Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 559 All Members Action

The secretary knew Charles, as his childhood playmate, he knew exactly what that expression meant.

"You all stay away, Charles and I have something important to talk about alone."

Following the order, the other staff in the house quickly left. After confirming that there was no one else in the house, the secretary-general went to a hidden compartment and activated the anti-listening device.

"Charles, the outsiders have all been evacuated, and the anti-listening equipment has also been activated. If there is anything you want to say, just say it."

The secretary's attitude was serious, as was Charles on the other side of the screen. He nodded silently, and then began to talk about his thoughts.

"Wakanda fought Atlantis and now they are fighting within Wakanda's territory."

"What? How can they be like this?""

"I am also deeply puzzled by this, but since it happened, the most important thing now is to stop it.

"Then you want me to use the 077 relationship of the United Nations to quell this war?"

"No, on the contrary, I hope you don't have to intervene, because that will only cause more casualties.

Charles' words made the Secretary-General of the United Nations very confused. He doesn't think it's a good proposal, after all, those two countries are also members of the alliance and should be subject to arbitration.

Just when the Secretary-General had doubts, Charles immediately gave the final answer.

"Although they are all kings, they also shoulder the identity of power users. If the war cannot be effectively quelled, it will inevitably cause ordinary people to resent power users.

If it really evolves into that state, you should know how serious the consequences will be, right?"

The professor's answer directly persuaded the secretary-general. As an existence with outstanding political vision, it is impossible for him not to know how much crisis it will cause to the world under such circumstances.

After some deliberation, the Secretary-General finally agreed to the other party's request, and said that he would definitely cooperate with this action to prevent the incident from developing in a worse direction.

The reaching of the agreement between the two also means the unfolding of the action.

After Charles hung up the communication, the old man in his sixties looked at the people behind him in an extremely excited state.

"Everyone, as you can see, I have blocked the news as much as possible, and I will leave the rest to you.

"Don't worry, it's a big deal, and there won't be any mistakes." It was MR.Fantastic Richards who responded. As the second-in-command of the Illuminati, he had to show his attitude at this time.

"Okay, in that case, let's go now," Charles said pleadingly.

However, just when Doctor Strange was about to activate the portal, Luo Bing, the proposer of the proposal, made a request.

"Wait a minute, I have a course of action that I hope you can adopt."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked back at each other, and their faces were full of doubts.

"What do you (befb) think?" the crowd asked.

"I hope we can split up. You and Namor MacKenzie are closer, so that guy will be handed over to you. Thor and I are in charge of containing Black Panther," Luo Bing responded.

"Does that make a difference?" Doctor Strange was puzzled.

"Definitely yes! Namor is eccentric by nature. If he sees that the opposite guy is an outsider like me, he will do his best to resist. But Black Panther is rational by nature, but can accept our appearance."

Luo Bing's answer was so well-founded that Doctor Strange felt like an idiot.

"Okay, I hope you're right." Everyone acquiesced to Luo Bing's plan, and then they all stood up and walked to Doctor Strange.

With the manifestation of a portal of passage, Illuminati operatives were teleported into Wakanda's territory.

When everyone floated in the air, the tragic appearance in front of them was simply distressing. The most intuitive visual effect is the feeling that the film and television screen can never experience.

"Oh my god, those two guys are just crazy, how many people are going to die." Tony Stark said resentfully, he is the most honest member of the Illuminati.

"Forget it, it's the key to organize those two bastards quickly."

MR.Fantastic Richards made arrangements for the scene, while Luo Bing and Thor took the first step according to the plan proposed at the beginning.

When the two of them jumped with the power of thunder, Thor questioned Luo Bing.

"Brother-in-law, I see that you are restless, do you have any hidden feelings?"

"Hmph, have you learned to observe your words? Let me tell you the truth, I have a share of the responsibility for the cause of the matter, so I am so concerned. 35

Feeling guilty, Luo Bing asked Thor to increase the power output, so that he could rush to the war scene as soon as possible and pay for his fault.

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