Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 565 Establishing an Investigation Team

The trend of the world pattern is happening quietly in a small house. If the world knows that their future destiny will be controlled by several power users, they will definitely panic.

"Mr. Luo Bing, when are you going to leave?" The one who asked the question was Black Panther, who was the most anxious in the entire team.

"Okay, I will order the army to withdraw now, and the follow-up reassurance work will follow." Black Panther responded quickly, and at the same moment, he set his eyes on Namor.

"Mr Richards, now that everyone has agreed to the plan, how exactly should it be implemented?"

Black Panther made the first choice, and he backed down. As another key figure, Namor also made a compromise, expressing his acceptance of the other party's proposal.

Since then, a decision related to the fate of the world has come to an end, but the conspiracy behind this must be thoroughly investigated and dealt with.

And Namor, who was in a similar situation to Black Panther, also showed a confused look. Although they are the masters of the supreme power, they are also bound by the supreme power.

Because this can not only complete the tasks arranged by the system, but also earn his status in the Illuminati, which really kills two birds with one stone.

It was Black Panther who threw the question, and he needed to get an answer as quickly as possible. After all, he is now making compromises under huge amounts of pressure. If he can't get an answer as soon as possible, then the emotions of the Wakanda people will inevitably lead to a new round of deterioration.

Luo Bing, who has repeatedly proposed solutions at critical moments, still obtained permission this time. Both Black Panther and Namor offered him convenience, and the rest of the Illuminati acquiesced.

After some explanation, Thor finally accepted Luo Bing's proposal. He silently nodded his head to express his recognition of Luo Bing.


That kind of performance is obviously not a wise choice for the current Luo Bing. After all, it is impossible for those stubborn Illuminati members to show the Phoenix force until they are fully trusted.

"Namo, I still maintain the original principle. I can bear the serious damage to Atlantis alone. But before that, I hope you can cooperate with them in their investigation and find the real murderer.

He told everyone that he had the ability to investigate incidents, and the only requirement was to give him enough freedom. As long as he can go in and out of any situation normally, he can find out the evil backstage manipulator as quickly as possible.

"But brother-in-law, I have always done that for you." Thor looked a little aggrieved.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

So in order to avoid similar incidents, he must ask Thor to take control of his emotions. Otherwise, it will only make the already difficult requirements become impossible.

"I can leave now, but before that, I still hope that you can stabilize the domestic situation first, which is also a kind of help to my work.

After dealing with this matter, Luo Bing and the two returned to the negotiating table again, and the people at At the moment also had a deep discussion on the previous proposal, and got a unanimous result.

When the heavy historical choice fell on the two kings, Black Panther and Namor, they all left sweat of fear. Everyone present knew very well that if the two monarchs made the wrong choice, the consequences would be devastating.

"I know you're doing it for my own good, but now and then. We can't keep doing things the old way, or it'll just cause those guys to be wary."

Namor responded boldly, and he didn't want to be inferior to Black Panther in terms of command.

"Okay, since the two kings have given such great convenience, then I will do my best to ensure that the murderer will be caught within a week." Xi.

Fortunately, the boat went straight to the bridge, and just when Richards was in trouble, Luo Bing came out again to make a clearance.

The reason for Luo Bing's words comes from the initial intimidation incident. Although he achieved the purpose of shocking Namor, he also attracted the attention of others.

"Hey, starting from today, you have to pay attention to your emotions and don't get angry any more.

After obtaining "unlimited" freedom, Luo Bing looked back at Thor. He called the guy aside by himself and gave him some special explanations.

As the vice president of the Illuminati, MR. Fantastic Richards proposed a plan. He said that a special team would be set up to solve this terrible incident.

"I have no problem, the people of Atlantis, no one dares to resist my order. I just hope that you can keep your promise and find the key to the problem as soon as possible.

But it is worth mentioning that the structure of the world is so absurd. A guy with power is someone who can easily manipulate other people's lives.

The situation of the two kings is very bad, but Richards is also not easy at the moment. Although he proposed an investigation plan, it is really embarrassing for the super brain to ask him to give a course of action now.

As soon as the plan came out, everyone responded. As the real leader, Luo Bing agrees with both hands.

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