-universe journey Mark made him experience before, and the last moment Mark’s “I Look at you”.

Doctor Strange knew that if he couldn’t rely on his own power to open the portal and return to Kamar-Taj, then Mark really might just let him stay here to fend for himself.

“No! I haven’t learned anything when I came here, and my hands haven’t responded yet. I can’t just fall down here. Mark can do things with his feet, and I can do it with my handicapped hands!”

Thinking of this, Doctor Strange immediately adjusted his mentality, and began to follow Mark’s previous actions, trying to open the portal back to Kamar-Taj.

At this time, the cold temperature and the deserted environment became the help he devoted himself to. The only thing he can save himself now is to devote himself to this matter.

In fact, even though Mark showed a very vengeful look in front of him, if Doctor Strange were really in danger, Mark wouldn’t really just stand by.

The reason why he wanted to create such a psychological suggestion to Doctor Strange was to make Doctor Strange have a mentality of breaking the boat and be able to break through the shackles of thinking with the help of this trial.

In addition, Mark also wanted to leave a lesson for Doctor Strange, letting him know that there is no shortcut on the road to becoming a true magician.

Any thoughts and behaviors that seek shortcuts will ultimately only make oneself suffer, even into a desperate situation.

Fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven…

As time passed, Mark’s mood became more and more tense.

Although he knew that if he developed according to the original plot, Doctor Strange could successfully rely on his own power to open the portal and return to Kamar-Taj.

But the problem is that now he has become a witness and participant in the whole incident from the original perspective of God.

Even the Ancient One magician, who dominated all of this in the original plot, failed to conceal his worries and tensions. As the “initiator” Mark is naturally emotionally fluctuating.

What’s more, after Mark appeared, there was originally a risk of triggering the butterfly effect. If this caused Doctor Strange’s fate to deviate, then he must bring the person back as soon as possible to prevent him from losing his life.

One hundred and eighteen, one hundred and nineteen, one hundred and twenty!

Two minutes have passed. Mark, who has been paying attention to the time nervously, was worried, and raised his hand to open the portal to bring back Doctor Strange who had failed.

Just as Mark was about to do it, he suddenly noticed that a string of sparks suddenly appeared not far in front of him.

Noisy~ Noisy!

The flames spattered, connected into a single piece, and it was a teleportation gate.

The idea in Mark’s mind has just started, and he hasn’t had time to put it into action. This teleportation door is definitely not opened by him.

Combined with the continuous cold wind and fluttering snow, Mark has a happy smile on his face, knowing that Doctor Strange has succeeded.

Successfully broke through the limits of mind and body, opened the portal of teleportation at the last moment, and returned to Kamar-Taj.

Sure enough, as soon as the spatial connection stabilized, Doctor Strange went through the doorway and appeared in front of Mark.

At the moment, Doctor Strange has become extremely weak. The whole person is covered with thick frost from head to toe, and his walking posture has also become trembling.

“I…I…I made it!”

But the next second, Doctor Strange’s feet staggered, his body completely lost control and he fell forward.

Fortunately, Mark’s eyesight was quick and he quickly took a step forward and firmly caught Doctor Strange who was about to pounce on the street.

At the moment, the other party has completely lost consciousness and fell unconscious in Mark’s arms.

Mark checked and made sure that although his physical condition was very poor, he was not worried about his life, and he finally let go of his mind.

As far as Mark is concerned, as long as he has a breath, he has a way to save the person intact.

As long as the nano-robots in the body are released and allowed to enter the patient’s body, the nano-robots can complete the scan of the whole body and perform targeted treatment and repair.

Under the action of the nano-robot regeneration module, in the past two minutes, Mark’s information-based visual feedback showed that the frostbite and hypothermia suffered by Doctor Strange have been cured. The only injury left on the body is due to Disability of the hands caused by nerve damage and atrophy.

The cold in the body gradually faded, Doctor Strange’s also slowly regained consciousness and woke up from the coma.

“Strange, you succeeded in doing it, congratulations!”

Although Doctor Strange At the moment was still a little weak due to excessive physical energy, when he heard Mark’s congratulations to him, tears of joy were still shed in the corner of his eyes.

“Yes, I succeeded, I did it, I did it with these hands!”

For Doctor Strange, this success is completely different from his previous medical and surgical successes. This time he passed the test with his own willpower under poor physical conditions and achieved success.

This success not only passed the course and mastered how to use Sling Ring, but also reshaped his inner personality and self-confidence, freeing his mind from the shackles of the past.

For example, the newly born Doctor Strange, the first thing after returning to his room is to clean up his appearance. He used those trembling hands to trim his hair and fix his beard; he took off the white apprentice costume that represented the magician apprenticeship, and put on the red robe that symbolized that he had become Kamar-Taj’s official magician.

After Doctor Strange successfully passed the Sling Ring in his hand and displayed the secret technique of the portal, he has been successfully promoted to become an official magician, although his combat power is not enough to deal with any enemy, he said Not a mature and reliable magician.

But in the history of Kamar-Taj, Doctor Strange has also grown from an apprentice to the second fastest genius in the official magician.

Needless to say, the first place is Mark who has been teaching him magic knowledge. As for the third place, it is not Kamar-Taj’s current supreme magician Ancient One, but Kaecilius, the disciple of the ancient One magician who has been the best in the room.

It is a pity that the disciple who once made her the most proud has now accepted the bewitching of Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, and has become a believer of the enemy.

clang! clang! clang!

It’s another brand new morning, with the loud bells spreading throughout Kamar-Taj, magicians will also usher in brand new jobs and challenges.

“So what is the third lesson I want to study?”

Early in the morning, Mark was still having breakfast in the cafeteria, and Doctor Strange had already begun to constantly ask what exactly he was going to learn today.

“It seems that after breaking through the limits of your thinking and the shackles of your heart, your mental state has indeed recovered well. But no one has taught you that you should not step up and interrupt when others are dining? Be careful I take your Sling Ring , Throw you on Mount Everest and experience it again!”

Seeing Mark with a smile on his face, without any emotional fluctuations in his tone, Doctor Strange immediately acted like an instinctive reaction, and made a zipper action on his mouth with his hand, and then sat quietly next to him and waited for Mark to finish eating. breakfast.

“Hiccup——! Roar~ I’m full and full, now we can start today’s class. The third class I arranged for you is for you to learn to make your soul astral through your own strength.

Generally speaking, the lesson of soul astral will be taught at a stage when the magician has become more mature, because the soul and body cannot be separated for too long.

Otherwise, the body loses its soul, just like a corpse that has lost its life, it will be accelerated by the material world, causing “decay”.

This kind of “rot” is not decay in the true sense, but a decline in the affinity between the body and the soul, which eventually causes the soul to want to return to the body again, and it will produce a mismatch between the blade and the scabbard. Under the circumstances, the body and the soul are not compatible, and the soul cannot return, and can only wander in the soul world.

But this kind of wandering is not eternal. Without the protection of the body, the soul will gradually be eroded by the spiritual world, and eventually completely lose the consciousness of autonomy and dissipate in the world.

But do you know why I put such a difficult and dangerous course on the third lesson of teaching you? ”

“Uh… because I have offended you, and often make you angry, so you want to punish me?”


When Doctor Strange finished speaking, Mark’s slap fell on his head.

“Stupid! How could I be such a cautious person? Do you think I waste a lot of time on you every day just to do such meaningless things?

Although things like soul astral are very dangerous, with me watching over, the possible risks are actually within the controllable range.

And compared to other magicians, it takes a lot of time to read magic books and accumulate knowledge. This part is your biggest advantage.

Do you remember how you felt different when I pushed my soul out of my body for the first time? ”

“If you feel it, it’s light and fluttering, as if the whole world has lost gravity; and in the soul world, the flow of time seems to be faster than the material world, which makes all the scenes I see seem to be slow motion Same.”

Snapped–! This time Mark did not pat Doctor Strange’s head, but patted his thigh vigorously, and said with excitement, “That’s right, that’s it!

Your advantage is learning speed. In this case, we will maximize this advantage. After soul astral, you can read more books and remember more knowledge in the same time, and you can also use the night you originally used for rest.

That is to say, in addition to the collections of Ancient One magician, you will become an existence comparable to the supreme magician in terms of magic knowledge in the shortest time, and then you can spend a lot of time 890 on the practice of casting spells and Practice the above, how about this arrangement I made for you, do you want to give it a try? ”

“Please let me try my best!”

After listening to Mark’s explanation, Doctor Strange’s eyes were full of expectation and fighting spirit. If he can really do the same as Mark described, reaching the level of theoretical knowledge comparable to the supreme magician, then it is indeed an exciting opportunity.

After walking out of the canteen, Mark took Doctor Strange to a quiet room he had arranged long ago.

“Okay, now you sit on this futon and enter the state of meditation. After that, I will guide you through magic so that you can clearly feel the wonderful feeling of the soul when it leaves the body.

You have to carefully remember the path of magical guidance and the feeling of soul astral, and then try to become soul astral by yourself without external help. ”

Soon, Doctor Strange, sitting on the futon, entered a state of meditation. Then under Mark’s guidance, the soul astral process was successfully completed.

“How about it, have you remembered all the details?”

“No problem. For me now, there is nothing better than memory.”

Okay, now you try to let the soul into the body, and then try to rely on your own strength to make your soul astral. ”

The process of the unity of body and soul is not difficult. For bodies and souls with the same root, integration is relatively simple before the affinity drops to a critical point.

When the soul returned, Doctor Strange did not stop, taking advantage of the deepest memory at this moment, immediately began the first completely independent soul astral attempt.


Something that Mark did not expect, including Doctor Strange himself, appeared. He even completed the soul astral process easily without any difficulty.

Although in the original plot, Doctor Strange only learned the skills of soul astral by reading the methods taught in magic books.

But Mark never thought that Doctor Strange would be able to show such a powerful magic ability under the guidance of a special person. As far as this performance is concerned, Doctor Strange is indeed the best candidate to inherit the position of Supreme Magician besides him.

“It seems that after breaking the shackles of rigid thinking, your ability to cast spells has also been fully activated. Now it seems that your biggest shortcomings are only knowledge and experience, and these indirect experiences from books are What you do best.

In the next time, you can go to the library to borrow books for reading, and Wang will recommend the most suitable books for you.

When you have understood and memorized all the books in the library except for the banned books, we will start the fourth lesson.

By the way, I also want to remind you that you should not lose your physical exercise while you are working and studying. The magician of Kamar-Taj is different from the magician you have read from outside magic novels. It is not like standing at a distance and throwing a few fireballs to solve the enemy. Kamar-Taj is truly mature and capable of fighting. Some of the magicians are all melee magicians who are good at melee…”.

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