Chapter 327

The exploded Fire covered almost half of the venue. Thanks to the protection of the Avengers sitting in the front row, most of the country representatives who came to the meeting in the venue did not suffer too much damage.

The Avengers participated in the UN General Assembly in Vienna. In addition to attending the signing of the Seoul Agreement, they also received a task to protect the security of the representatives of the 117 agreement signatories present today. Obviously, the Avengers’ The task was done very well.

But Tchaka, King Wakanda, who was in the center of the explosion, was not so lucky. He was not spared. Suddenly, even the fastest Quicksilver failed to respond.

The prince T’Challa, who was also a step late, knelt on his knees, his whole body leaning on Tchaka’s corpse, tears and sorrow in his eyes.

His father passed away because of this sudden accident, which made it difficult for T’Challa to accept this reality. But before he had any chance to calm down, there was a burst of crazy and sharp laughter outside the glass curtain wall that was blown up by the explosion.

“Bark~Bark~Bark~Bark! Surprised? Was it unexpected? My dear little darlings—”

T’Challa heard this sound and immediately stood up and looked back. What caught my eyes was an unfamiliar face wearing a green metal armor, an exaggerated demon mask, and a jet-glider.

T’Challa had never seen this person before, and had no impression that this person had any feasts with Wakanda. But from today, from this moment on, this face and dress have been deeply imprinted in T’Challa’s mind, and he secretly vowed in his heart that he would personally kill this person in return for today’s killing. Enemy of the father.

But now is not the time. He did not wear Wakanda’s Black Panther battle suit at the moment, and more importantly, he now needs to protect the body of his father Techaka so that he will not suffer any more damage.

Without any hesitation, T’Challa picked up the body of his father on the ground and rushed out of the meeting room at a very fast speed. The goal was in the lounge where the Wakanda delegation was.

And Green Goblin, who saw T’Challa’s move, did not make any move, but hovered quietly in the original position, looking through the terrifying mask, staring coldly at the venue, who was also looking at him. The Avengers.

“Today this is just a meeting ceremony. The game between us will officially start next. I will let you all feel the pain I experienced in Seoul!

Avengers, there will be a period later, bark~ bark~ bark~ bark! ”

When the voice fell, he saw four guns protruding from the front end of the gliding wing under his feet, and a series of bullets shot at the delegates who were protecting behind the Avengers. At the same time, he took out a small pumpkin from his waist. The metal sphere was shining brightly.

Fortunately, Scarlet Witch reacted quickly and immediately activated his own Ability, blocking the Avengers and the representatives behind him with the Psychokinesis shield. Ding Ding Ding! The bullet kept hitting the Psychokinesis shield, then lost energy and fell to the ground. Then two small pumpkins also broke out as an astonishing example.


Another explosion occurred, with the same power as the explosion that took the life of King Tchaka in the first place. The flames and smoke aroused by the violent explosion strictly blocked the sight of the Avengers.

When the dust settled, looking out again, the mysterious man who attacked the venue had disappeared without a trace. Only this messy venue was left, and the terrified representatives shouted one after another.

“Damn it! Let this guy run away!” Quicksilver vented quite annoyed.

“This man wearing a green battle suit and a demon mask is clearly prepared for today’s action and knows all of us in Avengers. We will call Roar Green Goblin for the time being.

Green Goblin created a violent explosion today, whether it was when he appeared on the scene or when he had just fled. On the one hand, this is to divert our sight, obscure our sight, and declare war on us at the same time; on the other hand, I think he is to contain Wanda’s Ability and avoid being controlled by Psychokinesis.

In addition, he is very particular about the distance he floats outside the building. It happens to be just outside the limit of the full jump between me and Quicksilver. Obviously, he stayed in this position after careful calculation.

He also mentioned the suffering he endured in Seoul just now. It seems that he was a victim of the previous battle in Seoul. This time he obviously came to retaliate against us.

0 ·········Find flowers 0 ···

But maybe it was because we were all afraid of getting together, and I didn’t completely win the victory, so I fled directly after the declaration of war. ”

Through the behavior and words that Green Goblin showed just now, the captain’s thoughtful and logical analysis obtained this information.

Tony also nodded in agreement: “So when Prince Wakanda left with the king’s body just now, he didn’t do anything, but stared at us firmly. His goal is very clear, and that is us.

But the origin of this Green Goblin is definitely not simple. The material used in his armor just now is the special bulletproof metal used in Army armored vehicles. The hang gliding wing under my feet is just an outdated product for me and Mark, but The ability to master such technology is not accessible to ordinary people.

…….. …… 0

Coupled with the pumpkin bomb he threw at us at the end, which can make such a small bomb explode with such a powerful explosive power, this Green Goblin definitely has a background related to arms. ”

After hearing Tony’s words, Mark, who bowed his head in silence, nodded secretly. As a traverser, Mark knew that if nothing else, the true identity of Green Goblin should be Norman Osborn, the founder of the technology Osborn Group, and the Osborn Group does have a huge arms business.

But what puzzles Mark is that although he knew that the Osborn Group existed in this world, and he had business contacts with them when he was studying mutant spiders, Green Goblin was indeed a character in Marvel, but he was in Marvel. In the original plot of Movie Universe, there is no such character at all due to copyright reasons.

“But since I, a traverser, has entered in disorder, and there is still a Spider-man in this universe, it is not uncommon to enter a Green Goblin in disorder…

But I have to figure out if this Green Goblin is the person I think! Dabai, help me search for the location of Norman Osborn. I want to confirm where he is now. ”

“Okay, Master.”


Another day of work has been added, a little bit later, sorry! three.

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