Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 542 Ability is not for showing off

Another silent night, Luo Bing, who was in a comatose state, was woken up again by that annoying system.

A light blue light flickered, the system disappeared again out of thin air, and Luo Bing, who was stunned, also got up from the bed immediately and walked to the living room in a hurry.

"Thor, are you awake?" Luo Bing asked with concern.

"Mr. Luo Bing, Ability rewards are linked according to the difficulty of the task. That is to say, the more difficult the task is, the stronger the Ability will be obtained."

8 o'clock in the morning.

"Thor, forget what you just saw, and go back to the room. Luo Bing said with wide eyes, and the other party obeyed immediately.

"Sister, can't you show up at a normal time next time?

The three of them sat around the dining table, and everything was the same as usual. But in fact, only Luo Bing knows that the awakening of the new ability will inevitably mean new challenges.

"Yes." The system replied.

The landline in the living room suddenly rang, and this early morning call also officially opened the prelude to the big event.

"5.1 Yes, I paid attention to it when I was watching TV yesterday and wanted to try it out. You go and call Evelyn over and we'll take her to school after breakfast. 95

This kind of answer was obviously unacceptable to Luo Bing, but when he was about to ask, the other party took a step ahead of him and explained it directly.

And Luo Bing may be out of shame, he turned around immediately after being frightened, and used a blood wheel eye on Thor.

In order to avoid this situation, Luo Bing began to debug the mirror surface, he wanted to master the new switching mode, and then achieve the hidden effect.


Facing the appearance without warning, Luo Bing, who was already somewhat used to it, was not angry, but he couldn't help but complain.

As soon as the system's words were finished, Luo Bing, who was already tired, regained his energy. He widened his eyes, thinking in a serious and serious state.

The reincarnation eye is too conspicuous, even those who don't know its existence will pay more or less attention. And this kind of troublesome attention is obviously not what Luo Bing wants.

"Okay, okay, since you don't understand human language, then I have nothing to explain. What's going on this time?" "060" Luo Bing was speechless.

"Damn, then you didn't say so early, you wasted my time." Luo Bing muttered in dissatisfaction.

However, just as he walked down the stairs, he unexpectedly discovered that Luo Bing was smirking in the mirror and winking from time to time, just like Joker on the stage.

"It seems that the system is still useful." Luo Bing said with a smile, but in the next second after the joy, a new worry also followed.

The system's old tricks were repeated, causing Luo Bing to lose interest. He leaned back and simply lay back on the bed. Then he said in a boring tone: "Then let me open the eyes of reincarnation."5

"Dear host Luo Bing, since you have fulfilled the mission requirements, we will reward you with a power point, which you can choose according to your preferences.

When he found through the mirror that his eyes had indeed opened the eye of reincarnation, a very happy mood emerged spontaneously.

Thor, who looked demented, moved back into the house step by step, and the set conditions were not officially lifted until he lay back on the bed.

"Okay! Then I hope to get the ability of dimension shuttle. 35

"Okay, I'll go right now."

"Brother-in-law, do you want to debut?" Thor asked with a bewildered expression, he had never seen Luo Bing so funny...

Now coming to Thor in the living room again, the Luo Bing he saw was no different from usual. The guy is preparing breakfast like a parent.

"I'm sorry, I can't understand what you said, please correct the appropriate language for instructions."

As soon as this statement came out, the system immediately responded: "Okay, according to your request, we will now help you restore the Ability of Samsara Eye."

"Why did I lie down again?

"I'm very sorry, I can't recognize your request, please correct the appropriate language for instructions." The mysterious system with a female voice was still selectively answering.

"Sorry, your request is beyond the scope of the award. 35

Thor looked bewildered and muttered to himself. But this kind of thing is not a big deal for him, who is very nervous, so he doesn't have too much entanglement.

Thor, who was still awake, came to the living room. He wanted to find some food to satisfy his stomach, so as to relieve the alcohol he drank a lot yesterday.


"Well, brother-in-law, are you making steak?" Thor salivates.

After a while, Luo Bing suddenly raised his head to look up at the mysterious fantasy in front of him, and said, "Any powers are fine?

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