Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 539 Baron Stella

The old Finks, who regained his sense of "autonomy", immediately got in touch with the HYDRA organization. Since all the previous memories have been tampered with, he appears very natural.

With the release of the special wave frequency, the monitor that was continuously in the black screen state finally appeared some shaking.

"Finks? What's the matter with you?"

At the moment, the guy who talks to old Finks is not Red Skull, but Baron Stella, who is equal to the other party.

"What about Red Skull?" Old Finks asked alertly. He knew the internal structure of HYDRA very well, so he didn't want to communicate with Baron Stella.

"The guy has gone out, and there are some very difficult things that he needs to deal with, so I will be fully responsible for things in Europe and the United States."

Baron Stella's answer directly cut off Old Finks' plan. If he wants to continue to communicate with HYDRA, he must communicate with the other party.

And just when the old Finks was uncertain, Luo Bing, who was in the corner, simply manipulated him, so as not to make that Baron Stella impatient.

"Mr. Baron, do you know about the conflict between me and Stark Industries?" the controlled old Finks asked politely.

"Well, Red Skull already explained it to me when he left, what about that guy Helmut? Why didn't I see him."

With the issue of Baron Tesla, Helmut, who had always been in a controlled state, immediately appeared in the other party's field of vision.

"Mr. Stella, I'm here". Helmut said flatly.

"Very good, I didn't expect you to actually do it. At first, Red Skull sent you on a mission, and I was worried. Now, my worries are indeed superfluous."

Baron Tesla said with a laugh, his style is very bureaucratic, and at first glance he inherited the style of the Nazi era. And after he finished talking nonsense, he finally cut the topic to the point.

"Mr. Finks, I'm very sorry about your child. But the technology of Stark Industries, we can't lose it yet.

So I suggest you change your strategy and wait until the other party's core technology is fully controlled by us, and then it's not too late to do Stark. ""

"No, you are overthinking it. Stark Industry's technology has reached a bottleneck, and now they are under the control of the United Nations treaty, there is no way to specialize in research on weapons of mass destruction. 35 Old Finks immediately refused.

"Then you mean that the other party is no longer useful?" Baron Stella asked.

"Yes, that's what I meant. And I have something more important to tell you.


"Tony Stark has begun to doubt my identity, and if I continue to work with them, it will be revealed sooner or later.

As soon as these words came out, Baron Stella's face suddenly darkened. His Mimi opened her eyes, which were not very large, and then asked with an impressive tone: "Mr. Finks, are you sure?

"It's been a long time coming. That bastard brought trouble to me. Even if Tony Stark doesn't suspect me, the police will open a case for me."

Old Finks' answer completely calmed Baron Tesla's heart. For the emergence of such a situation, although I do not want to see it, it is not helpful.

For the HYDRA organization, the most important thing is to protect Norland Industries, otherwise, if it is taken away in one pot, the loss is simply incalculable.

"Finks, don't act rashly, I'll go to your place now, and then we'll plan together.

~Ok, everything is at your disposal. "

Baron Tesla hung up, and he immediately made arrangements for his trip to New York. As for the old Finks, when the guy was about to discuss with Helmut, Luo Bing immediately interfered with him.

The picture in the tunnel was still, and the old Finks and Helmut looked at each other, but they couldn't make any sound. The two of them were like broken dolls, waiting for repairs by professionals.

"Mr. Luo Bing, your ability is really convenient, Charles will definitely appreciate you very much.

Tony, who took off his disguise, immediately praised Luo Bing. But for Luo Bing, this doesn't mean anything good.

After all, in another world, keeping a low profile at all times is the correct way of life.

"Where, I've had to prepare for too long to be comparable to Charles. Let's put those things aside, let's think about how to deal with HYDRA."

Luo Bing deliberately diverted the topic, and Tony followed in that direction. After all, for Iron Man, eradicating the HYDRA organization that has been threatening the earth is what he should be concerned about.

"Mr. Luo Bing, I would like to hear your suggestion, and if it is feasible, we will implement it according to your plan.

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