Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 557 Behind the war is politics

The meteor shower-like blow caused the Ocean Clan to suffer an unprecedented heavy blow. Even during World War II, they had never felt such intense artillery fire.

When Namor saw that his people lost their lives because of his mistakes in decision-making, the double pressure of self-blame and guilt also directly led to his wild beast.

"Damn it! Damn T'Challa, I'm going to bleed your country!

Namor jumped out of the water, and huge amounts of wind and waves wrapped him around him. Under the protection of that form, the ammunition fired by the spacecraft has no way to penetrate the barrier formed by the water flow.

Under the power of nature, human technology is still difficult to suppress.

"Your Majesty, please go back to the sea, this area is too dangerous." A general advised Namor, but this time, he did not follow his advice.

"You inform all soldiers 14 to prepare for landing. The enemies in the sky are handed over to me to deal with, and there must be no more mistakes on land.

Namor gave an order, and the general in front did not dare to continue to speak. After he responded, he conveyed instructions to the generals of all parties.

The fierce artillery fire still did not stop, but the artifact in Namor's hand had changed.

That artifact inherited from the ancestors of Atlantis can control all the water elements in the world. Namor could even move the Atlantic to the Pacific if he wanted to.

"The sea obeys my orders and crushes all the enemies in front of me!

Namor swung the divine weapon into the air, and Wang Yang, who was under him, broke away from the shackles of gravity in an instant and ran directly to Black Panther's air fleet.

In the face of the overwhelming sea water, Wakanda's technology shields have no effect at all. They were like flies flying all over the sky, and were easily slapped down below.

The battle between the two sides has entered a white-hot stage, and this tragic phenomenon was also transmitted to the cabinet of the Illuminati.

It turned out that when Namor led his clan to conquer the first tribe. Black Panther T'Challa's sister, who brought the news to the United Nations.

She hopes to gain a diplomatic advantage and allow the League of Nations to impose sanctions on Atlantis. As a cabinet member of the US Congress, Charles naturally learned of this situation.

In order to avoid the outbreak of a greater war, Charles immediately summoned all the upper echelons of the Illuminati to resolve the incident together.

But it is worth mentioning that they still invited Luo Bing and Thor to participate in this top-secret meeting. Because all of them were ashamed.

After all, a few days before that, Luo Bing had warned them that the dispute between Namor and Black Panther would never end in a quarrel.

Illumination inside.

Everyone is relying on the aerospace technology of Stark Industries to spy on the war between the two countries.

During the entire meeting, everyone was reticent, and no one came forward to raise a question. Its depressed state is like being thrown into a closed cabin.

As time passed by, the battle situation in front of him became more and more tragic. When the needle pointed to the number "9", Thor, who was reckless by nature, finally couldn't stand it any longer.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill those two guys?" Thor asked loudly, and his voice finally broke the eerie silence.

"Mr. Thor, we can understand your mood, but the struggle between the two kings, if handled improperly, will inevitably cause new fire."

The guy who answered Thor was Richards. As the most intelligent mind on the planet, his words and deeds must have multi-level considerations.

However, the result of this negotiation surprised everyone.

Thor is an activist who believes in the principle that "practice is the only truth". After listening to Richards' eloquent analysis, he still insisted on his own ideas.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think we should do 077? 35'

Thor suddenly looked at Luo Bing, and Luo Bing was a little overwhelmed by Thor's sharp turn.

"Brother, can you please stop making trouble for me at this time..." Luo Bing muttered in his heart, but he couldn't show it.

Now that he has been brought to the table by his dear brother-in-law, Luo Bing can naturally make a difference.

"Everyone, I have an immature proposal, if you are willing to take the time to understand, I can say it for your reference.

Luo Bing seems extremely humble, how he hopes that at this time, someone can stand up and say "No!"

It is a pity, however, that this time, no one stood up to stop him, instead they all stared at the guy with expectant eyes.

"Mr. Luo Bing, you can speak freely, we will conduct a dialectical." Charles took the lead in welcoming, and the rest of the guys also gave affirmations.

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