Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 536 Rockwell Brainwashing Project

It's impossible for Tony not to know about HYDRA's prestige. As a member of the Illuminati, Tony has been working to destroy that evil organization.

So when he listened to Luo Bing's words, the whole person's nerves entered a state of tension. He kept looking at Helmut Zemo, hoping to find some useful information.

"Brother Tony, he has nothing to see. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask." Luo Bing said with a smile, he knew that his gift was very qualified.

"What's wrong with this guy's eyes?" Tony asked with a vigilant look, he wasn't naive enough to believe what the other party said.

When facing the guy's question, Luo Bing also kept an eye on it. He didn't want the other party to know his full strength, so he fabricated a little something in answering the question.

According to Luo Bing, he said that he is good at brainwashing such as Hypnotic Ability. With enough time, a simple catalysis can be done on a person. Although the Ability is not as good as Professor X, it is enough to handle most humans.

Tony was actually a little skeptical about such an answer. But since they have already drawn closer to each other, he is not willing to go into too much depth.

After some words, Tony Stark focused on Helmut Zemo again.

"What's your name?" Tony asked tentatively, and the other party responded immediately after hearing it.

As for the next few answers, they are basically not much different from Luo Bing's previous questions. So after some "interrogation", Tony's expression also became very ugly.

"Is this guy Finks really crazy!" Tony shouted angrily, but there was a trace of regret in his heart.

"Tony, you already know everything you need to know, there is no need to think about it for the other party. If you are still not reconciled, I have another way to confirm it. 39

Luo Bing's words gave Tony another direction of thinking, he fixed his eyes on the other party, and then asked eagerly: "What other way do you have to prove hypocrisy?

"It's so easy, just put a pinhole camera on this guy and I go on Hypnotic Ability on him and make him think I've been killed by him.

As long as he reports this false information to Finks, then the emotion revealed by the other party must be the most real. "

Luo Bing's countermeasures are extremely reasonable. Although there is some "fishing" feeling, this simple and rude method often brings people the most intuitive answer.

"Well, I hope the results won't let me down."" Tony agreed with Luo Bing's suggestion that he asked J.A.R.V.I.S to provide a high-end pinhole device for live video surveillance.

After a little while, everything was arranged. In order to avoid exposing his ability, Luo Bing deliberately spent a long time to brainwash that Helmut.

When Luo Bing's actions stopped, the brainwashing project was officially over, and the only thing left to do was to wait for the conversation between Helmut and Finks.

"Tony, my end is all ready, is there any problem with your end?" Luo Bing made a final confirmation in order to be foolproof.

.....for flowers...

"Don't worry, there's no problem at all." Tony responded quickly, absolutely confident about their Stark Industries technology.

"Okay, then let's wait and see.

Luo Bing controlled Helmut with the blood wheel eye. He first let the other party walk out of the interior of the Stark Industrial Building, and then restored his "freedom" in a relatively remote corner.


With the release of the restraint, Helmut really thought that he had really killed Luo Bing and others. He laughed happily, and searched for a video recorder on his waist, and the picture inside was exactly what Luo Bing and the others looked like when they died tragically.


"These few idiots who don't know how high or low they are, actually dare to resist me."

Helmut was talking to himself while admiring the footage on the video recorder. And not long after that, I imagined how happy Finks would be when he saw this scene.

"It's time to report to that old guy, he must be very gratified compared to him.

Helmut galloped all the way, and it didn't take long to reach the manor of the Finks family. He crossed the towering wall, followed a ghostly track, and came to the study of old Finks.

"Old Finks, you've finished getting rid of me." Helmut looked smug, and he wished he could have a look at the "site".

"Oh? Did you really kill those guys?" Old Finks put down the newspaper in his hand and pushed up the frame of the mirror on the bridge of his nose.

"It's natural, I even made a video for you." Xi.

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